Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 10:11:45 UTCPost #122033
Hi.. Im looking for at good newbie tut on making cutscenes.. I wan?t to make the screen totalt black, and then fade into the world, text appear on the screen, etc etc..
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 10:15:30 UTCPost #122036
I'm not sure if there is a tutorial,
but I believe that you can do this using simple entities, or try and be creative (Such as using a camera where the player is, and having a black wall slowly dissapear in front of it, then have the camera turned off and you are inside of the player view, then using a simple message for the text).
This site has a great entity guide for HL that was put together by Andy.
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 10:38:36 UTCPost #122039
Thanks. But i dont lknow how to use these thing. i have no idead how to make the map start with a cutscene, how to make NPCs trigger sounds, how to make any of those things..
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 10:41:28 UTCPost #122041
i tjekked the example map. it didnt have a cutscene in the beginning. are there really no "Cutscene" tutorials anywhere? i saw a link here on TWHL to a Cutscene tutorial by Seventh Monkey, but the link was dead..
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 11:19:37 UTCPost #122047
Hehe. Yeah.. But im trying to make a cutscene in the beginning of my map. Heck i dint even know how to control a camera, and stuff like that.. And yes, i read the entity list..
Posted 19 years ago2005-07-19 11:29:00 UTCPost #122052
BTW.. When do what you say, nothing happens.. I chekked what i could find.. Noone has a cutscene tutorial? it cant be true.. :S ive seen cutscenes is so many maps..
The thing about cutscenes is that the entities used aren't perculiar to cutscenes. You use ordinary entities as you would elsewhere in a level. I remember finding it rather hard to get the hang of.