
Commented 10 years ago2014-10-01 14:48:44 UTC in journal: #8440 Comment #48393
Hopefully not the bad way :P
Commented 10 years ago2014-10-01 14:21:54 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49582

Doh! TWHL doesn't support Unicode.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-29 23:51:33 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49586
Also tet :P
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-29 03:21:10 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49584
I'm a bit late, but:
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Commented 10 years ago2014-09-29 01:15:47 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49583
haha Thanks everyone! I was so freggin busy this weekend.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-28 14:48:52 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67204
I remember about Euclideon, I was really impressed back in the day, honestly.
But I'm still a bit skeptic about some of the engine's aspects:
  • First of all, the lighting and ambience in general are simply not breathtaking at all. I could achieve a better lighting atmosphere with the Source Engine if I really would to;
  • A good amount of detail without using millions of vertices/polygons can be achieved with Tesselation, mixed with normal and specular maps, and with a good level of polygon smoothing;
We're still waiting for a some-sort-of improved Parallax Mapping, used in just few games out there;
  • I know that some of the things I've said above, like Parallax Mapping, Tesselation, and such things, are kinda heavy effects for a cheap rig/pc (depending on the engine of course), but this is what I prefer. This engine is not ready at all for the moment. Some 3D models' textures doesn't have to have "baked" shadows in the texture if the engine can cast them in the model, and this could broke the normal maps effect. Also, how can we scan a real object without the powerful tool they're using? We need to buy it, and I don't think that it will cost few money.
My personal opinion is that THIS engine could be used to create realistic 3D animated movies or videos. And for who've taken the "Unlimited" word too seriously, I think that the word basically means "Much more detail than the other engines, which feels like unlimited".
For now, this is just geometric "unlimited" detail, which is not what people need nowadays imho. Look at Minecraft. Graphics? Enough said. The game quality goes a lot further than graphics nowadays.

Sorry for my embarassing english.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-28 04:25:58 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49587
You've got 26 problems but the mapping ain't one...

Happy birthday dude!

Where is TJB with the cake?
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 19:46:51 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49585
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 17:18:47 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49591
I'll join the late party too.
Happy birthday, Tet!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 16:18:23 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49590
Oh Hay I'm late. Weird. Heppy Birfday
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 15:13:16 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49588
Happy Birthday!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 15:11:16 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48365
So it's 8 days since the referendum here's some stuff that's happened since then...
1- Cameron backtracks on extra powers for Scotland about 5 hours after the no vote
2- the oil that was going to run out in 20 years is now gonna last 120 years, the Clair field alone will produce 120k barrels a day
3- the NHS that was perfectly fine (according to labour) 7 days ago is now being privatised with labour urging for help to save it
4- plans for the Barnett formula to be scrapped
5- spending to be cut in Scotland
6- Fracking given the green light in Scotland....yippee!
7- Child benefits frozen
8- Pension age rising to 70
9- Benefits ban for under 25's
And number 10 best of all we get to follow America into another war!! Happy days!

Better Together Better Together Better Together
User posted image
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 15:06:23 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49581
Crafty devil!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 14:22:53 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49592
Ooh! Once in a lifetime moment! Happy b-day!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 09:09:32 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49595
Happy Birthday
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 07:43:39 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49594
Happy Belated Birthday! I just got back net after shifting houses and so. ;-;

I'm sorry!!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 04:50:51 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49593
Happy birthday, old man!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 04:34:22 UTC in journal: #8439 Comment #49589
Happy tetsuobirthday!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-27 01:50:41 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67191
Point cloud modeling tools would be useful. Just color the points and forget about UV mapping and limits.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 22:30:30 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67201
Y...Yea, but, he didn't put the word UNLIMITED on it. You obviously know nothing about how creativity and originality work!

Those are really neat, was playing with one of the demos. For real, this stuff doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Impress me with something useful.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 16:22:55 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67202
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 12:47:00 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: In the Beginning Part 1 Comment #100516
Hi, I want to start up really really basic, so how do I create a box? I'm creating one actually but I can't exactly get it to have texture, it's all black.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 10:18:47 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67195
How good is sound physics these days?

