I'd say about 50% of my working day is spent rendering. It still counts as working hours despite the fact I'm merely sat here twiddling my thumbs and browsing TWHL so I'm still getting paid for it and nobody bats an eyelid because everyone in the GFX department who uses After Effects is completely used to it.
TL;DR, I am currently being paid to browse TWHL. About time.
There are dedicated rendering machines but they're always being used by the editors. Also, with editing you can set a rough cut rendering then start tweaking while it's going. With After Effects you kinda need to see the render before you can tweak. It also requires regular RAM previews which take a looong time in 4:4:4 colour space.
Plus, if we started using dedicated rendering machines, we couldn't slack off.
I usually get paid to browse reddit because my code is compiling. Or so I say.
I can do whatever I want until the emergency room pages me.
my code only takes like... 30 seconds to compile and download to the hardware
Happy Birthday!
hah, would be cool if you could compile the croe on der. Also happy birday if it is indeed your birday. bartle doo! =)