Goldsource Error: SVC_BAD ;;; [i]or[/i] ;;; &quo Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:19 UTC

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ORIGINAL TITLE: SVC_BAD ;;; or ;;; "500 overflow temporary ents!" ;;; or

Like Precache above, it is usually a memory problem. This error is usually caused by too many entitys
that create/call models - like gib shooters, breakables and pushables. The main solution is to cut
back on these.

Another cause of SVC bad in particular is compiling with -onlyents flag and having changed the
geometry of the map. Also the SVC problem can happen because of various combinations of
entities that are on the map together, it can be caused by lifts that are set in the up position when
they have certain flags set, often a common cause of SVC bad is a bad compile where a brush based
entity hasn't been compiled properly, so this can even be caused by a brush based entity with an
invalid shape. SVC is a particularly tough one to figure out, good luck!

It is also possible that the other problems as in precache
above are also causing these problems.


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