adding models problem Created 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:05:40 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Created 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:05:40 UTC by Ansith Ansith

Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:05:40 UTC Post #141410
ok well ive been trying to add some models from a site that i got and i add the model into the test map in hammer (btw ive got 3.5) and the models show up on it and i compile it fine and then when it loads in the console i get an eroor saying:
Mod_numforname: valve/models/*the model im putting in*.mdl not found

ive tryed to fix this for a while and i couldent fix it, ive also when over the tut a few time but it dident help at all, could someone tell me how to fix it?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:47:11 UTC Post #141416
Place your models in your moddir.models directory. Like:


Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:48:45 UTC Post #141417
yeah they were all along
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 03:57:52 UTC Post #141418
did you replace them in the pak file corectly? :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:00:17 UTC Post #141419
place them in the pak file how do i do that?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:10:55 UTC Post #141420

What have you put in the model name field? 'valve/models/foo.mdl'? 'foo.mdl'?
Seventh-Monkey Seventh-MonkeyPretty nifty
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:13:41 UTC Post #141421

and as i said before it does view the model in hammer so how could it just be the name of the model
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:24:39 UTC Post #141422
doesn't the game take the models from the pak file seventh? :quizzical:
valve/models/*modelname* is so that you can see the models in hamer rendered in stead of cyan rectangles, if the models are not in the pak file with the name of the old one you get errors" could not load" :quizzical:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:29:27 UTC Post #141424
Yes but it's the same as placing them in the mod directory. Gunman doesn't have a pak at all! ;)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:31:45 UTC Post #141425
ooo ok :cyclops:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:32:00 UTC Post #141426
aw crap i just lost most the stuff that i did to my map, but back on topic

do i have to have a mod directory to use new models or?....
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 04:49:41 UTC Post #141427
If you use custom models, yes.

As for the model field propertie, always enter this:


It always starts with models/
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 05:12:31 UTC Post #141430
oh ok thanks ill try it out :D
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 05:53:06 UTC Post #141436
ok ive got another problem that i dont have a clue how to the models the ones ive added it was the kate and braniel models from ambient.generice andi need them to respond back to me and they dont they just stand there doing idle loops which they should normaly but i need to get them to be able to talk back and stuff like that how would i be able to do this?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 06:56:40 UTC Post #141443
You need to write custom code.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:02:23 UTC Post #141445
let me guess thats hard right?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:03:12 UTC Post #141446
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:06:25 UTC Post #141447
aw that sucks.....and i really wanted those models to be in there, oh and also how would i get the gonome to attack would that be the same or what?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:19:51 UTC Post #141449
Well, if you want the gonome to work in your map, you have to make your own mod directory and use the OppFor dll for that.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:24:12 UTC Post #141450
oh ok i see ive got the mod dierctory will i have to get rid of the hl.dll?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:26:12 UTC Post #141451
What ever you do don't remove/change the dlls in valve/dlls or valve/c_dlls :tired:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:28:02 UTC Post #141452
yea i know not to change them or i have to reinstall hl :P
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 07:45:11 UTC Post #141453
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 08:09:30 UTC Post #141456
hmmmm i dont really know where to look ...well i cant really find it but oh well
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 08:34:07 UTC Post #141458
ive got the models working i just want my barneil and kate to respond to me when i prees e on em
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 08:57:44 UTC Post #141462
They need code for that!
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:06:24 UTC Post #141475
Yea.. They're only models with no AI, if you place them as a monster_furniture or a cycler_sprite.
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:15:44 UTC Post #141479
I don't know much about theses things, but can you not open the fgd, copy the barney section and replace the model bit with your model?

Or maybe add a new skin to the barney model?

I'd like to know if thats possible for mine!

Edit-> just tried it out, I think it might work...
Add this:
@PointClass base(Monster,TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/barney.mdl") = monster_barney : "Barney" []
Just replace all instances of barney with your model name.

Testing it in game to see it he acts like one...
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:31:23 UTC Post #141481
Well if the model has all the actions as the real barney and if you get the size of the other model right - it should work
Daubster DaubsterVault Dweller
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:36:43 UTC Post #141482
I'm not sure but maybe this is what you're searching for!?
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:42:56 UTC Post #141486
ARGH! Coding!
lol, I got to learn it sometime...

