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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-11 12:45:14 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38669
When I was in grade 9 one of our assignments was to maintain a city in Sim City 3000 :P Best assignment ever. Also a reminder of how ridiculously pointless school can be at times.... We had another year where the assignment was passing levels in The Incredible Machine :P
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-11 10:23:00 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38701
I loved SimCity 4, but SC3K was the one I grew up with.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-11 04:31:11 UTC in journal: #8131 Comment #52756
Uh... because I am. I don't think there was a reason, it just happened.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-11 03:20:34 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38696
Jeff: I read it crashes a lot if you have a multi-core processor. Apparently you can fix it by adding this parameter to the command line (or launch options in Steam):


I myself also use the following to use my widescreen resolution:

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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-11 00:17:17 UTC in journal: #8131 Comment #52760
Why are you dracula?
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 22:16:45 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38665
Very nice looking. :)
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 21:53:12 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38676
Here's my first one so far. I really should have paced myself better, the most cash I've had is about $100,000 and I'm having a hard time keeping up with services/utilities. Every time I get money I need to spend it all on upgrading police/fire/electricity whatever. I'm also out of space pretty much. Wish the city sizes were as big as they are in 4.

I love night-time in this game
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 17:08:05 UTC in journal: #8129 Comment #58231
Honey and pb toast is a quick breakfast.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 16:46:33 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38664
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 11:15:35 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38689
Wait, seriously? THAT's been the problem this whole time?
Well, I know what I'm playing today.
EDIT: Performance was much better. Then it crashed. :( Ah well, I've got work to do.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 00:48:58 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38695
Jeff - it performs badly in hardware mode. Happened to me with my 6-months-old computer. It runs perfectly in software mode.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-10 00:28:33 UTC in journal: #8129 Comment #58235
I didn't have any jam so I tried a peanut butter and honey sandwich instead. It was pretty nice, would have again. I'll get some strawberry jam next time I shop.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-09 23:46:21 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38688
Unless you play it on my specific combo of hardware and software. I have WinXP, which it was designed for, a 1GB graphics card where it requires a 32MB, and I still somehow get lag (makes the rush hour expansion's driving features unplayable) and crashes everywhere (makes the rest of the game unplayable). Good thing I played the crap out of it before my brother's old computer died a few years ago.
Actually, I was playing SC4 today. Got a mid-sized town laid out and zoned before it crashed to desktop without error.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-09 23:29:45 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38694
Definitely. It has aged pretty well.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-09 19:13:20 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38675
Striker you should try 4, it's pretty widely toted as the best one in the series. It was what, ten years ago now, and people still play it a lot.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-09 14:41:32 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38684
The only simcity I ever enjoyed was SimCity 2000.
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Commented 11 years ago2013-03-09 12:29:40 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38687
It does look really fun, and all this news about it has made me want to play a SimCity game again.
I might get it at a later date. Maybe.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 14:20:08 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38674
My thoughts too, Pengy. It's a good game, which is why the launch has been so sincerely disappointing. If they had titled it "SimCity: Online" then it'd be less of a big deal, but this way I feel just slightly lied to.

ATDestroy, if you love SimCity that much, you'll probably really enjoy this once the servers get stable. It's addicting. The international aspect of it is super cool.

Atom, yeah, that's me. I'll check again.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 14:08:17 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38680
Copy protection, basically.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:24:57 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38704
What's DRM? ._.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:08:17 UTC in journal: #2 Comment #33188

You make me laugh, TJB. Wanna have dinner sometime?
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:07:54 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #32944
He passed over the reigns to others. It wasn't actually that long ago that Pengy and co actually took full control of the site (after getting back in touch with the long since retired atom).

