env_beam (Half-Life) Last edited 16 years ago2008-04-26 14:57:15 UTC

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Point Entity

Creates a laser or beam effect between two points


[li]0 = Normal [li]Start Entity (LightningStart) - The name of the entity at which the beam will begin.[/li]
[li]Ending Entity (LightningEnd) - The name of the entity at which the beam will end.[/li]
[li]Brightness (renderamt)[/li]
[li]Beam Color (rendercolor)[/li]
[li]Radius (Radius) - Noise radius.[/li]
[li]Life (life) - Time for beam to stay on, in seconds. 0 is infinite.[/li]
[li]Width of beam (BoltWidth) - Width of beam in (pixels*0.1). Range: 0-255.[/li]
[li]Amount of noise (NoiseAmplitude) - Range: 0-255.[/li]
[li]Sprite Name (texture) - Name of sprite to use as beam's texture[/li]
[li]Texture Scroll Rate (TextureScroll) - How fast the texture should scroll along the beam. Range: 0-100.[/li]
[li]Frames per 10 seconds (framerate) - Framerate for sprite texture animation (0 is none)[/li]
[li]Starting Frame (framestart) - Sprite animation frame at which to begin.[/li]
[li]Strike again time (StrikeTime) - How long to wait after the beam has turned itself off before it should start again, in 10ths of a second. Range: 0-255.[/li]
[li]Damage / second (damage) - Damage done to monsters / player when beam hits them.[/li]






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