Ode to Lockdown.
Because everybody needed a project to keep them sane during Lockdown 3.
Ever since I started mapping I've wanted to make a tribute to two of the most memorable maps from my childhood -
PadGarden and
PadKitchen, both played endlessly on Elite Force.
The end of the world came about, and I finally found the time to do it. This is the room that I have spent ungodly hours in during the 2020/21 global pandemic.
Working from home, playing games & having hobbies which all take place in a digital space made this room a bit of an endless cycle for me. It wasn't until my girlfriend pointed it out that I realised just
how much of my day was spent in here. So I spent a whole lot
more time in here building it in HLDM. Genius.
But look, I made you some content. Daddy made you your favourite, open wide.
Here comes the content; It's a beautiful day to stay inside.
In true World of Padman fashion, there are plenty of little interactive secrets and doodads to press or kill your enemies with.
Also worth noting that I made peace with the LOD at a very early stage. If you still get upset about wpolies in 2021, this is not the map for you.
Big thanks to the TWHL discord for helping me troubleshoot a few problems, namely:
And the following discord MVPs for testing:
And forever thanks to Urby, Scoots, Pebs, Strideh, Jessica & AJ for constantly being heartfelt, talented arseholes who I've come to get all soppy about having in my life because pandemics make you take stock.
Also thanks Anna for putting up with me.
Development Time? - 3 months on and off
Lighting how??? - Vluzacn's wonderful tools, 0.5 scale textures + 12x scale geometry
Detail how??? - Flagrant disregard for Goldsource's limits or the gameplay consequences therein
Why didn't you put this time to better use like working on The Core? - Shut up, Urby
Archie are you going to shower today? - Shut up, Anna.
Oh yeah, good map or something.
Jump pads were always a big element of the padmaps that this is inspired by, so they were always going to be included!
Map is alright, I guess. 1 star.
Brilliant texture work and lighting, great original ideas all around just wow.
I spotted two g502 lightspeed boxes ;p can I assume this mouse is good but also has defects often? That is my experience with them at least.