trigger_cdaudio Last edited 7 months ago2024-05-23 05:23:42 UTC

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trigger_cdaudio - Brush Entity

This entity allows you to play a specific CD track when the player touches it or when triggered. A point entity equivalent is available as target_cdaudio.
Deathmatch Classic specific notice
This entity (and target_cdaudio) does not work in Deathmatch Classic.


Value Track (or action)
-1 Stop
1 None
2 Half-Life01.mp3
3 Prospero01.mp3
4 Half-Life12.mp3
5 Half-Life07.mp3
6 Half-Life10.mp3
7 Suspense01.mp3
8 Suspense03.mp3
9 Half-Life09.mp3
10 Half-Life02.mp3
Value Track (or action)
11 Half-Life13.mp3
12 Half-Life04.mp3
13 Half-Life15.mp3
14 Half-Life14.mp3
15 Half-Life16.mp3
16 Suspense02.mp3
17 Half-Life03.mp3
18 Half-Life08.mp3
19 Prospero02.mp3
20 Half-Life05.mp3
Value Track (or action)
21 Prospero04.mp3
22 Half-Life11.mp3
23 Half-Life06.mp3
24 Prospero03.mp3
25 Half-Life17.mp3
26 Prospero05.mp3
27 Suspense05.mp3
28 Suspense07.mp3
29 gamestartup.mp3
30 None




Commented 11 years ago2013-03-20 01:21:20 UTC Comment #101103
Is it possible to add you own tracks to the media folder?

I tried few times, but it just starts the counting back from start.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-21 00:11:53 UTC Comment #101104
Oh,I just read the other cdaudio entity.

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