ambient_generic (Half-Life) Last edited 12 years ago2012-01-30 02:26:27 UTC

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Point Entity

The ambient_generic allows you to play a specific sound.


0 = None
1 = Huge Machine
2 = Big Machine
3 = Machine
4 = Slow Fade in
5 = Fade in
6 = Quick Fade in
7 = Slow Pulse
8 = Pulse
9 = Quick pulse

10 = Slow Oscillator
11 = Oscillator
12 = Quick Oscillator
13 = Grunge pitch
14 = Very low pitch
15 = Low pitch
16 = High pitch
17 = Very high pitch
18 = Screaming pitch
19 = Oscillate spinup/down

20 = Pulse spinup/down
21 = Random pitch
22 = Random pitch fast
23 = Incremental Spinup
24 = Alien
25 = Bizzare
26 = Planet X
27 = Haunted



Sound files with cues present will always loop regardless of the "Not Toggled" flag. If said flag is set, when this entity is triggered the sound will start playing from its start point. If set for a sound file with cues, when the entity is triggered the sound will only jump back to its start and continue looping, and it will be impossible to turn off.

By extension, sound files with no cues present will only play once when the entity is triggered, and will remain silent until triggered again; regardless of the state of the "Not Toggled" flag. named NA1."


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