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Commented 11 years ago2013-05-02 09:01:04 UTC in journal: #8163 Comment #44983
Building and designing stuff in a MMORPG? Reminds me of Ultima Online.. God, how I miss that game.

The game looks very interesting, GrimReafer. I loved how the characters get fat or more fit according to how the players play the game.

I'll be backing and telling my friends about the game. Best of luck!
Commented 11 years ago2013-05-02 05:56:55 UTC in journal: #8163 Comment #44992
The idea is pretty cool. The graphics aren't too saturated with effects and i like that.
As for the gameplay, this will probably be some really interesting stuff. Players would probably build not only towers or houses, but probably cities as well.

I really like the idea behind it. It isn't all blocky and running on a horrible unoptimized (Java) engine.
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-05-02 00:22:17 UTC in journal: #8163 Comment #44988
Looks sweet sir! My pleasure to be a backer($10), and i wish you the best luck! =)
Commented 11 years ago2013-05-02 00:21:16 UTC in journal: #8163 Comment #44990
Looks/Sounds awesome, but unfortunately I have no way to donate at the moment. Best of luck, though!
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-30 17:01:33 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46980
Nice! Did you enjoy the beeches?

I've met up with SpaG, Taylor, Archie & Livewire on different occasions IRL.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-29 16:48:51 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44921
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-29 10:40:49 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44925
Happy Birthday!
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-29 09:33:42 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44920
What is Scotch!? A miserable pile of secrets! :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-29 04:29:51 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58277
I might sound jumpy, but trust me, I never mean it as an insult.
That simply how i express my self.

I am well aware that people get various things with more or less ease than others. But from personal experience i am most certain that the key to master mathematical lessons is to practice them until solving problems starts being automated.
As i said its pure logic its all in noticing the, lets call it a, pattern in the equation/task, the way the task has been formed and what is it required to solve first to achieve the result.
I mean, i had 1/5 (worst grade), 2/5 and some times 3/5 in math in grade school, wasn't much better in middle school, and thats all because i didn't practice nor study it. In college i already started to study and practice it more often resulting in a final grade of 95/100. I might get natural science and technologies faster, but shit, when it comes to sociology, languages and lectures, thats just plain boring and i cant be bothered to study it. So i can understand when others have a hard time with something.

And one more thing, of course its hard, everything in life will challenge you whether you like it or not, but you can conquer it if you set your self to doing so. This isn't said ten thousand times everywhere just because it sounds nice, it is true.
And as many people suggested here, do try to get some extra lessons and always start from the most simplest task of the current lecture. You need to understand the basics in order to build a complex task and realize it. No one can lift 100kg in series with out first starting with smaller weights and building muscle.

Sorry if i sounded too ugh, i was quite busy, got a bitching hot retro case i was removing surface rust and filth from :D 100% steel, makes me hot.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-29 00:36:19 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44923
I don't do Facebook apps.
I don't suppose spiritual support counts for anything? =)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 23:45:51 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58270
I did fairly well with ODE's back at uni but because they have absolutely no useful application in programming, I've forgotten pretty much everything about them.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 23:03:03 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58273
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 22:21:06 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58267
@Stojke: I'll admit that I was wrong. I made that assumption judging by your behaviour here on TWHL which often resembles that of a 12 year old. We all learn math differently. You have no idea how much time Striker has spent on studies. So perhaps try being a bit more humble, and less arrogant?
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 21:36:53 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58272
welp just got served right there by stojke
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 16:08:02 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58269
lol owned
Don't give up fellas.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 15:50:17 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58278
... Holy shit, this makes me want to give up my dream of becoming a pilot... ITS SO HARD! I DONT WANT TO DO PRATICE WORK AND STUFF! I WANT TO BE FREE AND STRIVE! (Which is not possible, but yeah)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 15:46:54 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58276
Im currently busy with some retro computers so you only get the first one:

We can write it as f''(x) - f'(x) - 2f(x) = e^x+12
First we calculate the general form f''(x) - f'(x) - 2f(x) = 0.
Assume f to be a sum of exponential functoins.
The ODE gives us the characteristic polynomial x^2 - x - 2 = 0

(x-2)(x+1), which yields x=2 or x = -1.

Thus the solution to f''(x) - f'(x) - 2f(x) is of the form f(x) = e^(2x) + e^(-x)

For f''(x) - f'(x) - 2f(x) = e^x + 12 (the particular solution) we must consider f a sum of exponentials and a polynomial function. However, any polynomial in f must be of degree 0 (otherwise a power x^n will be on the right hand side of the equation), thus, exponentials and a constant factor: f(x) = a*e^x + b.
Now, f'(x) = a*e^x = f''(x). insert into the equation f''(x)-f'(x)-2f(x) gives -2*(a*e^x + b) = e^x + 12, and thus a = -6 and b = -1/2

This gives f(x) = -6e^x - 1/2.

