solid queries Created 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:36:51 UTC by Jax Jax

Created 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:36:51 UTC by Jax Jax

Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:36:51 UTC Post #6739
in my map i have some pillars with a breakable shell, cept the shell doesnt have a gibbing effect. maybe this is becos of the func_breakable has no solid or sumtin in problems? wot the hell does it mean wen it says not solid?
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:44:57 UTC Post #6745
lol, "not solid" means it's like a ghost. u can walk right through it, cant do much to it at all, really. Useful for light, or func_trains if you want moving water :P
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:47:22 UTC Post #6746
no but i want it solid but breakable but wen i break it it doesnt fly apart (gib)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 07:54:40 UTC Post #6749
then Use a func_wall toggle, when you trigger it it disappears, and when you trigger it again it appears,
or if you tick the start invisible flag, the first time you trigger it it appears etc...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 08:02:03 UTC Post #6755
i just want it to blow up! it cant be that hard i did it in my other map but this one has a problem
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 08:06:17 UTC Post #6758
Try making a new func_breakable. The default setting should work okay if you set the strengeth and material type to what you want.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 08:17:44 UTC Post #6762
yes i have done that but there is no material falling out when shot, its metal and has strength of 10 (atm)
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 08:33:36 UTC Post #6773
make it normal(to world) then entity it again, and try it.
the default strength is 1 and the default material is glass, odnt change those and try it.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 08:37:18 UTC Post #6775
nope, no luck, still no material falling to the ground
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 09:20:41 UTC Post #6780
Is the brush too narrow???. Happens to me that trying to break very little or narrow things i get no gibs at all. There?s a minimum size for this, depending on the gib, I think.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 11:04:57 UTC Post #6809
make a big block and try if u can make that breakable.
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 11:06:46 UTC Post #6810
yes i have worked out sumthin, i have changed it round a bit, see how it worked out...
Posted 21 years ago2003-12-06 17:42:33 UTC Post #6846
i've got a similar thing in one of my maps, but the problem is that i can't stop the pillar sides breaking up into breeze blocks!
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