hud.txt and weapon_*.txt Last edited 1 year ago2023-03-16 08:47:20 UTC

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The files hud.txt as well as weapon_*.txt, located in the sprites/ folder of a game/mod, tells the GoldSrc engine how to load sprites for the HUD as well as the weapons.


The file is formatted as follows:
Where an entry is formatted as follows:
<object> <resolution> <filename> <offset_x> <offset_y> <size_w> <size_h>
Description of each field of an entry is as follows:
1<object>Identifies the sprite's role.
2<resolution>The base resolution (320 or 640), it will use 320 on resolutions lower than 640x480 and 640 on that resolution and higher.
3<filename>The SPR file to load.
4<offset_x>The offset of this sprite object into the SPR file in the horizontal X axis.
5<offset_y>The offset of this sprite object into the SPR file in the vertical Y axis.
6<size_w>The width of the sprite object.
7<size_h>The height of the sprite object.




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