By this, I mean I'm trying to get wheel models from the game (not custom built ones) to be attached to vehicles (not Garry's way; mine would be permanently fixed on an axle). Whether or not they move is not a problem - I just want them to be able to roll when the vehicle is pushed via thruster, physics damage, etc. I've tried custom wheels locked into special axles, but it didn't work. I've also tried wheel-less attempts at making the vehicle move (it's a custom land vehicle) but it doesn't seem to want to slide, no matter what force is applied and no matter what the prop data/material is (It does respond to physcannon blasts...but that's no way to drive a car).

If anyone has any hunch on how to make spinning wheels using the in-game models - self-powered or not - I'd appreciate it if you could let me know. Thanks ever so much in advance.