I don't exactly keep up, what with the games having this sort of thing in supreme quality suck supreme terribad when it comes to the "game" part.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 10:09:17 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67192
Ok, so the graphics are amazing. Now fully simulate those environments physically. Scenery like that doesn't count for shit if I can't blow chunks out of it or spatter it with the blood of my enemy.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 05:39:33 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67196
It's unlimited :PP
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 00:18:11 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67190
Brendanmint has the greatest point of all. Graphics are certainly not the only aspect of a video game. I feel we will see the same gaming tropes and shit over and over, only much much prettier.

I'll wait for Unlimited II thank you.

EDIT: I just realized that the most feasible application of this to games in a technical way is to have a cloud data layer (volume layer?) then have the polygon based physics and collision layers underneath all of that. Like different hulls in HL and stuff.

Also, new tools will need to be invented to handle creation. A studio cannot simply build a set on a sound stage for every part of the game, so I imagine it would be close to sculpting in a way, see Zbrush and that kind of stuff. I couldn't imagine sculpting/constructing in a completely organic and polygon-free environment. Seems kinda sci-fi to me.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-26 00:17:31 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67198
I don't think it's so special.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 23:54:09 UTC in vault item: ka_underbelly Comment #20708
Brings back memories <3
It could use a few subtle blue lights/colors here and there, imho.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 21:57:19 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67194
Even if it's in a workable state, there's no way that something like this will be useful for games except in an extremely tiny subset of genres - ones where the environment already exists (or can be built) in the real world so it can be scanned using their laser device. In most games, that's entirely unrealistic or simply impossible to do. The technology has a place in digital scanning (imagine something like Google StreetView), but not so much in the world of gaming.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 21:42:19 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67203
Even if its not playable you can use the rendered scenes.
If a technical process allows you to easily convert real life objects into visual representation of extreme quality than that is good shit.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 20:14:49 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67200
Was about to edit my comment, he keeps using 'unlimited', I don't think that means what he thinks it means.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 20:13:32 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67193
It's not a scam. He actually came up with a pretty nice solution to voxel raycasting. Still, he exaggerates the power of it.

The title of that video alone pisses me off.

There are still inherent limitations. There are still lots of re-used assets, although there are more of them then there used to be (probably because of the data-HD-streaming he mentioned in the video). There is a jerkyness to the camera movement. The lighting isn't the "most realistic" I've seen. He can't do animation either. If he does get animation it will be limited in some significant way.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 20:12:58 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67199
And yet no one seems to realize that it doesn't matter how good/bad your game looks. If it plays like shit, it's shit. I don't care if your graphics look like real fucking life, just let me play a game that's fun and amazing.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-25 19:49:53 UTC in journal: #8436 Comment #67197
I freaking honestly hate companies like this, there was discussion about this in the past in the forum.
The way he talks just makes it sound like utter bullsh*t.

Ok now that im done with the hate, i somehow still fail to see that this can be possible, i mean its been 3 years they basically told you how it works and nobody not even John Carmack (shame he left Id) or any other big engine developer had even touched it. Until they have something to show me im gonna stick with my first assumption that this is a scam.

And for god sakes if they call it "Unlimited" again im gonna explode.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-22 20:41:42 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48377
"There really isn't an argument to cause, mate. The no camp messed up and we're gonna pay heavily for it. Consider that the majority no vote was people aged 65+ who are only aware of what the shocking biased media campaign was telling them and some 40,000 neo-nazi thugs and you'll perhaps understand who you sided with.

Wow. I strongly dislike that direct colleration that you have explicitly stated. I'd like you to please explain how we are going to "pay" for voting no. And by we, I mean the majority of people - the DEMOCRATIC VOTE. Because a bunch of football hooligans riled up for a fight like they bloody do anyway ( see : london riots) and besides, it wasn't anywhere near 40,000 people, has got literally nothing to do with this.

"The Orange Order riots in Glasgow are only further proof of how flawed the Better Together mindset is. These people won and they're celebrating by inciting violence, intimidation and property damage to anyone they suspect doesn't support Rangers.
Ah yes, all the no supporters are mindless idiots wanting to cause violence. I'm a no supporter and it's fairly obvious the Orange Order are mentalist extremists and I do not remotely condone their actions - and i'm pretty sure next to nobody will have a differing opinion to me on that. You can't say that a Yes win would not cause a riot either.

