
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 16:42:34 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45760
@Stojke. Little tip. Never suggest drinking less to a Scotsman. A sober night up there is practically blasphemy and treason rolled into one.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 16:38:32 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45783
Happy birthday!

The first time I got really drunk, I threw up on my brother's girlfriend (now mother of his two children, and like a sister to me). I was embarrassed for months.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 15:51:50 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45774
Happy 21st looks like a good time!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 15:48:49 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45768
Live and let live. Drinking is fun.

Also, grats huntey <3
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 15:36:19 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45767
I've never drunk enough to vomit.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 15:33:51 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45791
We did start off a bit extreme, as usual lol.

But the thing i want to say is that drinking too much is bad. I can of course understand drinking a few, every one does.
But seeing as he, who actually has it going well in life, drinks so much that it made him sick is dumb.

I only once drank as much as to loose full motor control and i fell out of a terrace. Luckily I fell into a bush. It didn't affect the way i think and i remember everything. It was funny, but barfing near a tree for 15 minutes wasn't that fun :D

Ever since than i never touched alcohol drinks, its just dumb. Not only does it make me feel sick, but its plain bad.

Crazy stuff.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 15:06:55 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45782
Wait, this discussion is slowly going in the wrong direction. Everything must be taken with measure. So is alcohol. I can't conceive a good party without it. If consumed with moderation, it helps people be more open with each other, so it makes a party much more enjoyable.

I myself never got drunk to the point of loosing control of myself, but I had the unfortunate(fortunate?) chance of seeing others. I remember seeing a guy who drank 1 bottle of vodka on an empty stomach. I went to dance, and in 5 minutes I was back. He was literally knocked out, sitting on the chair as if he was dead and all the contents of his stomach were flowing like a river on the floor.

Needless to say, it was a good scare lesson for me.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 14:49:37 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45790
I'm not lecturing you about anything, I'm simply expressing my line of thoughts.
And no, by that which i said i compared to your example of why you're drinking.

What i am trying to say is that there are much better ways to chillax and have fun than drinking like crazy and feeling like a bag of broken hard drives tomorrow morning.

I am against alcoholics and too much drinking due to those who enjoy such behavior usually dont think before they act.

Also, just as you said my enjoyment of drawn animals is bad because it isn't socially acceptable for some reason, the same i can say for your pictures and alcohol.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 14:16:23 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45766
I can't believe I'm being lectured on attracting women by someone who enjoys quasi-pornographic cartoon beastiality.

I also resent the fact you suggest I don't care about any of the girls. They're all good friends + one I've been steadily seeing for months. The drinking is just a way to blow off steam and is a large part of the culture here.

I hate guys who deliberately seek out drunk girls. This was a planned night out with people I'm closest to.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 14:05:52 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45789
Wow! Let us all poison our body with too much alcohol so that a few girls no one cares about think were cool. I like that idea.

Seriously, what happened with being a man and attracting girls that way? As if its cool to be reckless today.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:50:16 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45765
You may be on to something.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:48:33 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45781
I don't think drinking makes you attractive. I think those women drinking will make you attractive :P.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:45:25 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45764
Stojke: Just because.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:44:53 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45780
I never drank stupidly much. I'm aware that my body won't be well if I force too much alcohol in me. Oh, and I always eat between glasses.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:34:41 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45788
I wonder why do people drink like that.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:31:32 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45758
There we go. Hope it was a good one!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:28:24 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45763
It would seem the [pre] tag doesn't work in journals.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-24 13:27:39 UTC in journal: #7980 Comment #45757
So does mine after trying to decipher that.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-09-23 05:51:06 UTC in vault item: DM_Cybrain & TDM_Cybrain Comment #20140
What the f**k.

If this was done in 4 hours, why are you not our god?
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-23 03:38:31 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43761
Yeah, that's the version I was on before. I'll downgrade to those drivers again because they seemed better. I'll try your trick of moving the install drive as well. I'm due for a CPU and RAM upgrade and a Windows reinstall soon, might bite the bullet on those and see if it's any better after that.