And sure. You can be in history. Dimbark can't. He annoyed too many people.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:05:32 UTC in news: Update! Comment #100162
Well, you missed here, potato. I guess I win.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:03:16 UTC in news: Competition 33 Comment #100156
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 12:00:21 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38679
Frankly the SimCity series has never been of massive appeal to me. So a DRM-storm has even less.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 11:52:13 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38700
God damn, I want this game. Sucks that it has been shackled by DRM.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 10:59:02 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38703
HEY! Burnout was, no wait, IS STILL AWESOME! D:
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 09:29:53 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38668
A good game crippled by terrible DRM. Has there ever been ANY game that requires constant Internet connection that HASN'T been hit with huge downtimes and server issues at launch? Sim City, Diablo 3, Ubisoft's couple of games with it (AssCreed 2, Settlers 7), pretty much every popular MMO launched recently.... There's probably many more too. What a terrible, terrible DRM scheme, especially since Sim City has always been a purely offline experience. It's a shame too, the game itself looks really good.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 08:04:51 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38693
AT, check this out. The "update 2" header kind of sums it up.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 07:14:39 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38682
So is the general consensus a "no" then?

I am very interested in this, being a huge SimCity fan, but I'm still fairly skeptical.

Especially at 60$ price point.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 03:34:52 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38698
guys, don't bother supporting a system where anyone can get banned on the forums which results in being locked out of all the games you purchased on that system.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 02:27:56 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38692
I'm a hundred percent with Jeff on this one.

And yes, I had read it automatically quit after very few minutes without internet because parts of the game engine were hidden away in The Cloud and it couldn't run without it. It seems it either wasn't true or they changed it after that.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 01:43:57 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38686
Blitz: Literally all the time.
Also, I realize it's not the norm, but there are still places without stable internet connections, like places served by cellphone or satellite technology. Connections like this cut out all the time due to environmental factors, like light cloud cover.

If SimCity doesn't kill itself every time there's a drop in connection, that's great, it's much better than Ubisoft's Always-on, and better than I heard. But still, we're talking about a largely SP game, having to authenticate with servers every time you sign on (or the very act/term of signing on) is insanely unnecessary, especially when they're not able to handle the amount of traffic they get, which is equal to the amount of people that bought the game. With preorders that should have been easy to predict.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-08 01:30:44 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38663
Are you the one with 5 Battlefield games and the mech avatar?
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-07 23:53:42 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38673
I've used Steam's offline mode once in the past three years, to go on vacation. Lately I've realized I'd rather spend a few days snowmobiling, riding a quad, or fishing than playing the same games I can play every day back home on my shitty old laptop in a cabin in the woods. You need to predict your internet connection cutting out(or do it the night/morning before you leave for the middle of the woods), and activate it through the menu, then close steam. Yes it keeps running if you disconnect during a game, but:

So does SimCity. If it hasn't reconnected by the time you quit, it waits to sync your data to the cloud.

"if your internet happens to go down while you're playing, the game automatically quits just to fuck with you," Uh, no, no it doesn't. A little icon appears telling you you're de-synced and another appears when you're connected again. They pop-up in game. Not sure if you just made that up, or heard it somewhere. If you heard it from someone, they lied.

Point's moot really. Unless you're psychic, Steam's offline mode is largely useless. Honestly, when was the last time you used it?

And Atom I don't see your request yet. Did you send it to the right name?
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-07 23:37:06 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38691
^Exactly. Steam has an offline mode, which kind of doesn't quite work if you didn't activate it before disconnecting, but if you happen to lose your connection while Steam is running, everything still works just fine. You can keep playing whatever you were playing (unless of course it was a multiplayer game) and you can start any games you want.

In this case, however, if your internet happens to go down while you're playing, the game automatically quits just to fuck with you, because they're assholes and that's how they roll. It is VERY different.

You can't depend on your internet connection, especially if it's not needed for anything but fucking with people. That is a total dick move.
Commented 11 years ago2013-03-07 23:19:31 UTC in journal: #8132 Comment #38685
Always online always bothers me. Perhaps it's personal bias related to not having a decent connection, but making singleplayer gameplay dependent on being able to sustain a connection to a server 100% of the time, and also on that server being up 100% of the time, is...well, stupid.

Blitz: Hey, steam has offline mode, and it works beautifully. Better than online mode in my experience, actually.