Goldsource Error: Decal will not work Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:17 UTC

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ORIGINAL TITLE: Decal will not work

Decals from decal.wad are tricky. They should be in the decals.wad file in the right B&W format.
But if the server
has decals turned off, or your setup has decals off - then they will not show up. Also some vid cards
have caused problems with decals. Also do not try to use regular .wad textures as decals, use the
textures from decals.wad, or make your own decals in the decal.wad with wally.

Decals are re-sized according to the texture they are on top of.

1 Comment

Commented 16 years ago2008-05-22 13:35:27 UTC Comment #101160
Decals turn out to be pretty versatile, but they're touchy. If they don't show up, check you have done these things:

-Decals must be applied to a world brush (if you want them on a brush-based entity, you must apply the decals BEFORE you change the brush to-entity.

-Don't move the brush that has the decals, or try to select the decals themselves to move them--they will not show up after compile.

-if decals are on a sliding door and the door is recessed in a wall, the decals won't be rendered. (making the recessed area hollow and lit should fix this)

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