EDIT: Still crashing after doing both those things. The worst part is that you don't get any of your experience points if the game crashes :|
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-23 03:28:46 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43765
Ah, lame. I'm on driver version 301.42 and it's stable, if that helps. I don't believe it's the most recent drivers.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-23 02:09:51 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43760
New drivers came out last week, I'll try those but I don't really expect they'll do anything, I'm unlucky like that :P

EDIT: Nope, if anything, it's even worse than it was before :/

@Urby: No error message, just dumps back to the desktop. The game is still running though, from there I have to alt-tab to get my mouse control back and kill the game from the task manager. Google hasn't returned any useful info :(

I don't regret buying it, but I certainly won't be buying any DLC for it if it's not stable on my machine.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-23 00:38:13 UTC in journal: #7975 Comment #45749
"There are dedicated rendering machines but they're always being used by the editors."

hah, would be cool if you could compile the croe on der. Also happy birday if it is indeed your birday. bartle doo! =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-22 21:25:46 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43764
Shit Pengy that sucks. You're not using any beta drivers or anything are you? BF3 really picky about video drivers. Mine started crashed regularly after the last update and for some reason switching the install to my newer drive fixed it. I have no explanation for that.

If you find you like the larger conquest maps with 64 players you should really get Armored Kill. One of the maps is essentially BF3: Skyrim. Looks exactly like it. The flight box(in-bounds infantry space is obviously smaller) is about 3/4 the size of Skyrim's entire map, and it's mountainous. The flight box is 2 kilometers high. It's nuts.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-22 16:35:52 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43771
Worms Armageddon~!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-22 14:33:27 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43754
I had an issue with BF3 crashing to desktop when I first started playing it. Then I did something to fix it and it has never happened since.

Trouble is, I can't for the life of me remember what I did... I think it was related to my connection and it quit to desktop whenever I lost connection to the server.

Do you get a message at all when it jumps back to desktop Pb? Is it related to the connection or is it just your bog standard "boop. I'm dead" kinda thing?
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-22 13:00:50 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43766
Worms Armageddon... Ah, I remember back when I knew all the tricks to that. It'd take me a while to get the hang of it again. And to get it again.
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Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 23:46:58 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43759
Invite accepted Blitz :)
Ant doesn't have BF3, he only has an account from when he played the beta.

EDIT: BF3 is quite unstable for me :(
My "Quits" stat is at 55%, that's how often it crashes back to the desktop before the round finishes. Lame!
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 23:30:35 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43763
So, Worms then :P
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 22:35:35 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43768
Damn. Think of when we'll have bases on the moon. Turn-based gaming only :)).
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Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 22:00:53 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43762
I can invite PB and Ant into the platoon once you accept my request. I think the platoon is open anyways you could search for and join it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 18:20:52 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43769
Striker you didn't account all the switches/routers, queues and other crap you're packets have to go through to reach the land of all lag - Australia :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 18:12:33 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43770
I'm not getting Origin, I already have Steam and Desura, I don't need EA's shit on my computer.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 14:19:24 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43753

I second the Worms Armageddon invite!
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Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 13:36:40 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43758
Not sure if you're trolling, being sarcastic, or genuinely confused...
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 13:07:30 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43767
I don't know what to do... is it worth it?

[EDIT] Nevermind, it's back to 50 euro again :P.

[EDIT] Penguinboy, isn't light supposed to travel at an incredible speed of c? That means that light is traveling around the Earth ~7 times per second. That means 130ms in one circumference travel. But internet optical cables never go that distance, so at worst you should get a maximum of around 70ms.

What's the problem?
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 12:37:06 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43757
Well, not for online gaming on servers on the other side of the world :P

Except Worms Armageddon, that works just fine no matter where you are. We've been getting back into that recently, you should join us again Huntey!

Also, give me the low down on how to join the TWHL platooney. If I can't be there in (virtual) person, I can at least be there in spirit. Origin (sigh) username is Pebguibnoy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 12:34:40 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43755
Australia was not invented for online gaming, it has to be said.
Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 12:30:50 UTC in journal: #7978 Comment #43756
I bought it because Strider's a dick and I hate him. YES YOU STRIDER READING THIS RIGHT NOW. FUCK YOU!

...Nah, it's because I've had an itch for shootering and no game I have at the moment can scratch it. However I don't see how I could play on your team with the lag and all >_>
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Commented 12 years ago2012-09-21 07:34:28 UTC in vault item: DM_Cybrain & TDM_Cybrain Comment #20139
Excuse me, did you say this was only created in 4 hours!?