game_text (Half-Life) Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:13:35 UTC

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Point Entity

This entity is used to display messages on-screen. It is used instead of env_message because it doesn't need to a file full of message strings to be distributed with the map.






Line breaks can be added with the newline code ('n'). e.g. 'Line onenLine two'.
X, y, effect, color, color2, fadein, fadeout and fxtime are the same as those found in titles.txt.
The easiest way to get a text-based message at the start of your level, like the Black Mesa one from HL, is to add a trigger_auto to the level and set it's target to the name of your game_text. You might have to add a delay to the trigger, depending on wether you fade the screen in or not, but either way when the game starts your text will be displayed.


Commented 2 years ago2022-04-19 00:48:19 UTC Comment #104339
For some weird reason if you put an gramatical-stressed word (exámple) the game will crash.
Commented 2 years ago2022-06-01 00:43:04 UTC Comment #104487
The only way to add thís kind of words is using env_message
Commented 10 months ago2024-02-23 10:56:45 UTC Comment #106006
There should be more information about character sets: what the game supports, how to get the best results on displaying most languages in whatever charset env is necessary (like VNs requiring shift-jis system charset).
Decided to test for myself.

Vanilla Half-Life's text engine seem to be broken for anything that's not ASCII. It consumes single-byte character sets (presumably ANSI/Windows-1252/system locale) but the text rendering is consuming UTF-8. This results in the broken text consistent with the table in this page:

Haven't looked at the other SDKs or engines (candidates include Updated/Unified/Featureful/Xash-fwgs/Pathos) on how they handle text. Hopefully better than the unrecoverable mess vanilla is in right now.

ALSO, JACK will purposefully mangle non-ASCII texts. You'd need to edit the .map directly and feed it to the compilers yourself.
apparently HLCSG also needs -notextconvert argument. sauce: singularmurderer
Commented 2 months ago2024-10-29 22:53:13 UTC Comment #106475
The target attribute does not work. This entity can't trigger anything else.

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