"That vote was about starting a revolution in political thinking for ordinary people in Britain. Empowerment! A meaningful vote that really brings change. The 'NO' voters have just emulated turkeys voting for christmas. Same old bollocks, same old vested interests, same old cynicism."
That's exactly what it's done. It has been the catalyst for a new explosion into politics. People didn't care beforehand but now that they thought every vote mattered, they've put time and effort into researching the subject at hand. And these are people as young as 16 years old. It has had a positive effect, you can't deny that whatsoever. And I'm going to take personal offence to that, voting no was not a knee-jerk reaction. I looked into the facts and figures, I watched the debates, I looked at the media, and I made my own educated opinion that now is not the right time for independence and there were too many factors still left unknown that -when making such a drastic change -should have been set in stone months before rather than this "just trust us we can do it afterwards" attitude. There were completely valid and drastic issues that would have rocked an independent scotland - just because you do not agree with them does not mean they are "scaremongering" - they are valid points nonetheless.

"It's going to be interesting to see how Westminster tries to untangle the shambles they've got themselves into."
What shambles? They've promised and they will deliver. They'll be complete and utter morons if they go back on their promises. We're expecting details within the week.

"Don't buy into the Stockholm Syndrome, Oli. Majority of Westminster MPs are blocking further powers being awarded to Scotland.. "

I'm not being affected by Stockholm Syndrome whatsoever. Trying to relate this to a hostage situation is completely idiotic. We are not being held captive by Westminster by any definition whatsoever. We have our own parliament, we get a shit-tonne of money from Westminster as it is. There aren't even that many issues that independence would grant to us. Finance control I agree with, but again, Cameron has pledged that he will make changes.
MPs are not blocking further powers being awarded to Scotland, that was completely taken out of context, that was actually in regards to English MPs wanting more power if "scotland can get it too". The opposition was to more powers for the English parliament.

Continuing to mention the Orange Order is indentical to mentioning the BNP. Completely irrelevant ,not remotely representative and generally not even an issue.

The vote is over. Changes are going to be happening. All that some people are doing now is continuing to pursue their own - in my personal view hatred breeding - agendas, rather than deciding "well, it was a no vote, I'm upset, but we might as well start to work together to get this country what it deserves".
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-22 05:33:01 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48380
Control the media and you control most of the vote.

Don't know if it's even the slightest bit relevant, but what the hell, I like this scene anyway.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-22 05:13:54 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48388
You just keep fighting the good fight Archie. Bad things happen to good people all the time in this world, just remember the night is always darkest before the dawn.

From what information I've gathered I'd say the outcome was pretty bad, nothing will change except perhaps the supporters of independence getting more shit from those who like to be ruled by those who care little for them and are far far away, and more laws/acts restricting independence and such like we have here in the USA. I don't feel this was a failure of the Democratic system, but a failure of people properly getting informed, and being blind to the situation. I'm sure the USA's founding fathers would be confused as hell right now looking at the situation.

You'll have your time Archie.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-21 17:12:09 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48364
There really isn't an argument to cause, mate. The no camp messed up and we're gonna pay heavily for it. Consider that the majority no vote was people aged 65+ who are only aware of what the shocking biased media campaign was telling them and some 40,000 neo-nazi thugs and you'll perhaps understand who you sided with.
The Orange Order riots in Glasgow are only further proof of how flawed the Better Together mindset is. These people won and they're celebrating by inciting violence, intimidation and property damage to anyone they suspect doesn't support Rangers.

Ah well... A missed opportunity for the nation - and I mean for the UK. That was a first 'moon landing' moment in history for many and, despite their despondency at the moment, they won't forget the feeling of excitement and passion they've been carrying.

That vote was about starting a revolution in political thinking for ordinary people in Britain. Empowerment! A meaningful vote that really brings change. The 'NO' voters have just emulated turkeys voting for christmas. Same old bollocks, same old vested interests, same old cynicism.

We very badly need a vision of the future that goes beyond the value of our houses and, in London and the Southeast, I don't know how that will ever happen. It shackles everyone to the status quo, whatever party you support.