Anyways adding:
@PointClass base(Monster,TalkMonster, Sequence) size(-16 -16 0, 16 16 72) studio("models/barns.mdl") = monster_barns : "Barns" []
even though barns.mdl was a copy of barney.mdl, it showed in worldcraft as a blue box, and didn't show in game at all :zonked:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:50:15 UTC Post #141488
I should look in wavelenghs too if I want to give my H.E.V grunt an AI!! :tired: Anyway I can't do a thing cause of urban who hasn't finished with that model... :tired:

I worked with model a bit and it doesn't take so long to add a few weapons and fix the model a bit! :furious:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 10:51:45 UTC Post #141489
Doh, different model names. :)

BUT! I once coded Otis into my project. I can do it for you but it'll take time. :)
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 11:04:04 UTC Post #141497
I want to give the monster an egon(really important),a pistol and a gauss(tau cannon) in addition to all the stuff the grunt had. I want it to have the grunt AI only when it has the egon gun it shoots at the place you were in 0.2 seconds ago(just like in quake2) so it will probebly wont be so easy. :(

Urban made that model but he didn't do a thing but change the body so it didn't fit the skeleton so the hands was always open also he didn't edit the animations so the hands were in the guns... :cry: He didn't even remove the other 3 heads so the model had 4 head that are the same. :nervous:
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 19:40:58 UTC Post #141554
i was just wanting to know its kinda going back but no one answered my question can you have multiple dlls in the dlls folder like hl.dll and oppfor.dll in there at the same time because if you can i can get em to work then
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-14 19:46:14 UTC Post #141555
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 05:39:44 UTC Post #141586
That won't work. :)

Metamod is a plugin manager and cannot handle actual game dll's.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 05:48:50 UTC Post #141587
i know what i need to get the models to talk and stuff but i don't know how to set it up, all i need is the things they used in azuresheep to work with my mod
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 06:45:08 UTC Post #141592
Just to clarify a few things:

1) Models in a mod directory (e.g.: sierra/half-life/cstrike/models/) get a priority above pak files. If the game can't find the needed model in the model directory, then it'll look for it in the pak file. (Obviously, if you're working with a mod folder structure, then it'll first look at that mod its model directory, then at the mod its pak file (if it has one) and then at the Half-Life model folder and pak file.)

2) To insert custom models, you do not need a mod directory! A HLDM map can easily have models inserted. Just make sure the model is placed in the appropriate map. (For HLDM that would simply be: sierra/half-life/valve/models/)

And to help answer your question: can you specify exactly what you're trying to do here? Thus, what's the name of the model, how are you trying to implement it (monster_generic, monster_furniture, etc.), where the map is situated (in a mod folder, or where?) and how you're trying to open your map. (Just with vanilla Half-Life or through your mod?)

Lastly it's important to know if you're running Steam and if yes, if you've configured VHE for that appropriately.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 06:47:38 UTC Post #141593
I think he wants a genome in Hl1! :
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 06:51:49 UTC Post #141598
ok well what it is , its a kate and barniel high definition model from AI and i want them to act like the ones in azure sheep, ive got a mod folder because im doing this for my mini mod (silent death), so yea

EDIT: and im putting it in by monster_generic, not running steam and im running through my mod mostly but i do compile then play throu the hammer thingo
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 09:01:16 UTC Post #141614
Okay, that explains a lot! When I first read this thread, I was more under the impression that you wanted to insert a prop model in HL1 (such as, let us say, a car). Inserting the actual models is very easy, making use of an ambient generic. (Or in the case of not living props: monster_furniture.) The problem is though, that this doesn't copy the AI the monsters have. For this, you'll have to copy the Azure Sheep dll files into your mod and, equally as important, put these monsters in your map using the Azure Sheep fgd file!

I don't know if Azure Sheep came with such files so you'll have to look for those yourself. My guess is that the fgd file wasn't made publically available and thus if you want to include the Azure Sheep models and their AI, you'll need to ask those files from the Azure Sheep team. (That, and of course their permission to use their material, as its copyrighted.)

Another problem is that, even if you get the Azure Sheep code, then you also want to include the Genome monster. This is conflicting as you can only use one dll file. What you'll have to do is, somehow, obtain the source code for both mods and then implement that into one dll file and one fgd file. So yeah, there'll be quite a bit of coding involved.

And implementing the models should just work if they're in the riht directory. Just make sure that when your map is in your modfolder (for instance: sierra/half-life/silentdeath/maps/) and in the map you've got the model from this path: sierra/half-life/valve/models/ then it won't work. This is because it'll then look for a folder called sierra in your silentdeath directory. The solution is to place the models from the valve models folder into your silentdeath model folder and refer to the model as models/modelname.mdl in your map. Of course, they'll still stand still, going through idle animations, as they still have no AI.
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 09:20:02 UTC Post #141621
hmmmm, well the models ill have to ask of romokas permission from ambient.generic because the models are his but i don't know about the azure sheep team hmmm, ill have a look through the mod folder and the dll for azure sheep are just the hl one...strange i shall work this out
Posted 18 years ago2005-10-15 09:34:35 UTC Post #141625
hmmm i dont know wat to do about this ,i know i cant code for crap ,so i guess i wont be able to get them to talk back to me :cry: :cry: :cry:
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