
Half-Life HL
Issues by Issues Team
Posted 20 years ago2004-04-06 22:57:22 UTC • Completed • Half-Life
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Issues Team Issues Team
Mod files
20 years ago2004-04-06 22:57:22 UTC
20 years ago2004-04-06 22:57:50 UTC
5.00 (1)
full star full star full star full star full star Download (Hosted Externally)

Issues started out as the sequel to "Project Quantum Leap" but quickly evolved into something a bit different. Various people from the Half-Life community have worked on this project, both regulars and newcomers, and together we've once again created an incoherent map pack bound together by a strong plot.

It's unlike any other Half-Life mod. Will you be able to resolve all the Issues?
Run, Shoot, Jump, Think, Shoot, and love every minute of it.


Commented 20 years ago2004-04-06 23:06:22 UTC Comment #1518
If you can not download it from the link above, check out the news page for the two other download mirrors.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 07:18:00 UTC Comment #1520
Well I think I'll comment first. The first section before coming to the big room with the scientists are pretty average. However, once I arrived at the big room I began to see the greatness of this mod! However, thats all I've done so far. Luckily school ends tommorow so I can play it!
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 09:15:14 UTC Comment #1521
hmm, i donwloaded a corrupt file, not really waiting to try it again, still i want to see the work kol did(ore ws that a other mod?)
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 12:02:10 UTC Comment #1522
Damn, I couldn't resist shooting the emergency air thingies, and now i die there :(
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 13:04:44 UTC Comment #1523
I can't play's far too nig...and blackie's on holiday. I'll get him to burn it onto a CD when he gets back.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 13:05:22 UTC Comment #1524
Um, that should be big, not nig.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 14:41:05 UTC Comment #1526
Hmmm an error:
Host_error: Ev_Precache: file is missing from server.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 14:49:08 UTC Comment #1527
Hmmm all SC files is missing.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 15:47:58 UTC Comment #1528
play it in regular hl not steam
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 16:11:46 UTC Comment #1529
Im playing it on the regular HL!
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-07 21:26:09 UTC Comment #1530
I played it through completely and I gotta say some pieces are absolute trash but some parts are great :D .......there were some parts thatyou obviously shouldn't of included but there were others I'm really glad you seems like the lagacy map is a little bit of a previes to nightwatch :D

Oh yeah overall I'd say it is absolutetly amazing and crap at the same time cause the standard of work changes all the way through heavily......

Oh yeah and I also had the problem with the air tank.....but I used god mode for that part

.....and one more annoying buy was the ghost sailor stopped in the middle of walking to his location so I had no idea where to go I just ran around exploring till I found a transparent wall :D................oh yeah plus you should of made the ghost soldier not solid so I could walk through him and not hit him :D...........oh yeah one other funny thing about that map was, I was able to smash all the room mates at the start of the map with the crowbar and they had yellow blood and gibs...........and I could beat up the guy doing exercises in the corridor the same way :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-10 14:08:49 UTC Comment #1560
hmm, i stopped playing after 10-20 minutes becauseo f the very poor quality of the maps. os the beginning is very bad and ugly, i hope the rest of the mod will be of higher quality
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-10 15:42:26 UTC Comment #1567
Thanks for the comments so far.

But i don't think its fair to call maps poor when you can't do better yourself ;)
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-11 22:16:11 UTC Comment #1591
Well, My MOD is coming, so it will be a good comparison.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-11 22:16:49 UTC Comment #1592
OH, and I'm using a map from it for "The Project", or will it look wierd to have the same map in two MODs?
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-12 14:26:30 UTC Comment #1595
hey kol believe me I can map a lot better than a lot of those maps...maybe not the one that looked like nightwatch though :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-12 16:27:06 UTC Comment #1600
why not join the project then?
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-12 16:45:56 UTC Comment #1601
maybe later...I got a few maps currently in development at the moment
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-14 19:34:23 UTC Comment #1622
This is a now or never type of thing
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-14 21:07:25 UTC Comment #1623
OK... I'm stumped and the website doesn't have any clues. What's the deal with the Oxy tanks? They make noise but I still drown, what am I missing?
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-15 16:53:46 UTC Comment #1628
k I'll join if its not to late me at
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-15 16:54:45 UTC Comment #1629
oh and crash just turn god mode on for that isn't designed to well...heh ...thats what I did anyway....+ I think u can use the tanks by holding use on them :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-17 04:43:11 UTC Comment #1642
hey kol. have you ever played the begining yourself?? it looks crappy. i had expected much better when i saw the screenies you made. thats why i lost interest about playing 20 minutes. although the credits are nice made, really
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-17 14:54:42 UTC Comment #1645
As has been said before, some maps were of poor quality but some are really good. Legacy was definitely the best visual map. Also, the WW1 map was really a different setting that I liked... and how the scientist finally showed up... made me smile... :)
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-23 16:54:23 UTC Comment #1676
The map "base" (That map with the garg which doesn't attack you) is awful, but "subzone" was excellent (Well done kol! I shot the airtanks and died, but I eventually completed it), and "casa" was cool...that's all I've played. Four stars due to the bad quality of some maps.
Commented 20 years ago2004-04-24 12:12:46 UTC Comment #1680
Yeah the 1st and last maps were the worst made of the lot im my opinion...the last one appeared half finished and I used a grenade jump to reach the end at the countdown :D
Commented 20 years ago2004-05-31 19:15:07 UTC Comment #2163
LINK IS DEAD - need config file
Commented 15 years ago2010-01-04 15:29:03 UTC Comment #4313
found a mirror on ModDB:

Can a vault mod update the download link?

I would caution anyone to judge the whole mod based on a single map, as this mod is made up of several, separate maps all of varying quality and length! (when you enter the first "hub" from the start map, you have a choice of 4 maps to play)

Looking at the map list, there seems to be 12 original maps you can play, all varying levels of quality and length and by different authors:
Arctic Lab(start maps (3))
hug (hub map #1)
hub1 (hub map 2)
isedits(neat credits map)
losttime(3 maps)
subzone(4 maps)
xenpit(2 maps)


By Arbron Issarooth

+I Like the splash! =)
!no splash music =(
+Mod title with trigger_cam is nicely done
!nice begininng if not a little blocky/simple it is(2004 the age of this shows.. =))
!no autosaves is fail.
+gametexts of authors at beginning is a nice touch
-doors are only set to trigger once, so if you miss a door you have to start the whole mod over again. =(
-overuse of env_sounds are deafening me =)
+wow, crystalline thing in the test chamber looks really cool =)
!I wish the top of the chamber was transparent so you could see what was happening

By Kol

The first map i happened to start with (and also appears to be the biggest) is Subzone (though you may end up with a different first map, depending on which door the player enters...).

+LOVE the momentary doors in subzone
+Nice timed expolsions/events with debris and sound
+sequence with the pipe breaking out of the wall, but i have to say i was expecting more, like an indiana jones flood or something come down the ramp to get me, but i'm sure it will make sense after i play on. =)
+fun gameplay and thoughtful scripting so far
!when you walk into by the rotary room and here the scientist saying he "can't hold on" i can finally see he was up top (i could never figure out where he was with no cue to look up..)
+even though things are a bit blocky and the texturing is pretty basic in general, there is still some very nice detail and props in the subzone areas
+Nice use of sprites, sounds, and other effects so far
+Nice use of origianl HL tracks
!got stuck on one of the doors spinning the control valves... noclip saves the day =)
+nice touch with cycling the switchable texture buttons in the control room. (timing lights to go along or switchable texlights would have completed the effect)
!k flooding the whole place causes the blast door to open for you.. doesn't make a lot of sense, but whatevev, still lots of nice work so far.
+"On a rail" portion neat!(you can get to the same area 2 ways..
+love the multi-stage door into the main combat room
+elevator shaft looks superb!
+combat up to this point seems pretty hard, i wouldn't have survived without godmode on (at least not the first 5 tries =))
+some really great destroyed stuff and scripted sequences.
+neat combat sequences, though i think your strategy to survive most all the time is to "run away" =)
+"crazy" barney funny
+Epic combat sequence at the end, which eventually leads you to a portal and back to the original "hub" map

A lot of work went into this first series of maps, plus a lot of effort and skill. Kudos to the author Kol for an epic mini map pack, in the spirit of the original black mesa. My only complaint was maybe some haphazard gameplay at points and perhaps a little too long/drawn out. Still, amazing stuff and an amazing amount of work!

5 stars for Subzone by Kol alone, though i'm sure there is still many good stuff to find in this mod!

By SEThorian

+jump right into gameplay with a labyrinth of turrets =)
+nice, but sad vista of barney getting killed (can you save him?)
+fun combat and decent mapping
+boulders and rock formatinos look great
!would have liked to seen a func_tank to finish off the enemies by the dead grunt and sandbag..

(it's at this point i have to go to work.. will finish later!)

edit x1000

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