If you haven't already, read Irvine Welsh's article in today's Guardian. He's articulated it far more eloquently than I could.

It's going to be interesting to see how Westminster tries to untangle the shambles they've got themselves into. The big question to be answered is the size of Cameron's laundry bill to clean his past couple of week's soiled underwear!
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Don't buy into the Stockholm Syndrome, Oli. Majority of Westminster MPs are blocking further powers being awarded to Scotland, Jack Straw is calling for Independence to be made illegal and we're having our national budget slashed by billions, the Orange Order are more violent and racist than ever and the BBC is reporting none of it. Look outwards and forwards. This is no future for a proud nation.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-20 18:27:59 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48376
User posted image
I really, really don't want to cause an argument arch but seriously we have considerably more power than a lot of people are trying to make it out that we have. We have our own bloody parliament for gods sake! The major issues that were brought up supporting the argument for independence were literally around finances, and that's about it. There was no scaremongering in the campaign, it was pointing out genuine issues and flaws that would arise given the case we became independent. Just because it doesn't float your boat doesn't mean it isn't a valid argument. I do agree there are some positives to becoming independent but weighing the risks with the rewards, it's not remotely worth it. We are represented in Westminster, if it wasn't for us we wouldn't have had a labour government from '97 to 2010. This whole UKIP thing is complete nonsense, there is no way in hell they are getting into power. Reminds of that whole BNP scare a few years ago.. nothing really came out of that, did it?

Changes ARE going to be happening.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-20 03:57:05 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48386
@Penguinboy: It already is a country, so there wouldn't be any new countries forming even if "yes" won.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-20 03:01:15 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48389
Meanwhile, on American news.
User posted image
Scotland sure is givin' its 110%!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 20:59:35 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48383
User posted image
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 19:47:43 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48371
Of all people, Americans should be able to relate to this.

Without our Declaration of Independence, United States would not even exist. We would still be part of Great Britain.

And there were a lot of people who were against breaking away from Britain back in the days. Fortunately for us Americans, we knew we could do better than what the Brits did for us.

We might have been similar to the English back then, but no one would confuse an American with a Brit 238 years later. We are different, we are free, and we are better off without English control.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 18:20:56 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48373
Hey archie, you're welcome to crash in the USA
We need better graphics people anyway.
You could do sports graphics for ESPN - I work under a mile away from them.

I had no idea you lost your democracy in this vote - to be honest I didn't do my own research aside from what I heard here. The US media stations are barely covering it.

You must be devastated.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 15:31:16 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48363
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 15:29:20 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48359
Speaking of "The Core issue," the issue with The Core is it isn't finished. The referendum is over Archie. Stop pissing about with politics and get back to work!
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 14:51:11 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48362
Why would you vote to get rid of your own power to vote, Oli? I'm in tatters over this.
The debate got muddied with scaremongering and focus on SNP policy rather than the core issue - that we are not even vaguely represented in Westminster.
For one referendum we had a democracy, and we used it to democratically remove our ability to vote on how we're governed. The irony would be hilarious if it didn't make me want to jump off a cliff.
I'm so empty and disappointed in people not understanding what they were losing. Seriously, I feel ill.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 14:40:00 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48370
William Wallace must be turning over in his grave.

And Alex Salmond resigned.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 13:24:59 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48375
I'm happy with today's outcome, really was worried that it'd be a Yes vote.

I have a completely different viewpoint to Archie regarding the whole matter which literally symbolizes the Scottish divide considering we're the only two Scottish TWHL members.
Even though it was a No vote that passed, the amount of fire that's been started by all this campaigning will mean that there will be changes happening for definite. It won't go unnoticed by anyone whatsoever.

I'm glad almost everyone has been civil after the vote was released though. There's been a few douchebags from both sides, sore Yes losers and arrogant and patronising No voters - but on the whole, nobody has been bombed so it's been fairly good so far. We're looking at you, Ireland.
Commented 10 years ago2014-09-19 12:36:23 UTC in journal: #8435 Comment #48358
Satchmo just quoted the SnCGames Whatsapp chatroom pretty much word for word.

Also, your assumption was correct. Archie stated that the majority of 16 - 24 year olds voted yes and the majority of 65+ year olds voted no.