
Half-Life HL
Minimicus by SlayerA
Posted 20 years ago2003-09-08 19:01:57 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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SlayerA SlayerA
Mod files
20 years ago2003-09-08 19:01:57 UTC
6 years ago2017-12-05 08:23:48 UTC
5.00 (15)
full star full star full star full star full star Download

My first Half-Life Single-Player Add-on! Unzip and place the entire MINIMICUS folder into your Sierra/Half-Life folder. Then open Half-Life and activate MINIMICUS using the Custom Games menu option. More info available in the readme file.


Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 01:20:38 UTC Comment #176
/me (starts) trying it...
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 02:03:59 UTC Comment #177
Whoa! NICE! This map is amazing! Get it! !
Great, getting that idea and actually connecting it in some way, as opposed to lots of other similar CS maps :)
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 02:19:10 UTC Comment #178
Can't wait to try this out!
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 02:20:21 UTC Comment #179
The download time's pretty good for its size as well. 10 minutes for 3.15 megs? Great! On my computer anyway.
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 07:16:15 UTC Comment #181
4/5. Good, sorry, excellently done. I don't like the atmosphere much, but this has some brilliant things in it. Very well done!
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 07:46:26 UTC Comment #182
This rocks.... great little adventure is FABBBBBBB
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 10:02:43 UTC Comment #183
Very nice! I particularly like the sequence where the alien (cant remember its monster_name) is microwaved. Genius.
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 11:17:22 UTC Comment #184
Im just gunna test it now. Bear in mind i don't like many hL mods though
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 11:35:06 UTC Comment #185
Genius! Pure Genius!
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 16:12:16 UTC Comment #186
i swear as soon as bt internet works i will Download this map it looks cool !!
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-09 23:44:56 UTC Comment #189
Truly entertaining at moments. The living room was a tough nut to crack. I was very impressed with the way you handled the special little touches like the laser sign off at the end. All in all very true to the half life genre. Also a first, if I may say, "rats styled" single player. Nice job.
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-10 01:44:53 UTC Comment #191
Yeah, my favourite bits were the microwaving (rofl) and the "The End" :)
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-10 16:57:12 UTC Comment #192
Yes good work, what more can I
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-10 16:58:16 UTC Comment #193
say ?
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-11 13:19:00 UTC Comment #195
this map is exelent, ond i bet it was a pain trying to get the scale right for when youre ''small'' and ''big'', hane you tried experimenting with some of spirit's features?
they could make the map even more interesting... but great map non the less, made me recall some nice moments form niel manke's USS Darkstar, another must play..
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-11 14:05:54 UTC Comment #196
very good nice texture work and some interesting ideas
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-11 14:07:33 UTC Comment #197
very good nice texture work and some interesting ideas
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-18 02:23:31 UTC Comment #234
The end was amazing and I'm sorry I gave it a 4 before, it now gets a 5 (I saw the light...)
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-20 10:14:46 UTC Comment #237
this just gave me an idea 4 a map. if it actually goes anywhere (unlikely) i'll put in a mention of this little gem.
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-20 10:15:08 UTC Comment #238
i just realized. i said "little"
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-27 16:13:34 UTC Comment #252
Hehehe love 'The end' being marked onto the wall :)
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-30 15:08:45 UTC Comment #274
Really good-very good mod-ending was cool. Liked the bit where the Bigmomma got microwaved!
Commented 20 years ago2003-09-30 15:09:11 UTC Comment #275
I gave it 5 stars.
Commented 20 years ago2003-10-08 19:52:29 UTC Comment #298
Hey, great map for me, running a 1998 computer, P166MMX, 128MBR with a 3d graphics card....a real turtle in this age. Keep up the talent!!
Commented 20 years ago2003-10-09 12:53:02 UTC Comment #303
Great map, downloaded it :D.
Commented 20 years ago2003-10-21 18:09:09 UTC Comment #346
Great Map SlayerA! Keep up the good work=)
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-02 18:19:00 UTC Comment #395
Awesome job, hope to see more!
Commented 20 years ago2003-11-20 01:16:43 UTC Comment #449

Very nice!
Too short!
Sweet maps!
A sequel?
I also loved "The end" being marked on the wall!
Great mod!
Good to see someone do singleplayer!
Commented 20 years ago2003-12-09 21:34:03 UTC Comment #540
errr i doesn't work, y does't it work?
Commented 20 years ago2003-12-11 22:39:18 UTC Comment #551
It works fine. Over 1300 downloads (from several sites) so far! Send me an e-mail at and I'll see if I can help to get it working for you.
Commented 20 years ago2003-12-23 23:48:06 UTC Comment #600
F**KING AWSOME!!! I LOVE THIS!!! Keep up the good work!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-03 19:38:21 UTC Comment #683
That was sweet!!!

