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Ever wondered how to do the lighting effect at the end of the tunnels in the coast levels? Actually it's really simple - I'll be showing one way to achive the same effect.
Ok, in my example map, I have a basic tunnel with a road in the middle.
The basic tunnel.First, make a box that covers the entire opening of your tunnel. I suggest making it 1 unit thick. Make this box a
Adding an area portalOpen up the properties folder. Inside I set these settings:
Rendered Window:
bright1Fade Start Distance:
512Fade End Distance:
1772Translucency Limit:
0Fade Start Distance controls the distance that the white out effect begins to appear. Fade End Distance is when the outside of the tunnel is completely whited out.
Next, make a box surrounding the areaportal window. I made mine 3 units thick. Make it a func_illusionary and set these settings:
bright1Disable Shadows:
YesDisable Recieving Shadows:
func_illusionary acts as the actual blinding light. It slowly appears in based on how far away you are from the
Now, texture the
func_illusionary with
tools/nodraw on all sides. Then texture only the side that is facing the inside of the tunnel with
skybox/sky_fake_white. Heres a example:
Creating a pure white wallAlmost done, now we need to add a light to the end of the tunnel to add realism to the effect. Add a simple light entity and set the brightness to
255 255 255 500.
Note: For more realism add an
env_lightglow at the edge of the
That should do it! Add an
info_player_start and check it out.
My eyes!