Now, the general solution is the sum of the particular solution and the complementary, and thus the final result is f(x) = -6e^x - 1/2 + a*e^(2x) + a*e^(-x)
(For any a)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 14:31:26 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58271
I'm doing advanced maths at my school.
I've felt like crying, a lot.
I managed to get 20% in my prelim and 36% in my post prelim .

first order and second order Differential equations, proofs ( by contradiction and shit ), binomial theorem and other shit genuinely make me want to break down and cry.

And Stojke, give me the answer to this then if you are so good at maths?
User posted image
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 14:16:57 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58275
Madcow I am an Information Technology student. Yes I had advanced math and integrals/matrtixes. And i still say if its had for you, you didn't practice shit.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 13:53:27 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58268
Talk to your professor. Most of them actually care. So make sure they know who you are and that you're trying. They'll help you out and usually toss you the few extra points if you're short of a certain grade.

Math is awful but you need to take good notes, and you need to do your homework. Find someone you can study with, go onto youtube, try

I failed Calc 1 twice until i pulled my head out of my ass and learned some good study habits. After that i got a B- in Calc 2 and then i pulled an A- in differential equations (the hardest class i have ever taken EVER)

This is how i take notes:
Follow along with the teacher when they are doing problems on the board. I put the initial equation on the top left of a sheet and then i draw arrows showing each step vertically below that. On the right, i will write down the steps i took and my thought process (or the teacher's) Use a different color pen or a highlighter to circle stuff, draw arrows, whatever!!!
You need to listen to the professor and teach yourself how to do the problems.


Most of us here have gone to uni.
If you're having trouble post something in the forums, i'm sure some of us will take a stab at it.
Chin up and keep trying!
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 13:43:04 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58266
Stojke has obviously never touched maths beyond high school level.

It takes a while to get used to it since it's so radically different from what you've ever done before. The time will come however when you go from wanting to bash your head against the desk to solving diff's with ease. Just keep struggling, I'm sure you'll get there soon enough :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 13:10:32 UTC in journal: #8159 Comment #58274
Because you dont practice shit.

Math is pure logic, nothing more to it. Practice it a lot and you will be able to solve equations and problems instantly.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-28 09:27:44 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44919
Thank you kind sir.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-26 01:40:48 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44913
I'm doing.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-24 11:08:22 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44918
Heh not surprised seeing how corrupt the compo is :P Thanks!
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-24 11:00:36 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44924
I voted.
These library computers really don't seem to like that app.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-24 09:17:38 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44917
Neverrrrr :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-23 23:47:12 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44922
Imma vote
and shared.
add me on FB
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-23 08:58:36 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44916
I appreciate it :) biatch :P
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-23 02:19:26 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46987
Yeah. There is some more on that in the journal about the trip I never finish writing. The .txt is sitting on my desktop waiting to be finished.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-22 23:50:15 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44927
You know, simply because I resent being called a bitch I tried to vote anyway.
...Didn't work too well on my connection. Apologies.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-22 19:52:46 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44915
Oh also if you have any friends with too much time on their hands please do get them to do it and I'll give them each a shiny penny to spend on sweets.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-22 11:53:34 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46978
Yeah i was quite disappointed to not meet Disco Stu in person :(

We actually tried to schedule a handful of meeting times throughout the day but ultimately, it was a long series of unfortunate events that led to us missing eachother.


If i hit the american lotto, one of the things i want to do is rent out a hotel lobby and fly a few of you guys out to USA for a meet and greet.
Set up some computers, Live music, etc etc
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-22 09:39:41 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44914
Don't worry about it, just calling in whatever favours I can gather :P

Thanks dudes!
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-22 07:44:51 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44928
There u go :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-21 22:08:31 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44926
I would like to help you but i cbf to support facebook, sorry mate! If their is another way to support you i'd be happy to do it ;)
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-21 16:47:16 UTC in journal: #8158 Comment #44929
Nice of you to ask how we are doing, well, we are just surviving here at UAE dude.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-21 03:00:28 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46977
For sure Mariowned! I am so out of practice but planning on getting back into it.
Commented 11 years ago2013-04-20 22:31:41 UTC in journal: #8157 Comment #46982
I missed the oppurtunity to meet PB when I was in Australia. There were actually a few people I was supposed to meet in Brisbane, but we ended up not staying there.