env_fade (Half-Life) Last edited 15 years ago2008-06-11 08:12:47 UTC

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Point Entity

This entity can be used to fade the screen out / in.






Commented 13 years ago2010-07-11 21:50:13 UTC Comment #101069
MODULATE EXAMPLE HERE: http://twhl.co.za/vault.php?map=5500

-- flag info: Rather than fully colouring up the entire screen, it acts as a layer of the chosen colour and FX, For example, if you make the FX 255, the colour red and tick the modulate flag, Your entire screen will be covered in red but you will still freely see, it will look as if your ordinary yellow light bulbs suddenly turn red.
Commented 13 years ago2011-04-30 16:25:00 UTC Comment #101070
what flags is effects for all players?
Commented 6 years ago2017-11-07 02:53:10 UTC Comment #101071
4: "Activator only": If set, only the player who activated this entity will be affected by it.

Source: http://zyl.pestermom.com/external/entguide/entities/env_fade.html.

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