
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-12 19:31:27 UTC in vault item: The Stupendous Quest of the Annoying Microwave Comment #20358
Meant no offence by "pretty awful" btw.
Its a term of endearment - i love it
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-11 13:04:48 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45845
That is a fair point, Pebs. I did have experience of using OS 9 and prior Mac OS', but I certainly didn't have to go through the teething period when Apple rewrote the whole thing. Having said that, I know Apple included the 'Classic' environment with the first few releases of OS X, ensuring that you could still access older apps while developers rewrote them. The classic environment lasted for a long time too, and was finally dropped when Apple switched over to Intel CPUs.

The full-screen thing is stupid. OS X as of late has the same thing too, but the crucial difference is that it's a toggle on any program that wants to support: it's not a mandatory obstruction. So if you want to run it as a full-screen app, you can. If you don't, then nothing changes. That's how it should be under Windows as well.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-11 05:58:06 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45864
Ant: To be fair, did you ever actually use OS 9? I seem to recall that you weren't very fond of Mac computers before they switched to Intel processors which was well after OSX came out...

On the topic of Windows 8, my Dad's new laptop came with it and it was a little frustrating to set up. On one hand, it has some cool new features and seems a bit faster. On the other hand, the interface is laughably poor. Some settings are in metro, some settings are in the desktop, and some settings overlap between the two which is just a nightmare. The concept of full-screen "apps" is ridiculous on a desktop(/laptop) computer with no touch screen and a proper hardware keyboard and mouse attached.

Many of MS's primary software products (Office, Visual Studio, even Windows Explorer) open straight into desktop mode, so it's pretty clear how much actual effort they put into making a good UI experience for their end users (hint: not much).
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-11 01:08:59 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45863
The only thing worse than slavery is returning to it after being free.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-11 00:40:02 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45860
Those last two paragraphs are exactly how I feel, Ant.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-11 00:18:08 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45890
Microsoft's been trying to appeal to the teen demographic. Teens like apple products, so let's try and make an apple product! Since they're our demographic, THEY'RE our real customers! It's they way they want to use it!
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 23:55:55 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45844
I want to get Windows 8.1, purely for the performance increases. But then, I play with the Metro interface, and the hideous contrast between that and the regular Windows shell, and the pointless jumping between the two vastly disparate UI paradigms and it just irritates the crap out of me.

I get what the intention was with Windows 8, but trying to make something that does absolutely everything for everyone means it'll do nothing for everyone. Or, it'll just do it in an entirely crap manner.

There's rumours cropping up that the next update to Windows 8 will return the Start menu properly: not the crappy regression they shoved into Windows 8.1. It'd also be nice if they actually went through and fixed up the desktop UI so that it's not a maddening blend of design concepts (ribbon, Metro, Vista-era iconography). Seriously, if Apple can (albeit slyly) remove the skeuomorphic rubbish from OS X, then surely Microsoft can get their act together as well.

Edit: Here's my other complaint as well, particularly to people who say "just get used to it!". The history of the PC, particularly from Microsoft's point of view, was allowing people to use the machine the way they wanted to use it. Add all that tablet rubbish if you want, but why should you completely remove the way it used to work? Why isn't their an official option to revert to a more traditional Windows experience? Why should I have to pay to have a third-party company's software on my machine to replicate a workflow that is still far quicker than what it's been replaced with? I've never had to do that with OS X, even when Apple rewrote the entire thing after OS 9!

People tend to whinge that Apple shoehorn their customers into doing things their way or not at all. Shouldn't Microsoft also be held accountable for doing the exact same thing, particularly when they've traditionally offered their customers choice?
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 23:48:07 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45859
I don't have wasted space, I have workspace. Metro doesn't.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 23:17:52 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45889
So much wasted space.

Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 22:56:45 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45858
Check the desktops thread, Stu. My desktops never get messier than that.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 21:53:38 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45848
I say more fool MS for not selling older OS versions for a reduced price under difference T&Cs. Just gonna make people go all peg-legs and eye-patches on their shit.

