
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-17 06:49:11 UTC in journal: #7938 Comment #43713
I have the old, and older versions backed up FYI.

It's kinda my fault the site vanished. I had to shut my server down so we migrated the domain to Archie's server and we never got around to putting anything up there ;P

also... Invision Free? really? :P We have proper server-ness you know, we can run a proper hosted board if you really want a forum.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-17 06:48:50 UTC in journal: #7939 Comment #63883
Acne. So much acne. :(
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-16 12:52:26 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48643
aw man. Sajo, you've actually got the coolest avatar on the whole site!
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-16 11:55:46 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58100
Oh man. I love seeing update shots like those on your blog. Make's me feel warm, fuzzy and nerdy as fuck.

CS:GO is ok so far. I'd prefer to play with more than 9 other people (or bots, ugh) though.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-16 11:03:34 UTC in journal: #7938 Comment #43711
It wasn't bad as such. It wasn't exactly great either. The point is, I just don't have it.

Also, no. It's a fresh new forum.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-16 10:47:33 UTC in journal: #7938 Comment #43715
There's too much contrast between the milky drops and the blue ones, or they're too bright. Hurts my eyes...
[EDIT] Also, about the forum, you imported the old member database, right?
I don't understand, why was the old design bad?
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-16 03:40:20 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58099
There are files that reference a number of classic 1.6 maps that never made it to CS:S, and some CS:S favourites like assault. The current theory seems to be that they're planned DLC.

And I agree with Archie, the maps are too inconsistent at the moment. Maps like Italy and Dust have received very nice makeovers, while some like Train and Nuke remain butt-ugly and with mangled layouts (shorttrain). The new maps are also pretty mixed. Lake and St Marc have excellent atmosphere, but Sugarcane is hideous. Bank and Safehouse would be nicer if they weren't spoiled with blurry textures, small layouts and lazy skyboxes.

Ignoring that rant though, the gameplay is very fun. The guns feel great, the new character models are excellent, and so are the new voices.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 22:26:05 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58110
Still haven't played Italy. I played maybe five more rounds but was at the mercy of the server's map rotation.

I guess the map list makes sense if they were catering to the competitive scene, but that seems risky because it's unlikely the competitive scene would take a liking to a new CS, especially considering how they reacted to CS:S.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 22:23:17 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58104
Italy is the only super highlight for me maps-wise. It's such a good upgrade. The word you were looking for to describe the others would be "pedestrian".
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 22:12:45 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54460
Probably. If the manufacturer is still in business I don't see why they would choose not to make an easy $25.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 22:10:49 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58109
True. And it didn't get Militia until even later. I guess we'll get them in a few years at the most? I hope it's not that long. Hopefully they'll being releasing new maps one at a time relatively soon.

If I could pick any one word to describe CS:GO map list it would be either "Standard" or "Safe". I'm torn between the two.

"Predictable" would fit, and even "Boring" although I'd feel bad using that word to describe anything the Turtle Rock guys did. Maybe I'm biased.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 22:04:19 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58103
CSS didn't get assault until like 3 years after it was released.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 21:52:18 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58108
Militia is great too. Any asymmetrical assault-a-fort type map makes for great CS in my opinion.

Maybe the beta map list isn't the full list? I doubt it but it's possible? Maybe? There's so many good maps missing.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 21:06:36 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58111
I think Assault has always been my favourite map. So much fun. I also particularly like Militia and Office. Most others, I'm not so fond of.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:59:35 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58113
assault was my fav map in 1.6, but I never cared for playing it in source... would love to see what they could do to improve assault for csgo tho, fo sho =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:18:00 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54463
I see where you're coming from CT, but even so I would prefer to have a copy of XP for mapping with. Perhaps someday when I get a desktop I can install a second HDD with it on. Believe me, if it weren't for Hammer not working as well on it I would have no problem with only ever using Windows 7.
And I'll try doing that Blitz. This laptop's like 5-6 years old though. Would they still do that?
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:15:44 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58107
I love assualt. It was so much fun, it showed that maps can be advantageous for one team and still be fair because teams switch sides at halftime during competition. Whichever team performs better when the odds are stacked against them would usually come out on top. I find it much more fun than a map that doesn't give either T or CT an advantage, it's all about doing better than them when it's their turn to have that disadvantage. It's just my tastes but I find it very fun.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:12:02 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58114
I don't want to sound like I'm complaining, but I was searching for cs_assault and couldn't find it. For some reason I really enjoyed that map, even though Terrorists were in a terrible advantage.
But this is just the beta, so I'm hoping they'll release more vintage maps.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:11:49 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58101
Indeed. Been working on porting my map over to GO and the lighting is sexy indeed. Going to be fun working on lighting for real once we're done with modelling.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 20:11:10 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58106
This is fun! Is it just me or does the glock suck slightly less? I've only played one of the maps so far by my initial impression was that this is better than source.

I wish Office was just a bit brighter like the old one though.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 19:30:08 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58102
The amount of work they've put into the maps is ridiculously inconsistent.
Italy has received so much love and has been far better balanced, yet Nuke - one of the most imba CS maps - has barely been touched except to stupify the underground area.

