func_tanklaser (Half-Life) Last edited 16 years ago2009-01-21 02:10:20 UTC

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Brush Entity

This is a func_tank that fires laser beams instead of bullets.


[li]0 = Normal [li]Render Mode (rendermode) - Controls the type of rendering that is used for an object. Options are: [li]Pitch Yaw Roll (angles) - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.[/li]
[li]FX Amount (renderamt)[/li]
[li]FX Color (rendercolor)[/li]
[li]Global Entity Name (globalname)[/li]
[li](Team) Master (master)[/li]
[li]Yaw rate (yawrate) - The speed of left/right movement of the gun.[/li]
[li]Yaw range (yawrange) - Range of left/right movement in degrees.[/li]
[li]Yaw tolerance (yawtolerance)[/li]
[li]Pitch rate (pitchrate) - The speed of up/down movement of the gun.[/li]
[li]Pitch range (pitchrange) - Range of up/down movement in degrees.[/li]
[li]Pitch tolerance (pitchtolerance)[/li]
[li]Barrel Length (barrel) - The distance from the center of the origin brush to the tip of the barrel.[/li]
[li]Barrel Horizontal (barrely) - Horizontal distance from the center of the origin brush to the center of the Barrel.[/li]
[li]Barrel Vertical (barrelz) - Vertical distance from the center of the origin brush to the center of the Barrel.[/li]
[li]Smoke Sprite (spritesmoke) - The sprite that will be shown at the end of the barrel when the gun is fired.[/li]
[li]Flash Sprite (spriteflash) - The sprite that will be shown at the end of the barrel when the gun is fired.[/li]
[li]Sprite Scale (spritescale) - Scale of the sprites that appear at the end of the barrel. 1 is normal, 0.5 is half, etc.[/li]
[li]Rotate Sound (rotatesound)[/li]
[li]Rate of Fire (firerate) - Number of bullets fired per second.[/li]
[li]Damage per Bullet (bullet_damage) - Default is 0, so if you want it to kill things you must enter something.[/li]
[li]Firing Persistance (persistance) - Used by non-player-controlled guns to determine for how long the gun carries on firing after the player has left its range.[/li]
[li]Bullet accuracy (firespread) - How accurate the gun is. Values: <BR>
0 = perfect shot<BR>
1 = small cone<BR>
2 = medium cone<BR>
3 = large cone<BR>
4 = extra-large cone[/li]
[li]Minimum target range (minRange) - Minimum range the target can be at for a non-player-controlled gun to fire.[/li]
[li]Maximum target range (maxRange) - Maximum range the target can be at for a non-player-controlled gun to fire.[/li]
[li]Minimum light level (_minlight)[/li]
[li]ZHLT Lightflags (zhlt_lightflags)[/li]
[li]Light Origin Target (light_origin)[/li]
[li]env_laser Entity (laserentity) - The Name of the env_laser entity to use.[/li]




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