Got me a Windows 7 disc though so I'm just going to hold onto that forever.

Otherwise I'll go Linux.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 21:01:21 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45884
Ah, the clean desktop of a fresh install.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 13:49:53 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45857
Yeah they have a 14 day returns policy on all digital purchases which is pretty good.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 10:18:23 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45874
Wow i can't believe they gave you a refund, that's very decent of them at least ;)

Microsoft actually did a good job with 7, so i will have to nab an oem copy before the deadline, or, one could always warez it if one were forced to ;)
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 10:01:33 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45891
Love the user image, Arch.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 07:22:50 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45856
You'll all be pleased to hear I'm back on Windows 7 and got a full refund for my Windows 8 purchase. The polite Microsoft Support employee I spoke to on the phone informed me that they don't even use Win8 there in a MS support centre - it's that useless.

What an exceptional fuck up.


Oh god, this is so much nicer. As a working environment it's just efficient, simple and extremely functional.
I don't have a solid colour fullscreen app start up every time I want to launch a program or check the clock.
Big image
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 01:31:29 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45871

1) Format Hard-Drive
2) Install whatever operating system you want
3) ????
4) Cookies
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-10 00:16:42 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45888
Well, I'm getting a new laptop, soon, and I'll have no choice but to have Windows 8 on it pre-installed... Hmm...
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 23:31:01 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45862
Reading this. I really hope i can successfully install Win7 on my shiny SSD i have.
I'm waiting until after christmas...
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 22:46:03 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45855
For anyone else suffering these woes:

How to reinstall Win7 legally without a disc. If your PC came with win7 pre-installed as mine did, this is the solution.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 22:11:07 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45903
My Windows 8 experience:

Tried it back in 2012 before it was final. Got use to it since much of the Metro crap was not implemented yet. Eventually, it got worse and worse which made me switch to Vista. Vista got old, and I went to Seven. Then tried out Linux for a while on my desktop, enjoyed it stuck and with it till my new laptop. My Laptop has nVidia Optimus which is a pain under Linux (it's getting better). I went back to Windows 8 for more support, then having to use 8 (and 8.1). Hated it as it got slower and had to force myself to use a terrible UI. I couldn't even install Windows 7 properly on my SSD because it was so bloated. This frustrated me so much I went back to Linux and haven't been on Windows since. Wine does pretty much what I need for modding and some gaming when there's no ports. I regret nothing.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 21:03:06 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45879
You literally right-click on the start button and hit shut-down.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 20:59:35 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45883
all the complaints stem from the fact that people refuse to accustom with the new start menu
It's not just "a new start menu". They also moved the shutdown button and some other things to a different menu that pops up somewhere else on the screen.
including task manager which is now at a right-click distance.
It has been at right-click distance since XP or maybe even 2000.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 20:18:53 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45887
Yeah, I agree with Striker. Most of this is just opinionated, all of this about judging functionality and convenience is just opinion.

And guys, cheer up; this is probably the one thing ever made in the 2010's other than CSGO that Stojke has ever liked enough to the point of arguing over it.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 19:22:49 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45878
After using Windows 8.1 for more than a month, I found that all the complaints stem from the fact that people refuse to accustom with the new start menu. Windows 8.1 in fact provides way faster access to some system settings, including task manager which is now at a right-click distance.
I rarely used the start anyway... I keep my shortcuts on the desktop, organized in folders like "multimedia", "mapping" etc. and other general programs directly on the desktop.

I currently use win 8.1 on my laptop and 7 on my desktop. I have nothing against the two. I think it's more a matter of taste.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 19:22:33 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45881
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 19:10:29 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45847
Alternatively... 7

Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 18:52:21 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45902
I have no idea in what kind of a mood are you from your text and you have no way of know the same from mine text, yet you called me a total moron.
Just why would i compete with you in any way? Who the hell are you for me to even care about?
The way i write is the way i write, i know it sounds edgy most of the times, but i am not writing it to insult someone.

