item_artifact_envirosuit (Team Fortress Classic)
Last edited 16 years ago2008-06-11 08:12:54 UTC
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Point Entity
- Target (target) - When an entity is activated, it triggers the entity with the name specified by Target.
- Pitch Yaw Roll (angles) - Sets the pitch (up / down), yaw (left / right) and roll (bank) respectively. The compass in WorldCraft / Hammer corresponds to Yaw. The settings are not always (or not all) used.
- Delay before trigger (delay) - Usually the time in seconds before an entity should trigger its target (after being triggered itself). Under other SmartEdit names, delay might also be the time to wait before performing some other action.
- KillTarget (killtarget) - When an entity is triggered, it will remove from the game the entity specified by this property.
- Targetname of teamcheck goal (teamcheck) - Using this in conjunction with an info_tf_teamcheck allows you to switch the entity's team allegiance when the info_tf_teamcheck changes its team setting. The team_no property must be set to Any (0) if you use this value.
- Has item # (items_allowed) - The player must be carrying this item to use this entity. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Hasn't item from group # (hasnt_item_from_group) - To use this entity, the player must not be carrying any item from this group. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If item # has moved (if_item_has_moved) - A player can only use the entity if this item is not in its original spawn location. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If item # hasn't moved (if_item_hasnt_moved) - A player can only use the entity if this item is in its original spawn location. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # active (if_goal_is_active) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # inactive (if_goal_is_inactive) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If goal # removed (if_goal_is_removed) - Players can only use the entity if this goal is in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # active (if_group_is_active) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the active state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # inactive (if_group_is_inactive) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the inactive state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- If group # removed (if_group_is_removed) - A player can only use the entity if all the goals in this group are in the removed state. Set 0 to ignore this criterion.
- Name (targetname) (targetname)
- Team allowed to use item (team_no)
- Player class allowed to use item (playerclass)
- Has item from group# (h_i_g)
- Angular Velocity (PYR) (avelocity)
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