Commented 1 year ago2024-01-19 16:12:44 UTC
in vault item: dm_perthownedComment #105905
I'm discovering this map a little late, but I couldn't resist to say how impressive this level of detail is, how carefully crafted every corner is, i'm in awe... Sadly the optimization is not as good and makes it's relevancy questionable being a map made for a 25yo game... But It's probably the most astonishing HLDM level using original textures I've ever seen.
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-18 17:58:10 UTC
in vault item: CoolDownComment #105895
I already gave you my feedback on discord,but really great work, this genuinely could have been an official release map. An insane number of ideas and details, I'm jealous ...
Commented 1 year ago2024-01-18 17:32:35 UTC
in vault item: DamnationComment #105894
Cool map, not too big, with a lot of passages, I appreciate that the contest have at least one map that use outdoors of black mesa. Maybe it would have need more details in the brush and texture work, but I overall liked the very vanilla vibe like early HL maps. good job