All i tried was to tell you that windows 8.1 is not as bad as you experienced it and that if given time and understanding it is an good operating system and replaces 7 well.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 18:25:06 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45854
Oh please, you couldn't have been more condescending if you were actual royalty.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 18:07:20 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45901
Trying to help some one understand windows 8.1 isn't bad as the person thinks
< "You, however, are such a self-righteous moron that I'm amazed you can even breathe from having your head so far up your ass."

10/10 Would do it again.

Stop thinking that i want to prove to you that i am in any way superior.
Just because i don't use swears doesn't mean i am underestimating you.
So, fuck you.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 17:52:29 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45853
I'm not disagreeing that I'm a fool for using Windows 8 - it's a colossal mistake on my part and I should have read more into it. When I read "Windows 8.1 fixes most of the problems with Windows 8" I didn't realise that the subtext continued "Windows 8.1 fixes most of the problems in windows 8 that made it literally unusable. Now it's just terrible, as opposed to completely broken".

You, however, are such a self-righteous moron that I'm amazed you can even breathe from having your head so far up your ass.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 16:37:51 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45900
You are a fool because you rushed and thought you knew all.
Now as you wrote your system is not responding as it should and you are having problems with it.

As for the jokes, i think they fit pretty well.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 15:51:01 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45852
You've made me see the error of my ways, Stojke. From now on I will only pirate software because buying it is a waste, even if it pays for itself after one day's work.

I've been such a fool.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 11:49:36 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45873
Thank you for the warning i will give Windows 8.x a wide berth ;)
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 09:43:55 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45865
Stojke's rants have some validity to them - you shouldn't upgrade to 8 and expect the same functionality/layout as in 7, even if they've decided to mess with signature pieces of the OS.

That said, I've used 8 before and apart from the performance enhancements there's nothing I'd consider a serious enough layout/design improvement to warrant any sort of praise. Bigger doesn't mean better, and the amount of wasted space in some of these pics is hilarious.

And of course, Archie should have pirated his Adobe products.
.. like any other professional who makes a living off of using them every day would.

Man up, Archie.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-09 01:23:40 UTC in vault item: Secret Santa 2011 - X-LAyer2 Comment #20356
I love it! The music is a very nice touch!
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 22:54:57 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45899
You should enjoy these moments Archie, its times where a man realizes he shouldn't waste more money than he needs to.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 22:42:13 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45870
"Different Versions of NT Kernel bring different functionality."

Of course, but like I said, so long is it is structurally based on the old code, the potential is still there.

"And I am pretty sure no windows would react that way if it were functioning normally."

Windows - Happily dysfunctional and periodically unstable since 1995.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 21:33:31 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45882
Is there no way for you to rollback? System backup, restore point, disk image, ANYTHING?
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 20:10:10 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45851
OK, for those of you still on the fence, I cannot stress enough just how awful this OS is. It's sluggish as hell performing the most basic tasks, it has seized up and fully crashed over ten times since I installed it TWO DAYS AGO (win7 crashed less than that over the four YEARS I used it) and the UI is a complete mess.

It has also managed to fuck up my Adobe Creative Suite which, as well as now performing about 5x slower, will not export. This is my JOB it has now fucked up.

This is as bad as Windows ME. Easily. Vista was better.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 15:15:43 UTC in journal: #8297 Comment #61125
Blue Snowball is decent enough for the stuff I do (some of which is due to appear on TV) although it has some limitations in terms of OS settings.
Commented 10 years ago2013-12-08 15:13:09 UTC in journal: #8300 Comment #45898
Different Versions of NT Kernel bring different functionality.

And i am pretty sure no windows would react that way if it were functioning normally. Yours was probably corrupted heavily.
And there is an notable speed increase and responsiveness in Windows 8 compared to 7. And its known that at core windows 8 is a large improvement.
Urby, the only thing "Touch screen" is the start menu.