Shooting Through Passable func_pendulum Created 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:04:14 UTC by Drek Drek

Created 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:04:14 UTC by Drek Drek

Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:04:14 UTC Post #61296
I downloaded a great prefab from Gamedesign and I am using it in a map. It is a search light that moves. The cone of light is a huge spike func_pendulum brush entity. Its properties are additive and passable. I can walk through the brush, but it stops bullets, so it isn't much use to me, although it looks terrific and I would love to be able to use it. Is there anything I can to to make bullets pass through it?
Posted 20 years ago2004-09-22 19:22:58 UTC Post #61298
The described situation is very unlikely.
Maybe it was just an optic fraud.
You could also upload the map to the problems vault, mostly this is more effective than describing the problem with words.

If this really happens, you've found out yourself that using prefabs is not very secure.
It's always better to build things from scratch, since you have full control of what you built, then.
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 06:50:24 UTC Post #61349
indeed, i won't say i haven't used prefabs, but i've never released a map that uses them, they can be useful for learning from, much like decompiling.. both having undesirable flaws and errors.

so just look at what makes up teh prefab, and try and make your own version. Also, check teh Not-Solid flag, or set up a func_train style scenario, in which you could make it totally illusionary.

plus you could make a random searchlight pattern, rather than just back and forth
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-23 17:48:41 UTC Post #61516
I could have sworn I already replied to this... This is a Natural Selection map. There is no Not-Solid flag on the fun_pendulum.

As for the prefab, I am new to mapping and this prefab was better than anything I knew how to do, in fact, it is still better than anything I would do now that I know how to do it. I might as well use the prefab and give the creator credit rather than creating something from scratch myself which would probably only be a copy that should, by all rights, also be credited.
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