Better than I could ever do. Makes me know How bad I've done at map making the whole time i've done it.
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-17 17:33:01 UTC Comment #765
This would be a good single player for the Rats-Mod.
Commented 20 years ago2004-01-17 17:33:46 UTC Comment #766
This would be a good single player for the Rats-Mod.
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-26 22:08:39 UTC Comment #1110
Why'd you post it twice?
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-26 22:09:12 UTC Comment #1111
Why'd you post it twice?
Commented 20 years ago2004-02-28 01:36:31 UTC Comment #1117
Three thumbs up!
(I come from a long line of mutants)
Commented 20 years ago2004-03-13 15:52:25 UTC Comment #1232
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-13 15:41:40 UTC Comment #1607
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-25 14:52:09 UTC Comment #1689
AWESOME DUDE, THIS MAP ROCKS!!! I WISH I COULD DO THAT CAMERA WORK AND SCRIPT SOMETHING SO FUNNY(in that sense). ABSOLUTELY AWESOME, AND IT COMES WITH A CHALLENGE, i just want to know how you made the chopper appear proportionate to the house, but this map ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-02 10:30:04 UTC Comment #1765
WHAAAAAAAAAA!!!!! Behold the greatness of SlayerA!!!!!!!
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-04 16:07:28 UTC Comment #1788
Franky, he made a tutorial on how to make a giant level ages ago.
Commented 20 years ago2004-06-23 13:53:52 UTC Comment #2456
This map rocks! The cutscenes are done greatly!
Commented 19 years ago2004-07-28 11:53:31 UTC Comment #3008
beautiful is the only word i can use to describe it. beatuiful
Commented 19 years ago2004-09-11 19:47:48 UTC Comment #3897
When i first saw this map i thought it would be a good learning experiance to mapping, but when i read the other comments and downloaded it, i realized there was a lot more in the level then i thought.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-04 16:24:19 UTC Comment #4260

+all round greatness
+very slick
+it was amusing too, kept me smiling
+really well thought out and executed
+you rock

This needs 6 stars.
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-10 05:14:22 UTC Comment #4388

SlayerA ...... your my hero.

That was by far the best single player map I have ever played !!!!! There wasn't a single 'bad' part about it !

Such good scripting should be illegal ! and "THE END" brought a tear to my eye.

Very well done, keep producing
Commented 19 years ago2004-10-18 00:22:56 UTC Comment #4568
ahhhhh haaaaaaa... what a mind! 5 stars :)
Commented 19 years ago2004-11-06 14:48:56 UTC Comment #4973
Great map. Short one, but with a great idea!!! 5 starz
Commented 19 years ago2005-01-11 03:22:49 UTC Comment #5592
Commented 19 years ago2005-03-31 14:18:39 UTC Comment #6486
HOLY $#!+ !!!! U're a wiz...... :o
Maaan, how do ya' do somethin as goo as this????? :o
Commented 19 years ago2005-05-16 05:03:38 UTC Comment #7288
great story,! ;)
Commented 18 years ago2005-08-03 05:53:03 UTC Comment #8407
The greatst work that I've ever seen!
Commented 18 years ago2005-08-07 13:40:48 UTC Comment #8489
OMG it's awesome!
Commented 18 years ago2005-08-10 08:06:42 UTC Comment #8543
Commented 18 years ago2005-08-18 00:26:58 UTC Comment #8617
Absolutely fantastic and a riot of fun to play.
Commented 18 years ago2006-05-15 16:25:20 UTC Comment #11883
Rating five once again.
One Word: Superb!
Commented 17 years ago2006-08-03 01:33:15 UTC Comment #12726
Commented 17 years ago2006-09-03 22:03:16 UTC Comment #12946
Everything thats been said a thousand times already. ;)
Commented 16 years ago2008-01-12 12:38:04 UTC Comment #16230
Two years later- a comment. >_>

The concept and mapping were perfect- it was original, it was funny, the camera work was great. Hands down, best map I've played in a while.
Commented 14 years ago2009-08-08 08:50:33 UTC Comment #5690
I played it a while back- Great, love it.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-26 01:13:55 UTC Comment #18129
Maybe late for the inauguration party, but what the hell. That was great.
Commented 13 years ago2011-06-02 11:33:01 UTC Comment #19187
I never rated?? Blasphemy! Also, I just noticed... "My first Half-Life Single-Player Add-on". HIS FIRST. He was a born natural, dammit!
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-28 18:50:07 UTC Comment #20270
Fun, challenging and surprising map.
Commented 10 years ago2013-09-26 15:53:01 UTC Comment #19889
Wow, Looks awesome.
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-10 04:48:49 UTC Comment #21112
Yup, ol' Minimicus is still a quality little mod. The mapping is perhaps not as globally flawless as I remember it being, but there's still some fantastic entity work and nice details. The concept is still strong, too.

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