Still, the game is a huge improvement overall.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 19:21:16 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58105
Installing it now, kept forgetting to go buy a Steam card after work lol. It's going to be fun to have a fresh CS experience for a while. I'm pretty excited.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 13:13:38 UTC in journal: #7937 Comment #58112
Nice article sir!

I agree about the lighting it is friggin' gorgeous, making every map feel-like new, plus, i love the new materials, so smexy!
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-15 08:18:38 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54465
Personally, i really feel you're wasting your time nursing this thing along.

When windows 7 came out i rushed to buy a "real copy" of xp in case i needed it for one of my old computers, and it's still shrink-wrapped in plastic, sitting in my drawer untouched ;)

XP had it's day and it was awesome, but that time is passed; let it(and your old computer) die, and move on :)

(the last of my preaching, i promise)
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 22:02:11 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48644
I'm with disco- all i know is you've got 2848 days on your profile and that I should say welcome back sexy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 21:56:19 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54459
Did you buy a copy of the OS, or did you buy a computer with the OS already installed? If the latter is the case, contacting their support will usually result in being able to buy another copy of your own OEM operating system disc for significantly less than the real deal. Mine would've cost me $25 to replace if I hadn't been able to get my own disc back from my lazy friend.

It's still lame paying $25 for a CD containing something you already own, but much better than having to buy a new copy anyways.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 20:15:07 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54462
Forgot to mention I don't have the installation disk. I don't want to torrent it for various reasons either. I might have a look to see how cheaply I could get a copy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 20:13:10 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54467
Format it and reinstall Win XP?
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 14:46:08 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48638
Hail Sajo.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 12:45:00 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54461
I thought of that PB. I've only logged into TWHL and YouTube. I kind of don't want to format because I like Windows XP (I never managed to get the 3D view in Hammer working properly in Windows 7 - depending on whether or not I used that OpenGL fix it would either run extremely slowly or I couldn't select stuff. Never had any problems with XP), but I am aware of the dangers involved. I have downloaded Microsoft Security Essentials, and that did successfully find and get rid of a trojan, but I'm still intending to play it safe. I will only use this computer for mapping and browsing. I think I still have my old copy of WON Half-Life, so I don't need to log into Steam at all.

And CT, I probably should just buy a new PC. My newer laptop keeps getting problems, and as soon as I fix them a new, unrelated one pops up.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 11:27:36 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54458
Erm, if you got a virus on it and haven't formatted yet, you really should. I hope you're not logging into anything important on an infected machine, the chances of it having a keylogger are quite significant if it's infected :/
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 11:18:01 UTC in journal: #7936 Comment #54464
TL;DR - buy a new computer and give your old laptop to the needy ;)

Welcome back home btw =)
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-14 01:05:22 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48647
I don't know you but welcome back, I guess.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 23:53:01 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45703
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 22:27:18 UTC in journal: #7934 Comment #50858
I'll believe it when I see it on store shelves and hear about major studios releasing titles on it.

For anyone who doesn't get it Ouya is an indie console being developed as "the people's console" which will cost $99 and is not on lockdown and can be modded and such freely. The dev kit to make games doesn't cost a thing. It raised like eight million dollars on Kickstarter somehow. Probably by pandering to Redditors.

From what I gathered it's a hundred dollar PC that you hook up to your TV and play games. I'll believe it when I fucking see it.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 22:04:15 UTC in journal: #7934 Comment #50857
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 21:34:18 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48642
Hello, 2muchvideogames

Sadly, due to sadistic level of difficulty I have put in the maps, it is more of a torture than fun to play it, I never was fully aware of hard I was making the levels until a few people beta tested it for me. It truly was a great mistake on my part, I underestimated the importance of testing gameplay.

Still, I enjoyed making every levels/skins/textures/sounds and sharing it with the mapping/modding communities, even though I finished almost 40 maps and 5-6 chapters of it, I won't be releasing it. It is cancelled.

Because, there is no point in releasing a game if people can not fully enjoy it. I learned a lot from trying to make it a success though, it taught me hell lot of things about making a video game. I dont even remember how old "Xen Assault" is, wow...

I just grabbed every file about it and put them into a hard-disk, which is now currently rotting in one of my drawers. It was a good experiment which granted me much experience, (or so I believe). (:
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 19:31:24 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48648
hello, how's that xen mod of yours going? I am nearly able to complete it illegitimately, but it's still hard as ever
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 17:29:37 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48645
Hello thar and welcome back.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 17:08:17 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48637
Holy shit, it's Sajo... again. I have a happy.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 16:49:22 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48646
Welcome back, Sajo.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 15:24:19 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48640
just teasing, dude <3
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 14:58:54 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48641
Haha... someone is still mad. Come on, Jamie no need to stir up pointless drama.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 13:18:42 UTC in journal: #7935 Comment #48639
Welcome back, Saco!

Hurry up and finish your Hostage-Situation chapter - we're all waiting on you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 09:11:53 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45698
But it's no actual fae blue, but
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-13 06:43:51 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45705
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-12 22:34:05 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45702
Has Archie even been as far as decided to want more Scotch?
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-12 22:18:52 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45704
You're not making any sandwich.
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-12 22:05:05 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45693
ed. What about everyone el
Commented 12 years ago2012-08-12 20:04:36 UTC in journal: #7933 Comment #45701
im confus