A terrible map using The Core's textures.
Unofficial entry for the RUNTHINKSHOOTLIVE.COM Bridgeville challenge (July 2017)
Playing this map back now, it's really not got a lot going for it. It's far too dark and cramped throughout, making movement and combat frustrating. The intention was to make an unofficial map for RTSL based around a bridge and then fold that map neatly into The Core.
I can confirm that this map will NOT be appearing in The Core.
- Custom map (includes JMF files for J.A.C.K)
- Custom textures/decals
- It puts the "BTG" directory in the "Half-Life" directory.
- It restarts Steam.
- It launches "Bridge The Gap" from the list.
- All custom content by Urby/Archie of SnCGames
- Everything else by Valve Software
NOTE: Please do not use/edit without contacting me first
- TWHL.INFO for almost everything I know about mapping.
- J.A.C.K for just being an all round awesome tool.
- Valve Software for making one of the greatest games of all time... Maybe start making games again soon?
- The obligatory "YOU," just because.
Combat is on the light side, but paced and balanced well for the exploration focus the map has - You never get bored, but you also never feel overwhelmed or like the map is constantly throwing new enemies at you.
Brushwork and textures are, as always, given that SnC polish that makes me super jealous. Somewhat dull lighting aside, map looks damn good, though I'd recommend toning down the amount of lens flare/corona sprites by cast lights, because while they add some visual noise, none of those bulbs are bright enough to actually produce flares unless you're looking through a lens that was smeared with petroleum jelly and then pounded into the dirt.
I swear I have seen the video of this map and a few other, but they have been removed??..
Sorry, if I am wrong..