Felix The Third
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- Name
- Felix Karakazov
- Joined
- 18th January 2007 (17 years ago2007-01-18 20:42:16 UTC)
- Last Visited
- 16 years ago2008-05-16 20:26:18 UTC
- Occupation
- Student
- Interests
- Mapping. Psychologizing stuff.
- Location
- Spain
- Birthday
- 01/01
- Skills
- Mapping
Right, ok. Biography. For you. Because you wanted it.
17. Madrid. Spain. High school.
Mapper. Half-Life. Shoot things. Mess with minds.
I like typing 'bow chicka wow wow'.
Mapper since I was 12. hoooo
Some coding experience, but not enough to consider myself to be able to code. Not enough money for a model-making program.
There you go.