Bots CSS Created 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:23:37 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Created 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:23:37 UTC by lucky4444 lucky4444

Posted 19 years ago2005-01-29 22:23:37 UTC Post #86806
How do you make the map 'bot adapted'? I know what it means, i want to know how you got them to work.

It was mentioned in one of the comments for this map(the longest comment):
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 07:01:17 UTC Post #86907
I don't think you have to do anything special. Try, in a custom map, adding bots. I think the waypointing is autogenerated.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 20:12:49 UTC Post #87071
But the thing is, the bots spawn properly, they just don't move any farther the a few steps in any direction from where they spawn and only look in one direction.

If you want to see what I mean, then open the example map for CSS called lightmaps, select it and press CTRL+M and select scale and make it twice the size. Then, put the CT on the other side of the room, put in 3 more spawn points next to the current ones, then stretch on of the boxes that are in the map so they touch both sides of the map (splitting the Ts and CTs into thier own sides.
Then, make it so they have to zig- zag through the walls to get to each other:

CT | |
|     |
|     |    T
|     |

Then compile it and play and you should see what I mean if you followed what I said.

If you play the map without changing it (meaning you against one bot), The that one bot will work, it only doesn't work if I put more than one bot.

Please report here what you find.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-30 20:15:09 UTC Post #87072
Sorry, the picture didn't work.

The mean empty space.
Posted 19 years ago2005-01-31 21:37:52 UTC Post #87396
Has anyone tried it?

You can make a map with 2 seperate rooms that are connected by a hallway that zig zags in the middle (so the rooms can't see each other), put in spawn points for the teams in their own room, put a info_player_start, put in lights, put in env_cubemaps in, put buyzones in, hostages with Ts, hostage rescue point with CTs, info_nodes (for hostages), compile and play it (in CSS, of course). Then see that the bots don't work. If you try that, please post what the bots do here.

Sorry for triple post, but no one is responding or knows how to fix this and I want to keep this thread alive until it is answered.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 05:17:49 UTC Post #87422
So don't do that. Evidently the bots can't cope.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-01 23:09:15 UTC Post #87597
But they can't cope with anything except when it is only me with one bot. When I put them in facing the other way, they just spawn and turn around and look in only one direction.

Am I missing something, because all I do is put in spawn points for the teams in their own room, put a info_player_start, put in lights, put in env_cubemaps in, put buyzones in, hostages with Ts, hostage rescue point with CTs, info_nodes (for hostages). Nothing else besides building walls. Is there something else I need to do?
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 18:23:51 UTC Post #88013
Well if you think about it, the bots want to go to their waypoints right?
So when you have a path that zig zags like that they don't understand why they would go in a zig zag path when they can quite simply go directly to the other waypoint. When waypoints are created the tend to join to the closet other waypoints forming paths. The bots go from way point to waypoint. I this case you have paths that are being ubstructed by walls. You will need to do some manual wayoint editing to fix that. And I'm not sure how to do that in hl2 becuase I haven't really checked out how to delete waypoint paths in hl2 yet.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-03 20:02:52 UTC Post #88034
But they move, just theny only move a few steps one way then come back, then some more the other way and come back, and so on and so forth. And they only look in one direction unless they turn to shoot, in which when they can't see thier target any more they turn bback around. And I am not sure if you are right about that waypoint thing, because if it was true then there would be a special entitie or something.

If you click the link in my first post there is a map that works with bots, but the person who made it won't tell me or does not know how he did it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 00:16:29 UTC Post #88233
ok ok! here is your solution to your problem.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 00:34:36 UTC Post #88234
1) this is why your bots are bumping walls and acting stupid

first, as a rule in whatever rulebook is made into the dll of source:

once you play a cs:s map with bots (lets say, 14 bots) for the >>>FIRST<<<
time, it will automatically adapt the bots with the >>>CURRENT<<< walk space, vantage points, objective points, etc to the map memory, so once you are finished playing and you edit the map to make it more fun (ex. you put a third floor to a two floor building) then you compile.

you play it with bots and it wont adapt the bots anymore (why? because the map thinks it already has the current map layout), so the bots think your map wasnt edited after it was adapted. so the will obvioulsy think that there is no third floor when there is virtually a third floor. so they wont use the third floor.

how bout you put a room with no walls whatsoever.
you play it with bots.
it will adapt itself.
you edited the map by putting zig-zag walls.
you play it with bots.
the map didnt adapt because it already has a saved layout of the map.
(which is the old map layout before you edited it)
the bots think that there is no walls so they bump the walls trying to reach their enemy stupidly.

2) now for the solution.

go to my computer,
click on program files,
look for valve,
click on steam,
the on "steamapps",
click on your username,
click on the counter-strike: source folder
now scan the whole folder for any damn trace of any application with your map name and delete the heck of all it. (dont worry you wont delete your VMF because its in the sdk folder)

now that you delete stuff, you can edit your map and play it with bots and adapt itself with your >>CURRENT<< map layout. (because the map says that there is no A.I. on your map because you deleted the A.I. for the old layout. now it wil make a new A.I. layout. and TADA!! the bots became smart and can go through the zig zag maze or whatever complex map you have.

3) the problem is...

you will have to delete stuff everytime you want the A.I. to adapt itself to you current maps to overwrite the old A.I. layout.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 17:51:57 UTC Post #88366
Wow! Thanks, I will go try it.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 18:07:50 UTC Post #88370
I think the extension for the navigation files for the bots is '*.nav'.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 18:16:18 UTC Post #88372
Yes, I deleted the .nav file and when I played my map it made a new one and my map works now! Yippee! Thank you.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 19:53:34 UTC Post #88429
your welcome :cool:
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-05 20:04:00 UTC Post #88433
You may want to delete the ain file as well, but all you need to delete is the nav and ain, nothing else - Deleting everything with your mapname is a pretty bad idea, as you'll delete the BSP in teh process - It depends if you're deleting pre-compile or post-compile, I suppose.
RabidMonkey RabidMonkeymapmapmapfapmap
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-06 23:04:31 UTC Post #88627
But if you only delete the .nav file then it does not matter when.
Posted 19 years ago2005-02-08 21:03:40 UTC Post #89137
There should be a tutorial on so many things with Half-Life 2 And it's mods. This one should be a tutorial.
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