env_beam... Typical but stuck on it... Created 19 years ago2005-06-21 16:45:57 UTC by Shaddy Shaddy

Created 19 years ago2005-06-21 16:45:57 UTC by Shaddy Shaddy

Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 16:45:57 UTC Post #115993
Damn it i`ve been mapping for quite a long time now, i had a few periods off and now i started again. Before goin down with my serious ideas for maps i decided to practice a little bit the technics i think i`m gonna need. So i came across the env_beam...
I`m trying the most simple thing probably... Just making a beam between two moving points, but it doesn`t seem to work. Very strange glitches i`ve seen ot my practice maps and after banging my head in the wall for almost a week now i decided to look for help here.

This is my map. Please spare a couple o` minutes to figure out what the hell`s wrong with the beams. And please don`t mind the poor design etc... It`s just a learning map after all...


Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 17:26:55 UTC Post #116002
Im to lazy to dl it... Explain the prob here
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 17:31:42 UTC Post #116004
you didnt put origin brushs in your fun_trains, without an origin brush it just doesnt work ANY solid you target with a laser or beam requires an origin.

Well, im off for tonight, goodnight people
38_98 38_98Lord
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 17:33:09 UTC Post #116005
There are no beams! Or the beams don`t point to the entities i set them to - instead they point to the center of the map itself. And when i check out the Entity Report and i "Go To" my func_trains i see that regardless of where i positioned them they are still in the center of the map. And their size is negative infinity. :(
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 17:57:21 UTC Post #116013
Cause they are emety(They are not tied to any brush)! :lol: Rebuild them!
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 18:15:19 UTC Post #116017
or... You've targeted them wrong :lol:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 18:27:12 UTC Post #116019
That`s just it - how do i "put origin brushes in my func_trains"?? :zonked:
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 18:34:23 UTC Post #116020
I've seen your map and the Func_trains are empty
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 18:35:47 UTC Post #116021
Yea so how do i do the trick?
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-21 18:37:27 UTC Post #116022
As for origins just create a brush in the middle of the train with the origin texture on it and tie them together(the train's brush and the origin) to the Func_train entity! ;)
Posted 19 years ago2005-06-22 04:43:44 UTC Post #116092
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