no beam produced Created 19 years ago2004-09-26 20:27:04 UTC by JujitsuMan JujitsuMan

Created 19 years ago2004-09-26 20:27:04 UTC by JujitsuMan JujitsuMan

Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 20:27:04 UTC Post #62234
ok, here's everything i've done for these beams..

I've made five func_trains, there are 4 beams, all beams share a func_train, this is beam_end. 3 of the beam func_trains are beam1_start, beam2_start, and beam3_start. I set up three beams after that and beam1 uses beam1_start with an end entity of beam_end, same for next 2 except going up in entity (beam2_start, beam3_start...)
Now i have a fourth beam, with a start entity of beam_end and an end entity of beam4_end. I have them all set to start on and each func_train has all the path corners set up correctly and a trigger_auto for each that makes it move. so why won't the beams show up!
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 20:27:57 UTC Post #62235
lemme correct one thing, the func trains are beam1_start blah blah, the beams themselves are labled beam1, beam2, beam3, beam4
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 20:43:59 UTC Post #62241
plz answer
Posted 19 years ago2004-09-26 21:04:06 UTC Post #62249
Did you pick a color for the beams? The default is black (0,0,0) which doesn't show up in-game. Try picking blue and see if your beams will work then.
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