
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-09 22:32:51 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #6
Ran your map with 9 other players (LAN). Map did run rather smooth, but did notice very slight lag when all of us were in the open area (well sniper in the trees).

Runs well with the choke point at 10Mbps, but that open area could cause some problems playing through an Internet connection.

A few of the smaller machines (300 - 850mz) lose sections of the map (brushes disappear to pitch black). This is obvious in the open area, rescue zone and surrounding areas. Brush loss is apparent when no one else is on the map. 850mz, 512M, Intel integrated graphics.

I am guessing you are a sniper. After dropping down to the treetops, a good sniper is deadly. For a first map, you did very well. I could not come close, as a fellow newbie. Keep it up.
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-08 11:24:40 UTC in vault item: Sewers Comment #5
I really like this map :-) I really like the way you managed to keep the r_speeds down below a wpoly count of 400, that will make game play a breeze when the server is full. I think the fixtures need a little work, but you already know that and some clip brushes where the player get's caught. I think the only way to find out if it is a great map will be to put it to the test on a server!
It would make a great defuse map, as I don't think it really lends itself to being a hostage map (Hostages aren't that bright....)
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-08 10:06:27 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #4
Good work for a first map, well done. The layout is good and I think it will play well, but you are going to have to do something about the r_speeds if you want more than a couple of players. In the open area and waterfalls the wpoly count hit's 1500+ and that will cause frustrating Lag when you get a few players trying to kill each other.
Apart from that it looks good,
Happy Mapping.
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-08 08:33:20 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #3
Theres a few more things i would like to add, but considering its your first map, its a good effort, keep it up and remeber dont ever give up.
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-08 08:26:18 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #2
ok, after playing through your map, its not bad, i like the tower and rock face you did, looks like you put alot of work into it, i like your trees, simple but effective. Theres a few problems i noticed, there not that bad, i noticed theres a block sticking out above your head just as you run out of the hostage room, you knock into it slowing you down, also the vent, considering it is so long, it would be better off making it bigger so that you can run through it, it takes a while to get through it crouching. One of your double doors where one opens up and the other opens down, they dont open at the same time, you need to use a multi_trigger so they open at the same time, do so by placing a brush covered with the aaatrigger texture and turn it into an entity and select multi_trigger from the list,in the properties under "target" give a name for the doors, like door1, then close the properties box, bring up the properties of one of the doors and name it "door1", do the same for the second door also naming it "door1". Place the brush just infront of the door so that someone who touches the aaatrigger brush , the door will open, also place one on the other side, make it big enough so that it cant be jumped over or ducked under.

Hope this helps
Commented 21 years ago2003-06-07 12:01:57 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #1
Well done, Marwood. I like this map a lot - very nice rock face. I'm still making my first map (lighting problems), and I envy you making a map of an imaginary place (I'm making my school - very difficult, 'cos I have to make it exactly like it is, even if that means mapping problems).

Three things though - one, I think you need to change the timing of the waterfall sprites; at the moment they all glow at the same time. Looks odd. Secondly, A few of the doorframes have very odd textures, and finally, just make a few of the corridors a bit lighter - some of them are pitch black.

Keep mapping!