my first map Created 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:16:38 UTC by lzrs77 lzrs77

Created 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:16:38 UTC by lzrs77 lzrs77

Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:16:38 UTC Post #4778
hello i made my first map with the tutorial and now i trying to make the door,BUT i dont have the func_door entity and many others as i was reding thru the forums.although it appears in my game configurations in the deafult entityclass tab i cant find it when i click the toolbar entities,so where is it?
next question:how can i select only one piece out of a wall because with carving i spemd too much time to measure dimensions.
last question:what is allocblock:full
thx in advance if u can answer any of those :cool:
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:25:33 UTC Post #4779
Know that ther are two DIFFIRENT TYPES of entities? Point based entities, which do not actually take up any space, light lights, starting locations etc?.

And? BRUSH BASED! These include any entity that actually takes up space? like func_doors! To make one of these, just create a brush (make a simple cube) and right click on it to bring pup a menu. Select the "tie to entity button" and VOLIA!!! You now have a BRUSH BASED ENTITY!
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:39:32 UTC Post #4781
2nd Answer: After carving, the remaining shapes are automatically "Grouped". What you want to do is to ungroup them. To do this, select the jumble of joined brushes, and then click on the "ungroup" button in the upper toolbar. It's the picture of two blue cubes being pulled apart.
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 05:55:14 UTC Post #4783
Copied entirely from Tommy14 at
A tough one to figure out, vague error that usually shows up when you start the game or during compile, or even when WC/Hammer starts up - you have gone over the memory limit somewhere for some reason. It can be too little RAM (128M is about minimum), a leaf saw into leaf error, too long pathnames, too many textures, too big a level, too big or too many model/sprites, too big a wav sound file - or it could be that old "too many wads" mistake, a huge "noob" brush around the map to prevent leaks, too many SKY faces on hidden brush faces in the level - or even something else. Example: In early versions of NS, the 3D area info location entities were a major cause.

If it happens during compile, do not use WC/Hammer to "run" the map, but use a front end or batch file to compile with. You could also get more RAM.

(The following may still be handy, however be aware that Software mode allocates memory dynamicly, so it may automaticly seem to "fix" any error. Therefore the following info MAY lead you into a dead end:
Some brush-based entities have rendering properties that, when they interact in OpenGL/D3D video cards, they crash. Switch Half-Life to Software mode first, then load the map. If it loads you now know it is something that is handle different in software, then for Opengl/d3d check water, glows, additive, sprites, transparencies (illusionaries, windows, ect.), env_beams and so on.)

If it happens in opening a level in WC, it may be you have an animating model showing in one view. You must switch to single view instead of multiple, and try different ones until you get past it.
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 07:08:43 UTC Post #4785
Use clip tool instead of carving when you use 'weird' brushes (like arches)
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 12:49:33 UTC Post #4823
woah, this page got freaked by spoons qoute. real smooth, dips**t
Posted 20 years ago2003-11-15 14:23:53 UTC Post #4830
I sense a []RvB[/quote] viewer! Well done!
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
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