Crazy clip brush Created 18 years ago2005-12-15 21:55:15 UTC by LlamaRama3 LlamaRama3

Created 18 years ago2005-12-15 21:55:15 UTC by LlamaRama3 LlamaRama3

Posted 18 years ago2005-12-15 21:55:15 UTC Post #152529
Is it possible to make a clip brush that will affect func_pushables, but not the player? The situation is that I have a func_water bordered with sloping walls. If I push the pushable against the walls and shoot them they sail up into the sky..., so I want a clip brush to give the walls a straight edge for the crates, but not for the player. To be honest I'm not sure if this one's fixable, but if anyone's got any ideas I'd be grateful. I like my sloping walls and don't want to get rid of them. I will supply the RMF if desired.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-15 22:23:27 UTC Post #152530
Do the sloping walls touch the bottom surface? You could try making one part of the walls vertical and the other one with a slope, with just the right measure for the player to use them.
sloped part
............................................   water ?
 |      vertical
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-15 22:23:33 UTC Post #152531
Edit: Just read KasperG's post.
He's right. The player will 'float' over obstacles below a certain height, while pushables will be stopped even by 1 unit high borders.
This should work.

HL has three different clipping hulls:
1. Player sized hull. This hull is extruded from the actually visible stuff. This way the player can be treated as a point for collsion-determining, instead of a box. The old extrusion algos were quite buggy - maybe you remeber those 'sticky edges'.
2. Player ducked sized hull. Same like above, but for the player when he's crouched.
3. Point hull. This hull is as large as the stuff you see. It's used for point-sized object to determine collision. Bullets, snarks, beams etc.
(hull no. 0 is the visible hull)

For any pushable object, you can decide which of these 3 hulls it will use.

Here comes the tricky part:
The clip brush affect both player hulls, but leaves the point hull unchanged. Normal walls affect all hulls.
So you could do exactly the opposite.

One possibility:
Make the slopes obstruct nothing, by either using translucent textures (start with @), or use func_illusionaries.
Then use clip brushes to model the sloped hull for the player.
Make the func_pushable use the point hull. BUT this will cause the crate to partially intersect with walls.
This will only work if the walls for the crate are covered by the walls for the player.

Other possibility:
I'm not sure if this works.
You can define a certain hull-file to be used instead of letting the compile tools create it.
Make a map with the hull for the crate and one with the hull for the player. Then find the hull files and see if you can mix them. If you can define one hull file for each hull, you can skip the mixing step.

It's very tricky, but maybe it works.

If not you'll have to find a different way to do it.
Posted 18 years ago2005-12-15 22:54:37 UTC Post #152534
Thanks Kasperg. I think I will just make them only partially sloped near the top, to stop the crates riding up them. And thanks for the ideas hazardous, unfortunately the crates are clipping into the walls already and it looks pretty bad, so I won't use the first one! And it's not vital enough to make me want to go messing with hull files... I'll just moderate my walls slightly. I should be posting the map I'm working on soon- look out for it. Thanks again.
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