
Commented 16 years ago2008-06-10 01:00:54 UTC in vault item: dm_industrial Comment #16706
No, Its HL1, he used a high-scaled model to simulate a 3D skybox, stop whining.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 13:29:31 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16615
Fixed again.
Commented 16 years ago2008-05-04 09:08:12 UTC in vault item: Warcoast Comment #16612
Shit. Fixed.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-25 19:16:11 UTC in vault item: cs_portugal Comment #16577
I'm not saying you're a noob, you isn't a noob, this map proves that, I'm saying that getting a 'Top map' in FPSB is not so hard and their users, unfortunately, just want skins and skins, its not a mapping site at all. Just that, saying that the map is 'Top Map' at FPSB will not get attention from TWHL users as this is a mapping site, people here will know what you did at every brush, and will give constructive critcism instead of 'OH MAI GOD I TOUGHT IT WAS FRO SAUCE!' feedback wich people usually give on fpsb.
About your map, I downloaded and its cool, nice brushwork, but you could work on the r_speeds (null invisible parts of the map and use skyblock).
Are you compiling the map with Qtools? (qrad, qvis,qetc...), if yes then try compiling the map with the newer ZHLT and I think it will get rid of the illusionary problem.
I'll not rate it because it still a beta.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-25 01:26:24 UTC in vault item: cs_portugal Comment #16571
Its very easy to get a "TOP MAP" in FPSBanana, most of the users are noobs and don't know any iota of mapping, You should reduce the entry name to the map name only and get a less egoistic behavior, otherwise you'll be bashed from user from here.
Commented 16 years ago2008-04-05 19:43:05 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16556
Shit sorry man. I'll re-upload.
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-22 00:19:18 UTC in vault item: fy_dustyworld Comment #16443
Please take your stuff to FPSBanana, there you'll get 'OMG YUOR ICEWORD REMAEK WHTI DUTS TEXTRUES R0X OMG's because people there don't care about the brushwork and how much detail people need to do make a good map, There the Maps section have failed with utter shit with Fy_1337_dust_iceworld_killbox and stolen content with people giving credits only with submitters, not the real author, a very long ago, so when you get some more 'profissional' mapping and get out from CS you'll be welcome here. Sorry.
Commented 16 years ago2008-02-22 00:05:38 UTC in vault item: ka_pitchblack Comment #16442
Post on Fpsbanana and your map will get 10/10. (If you didn't posted it already).
Commented 16 years ago2008-01-09 01:53:34 UTC in vault item: De_Dome Comment #16224
dotdotdotdot Yes I hope you make it gud on HL dotdotdotdot The Dome isn't CSG Fault dotdotdotdotdotdot you need to make the things correctly, your vertices isn't fully aligned each other dotdotdotdotdotdot I hope you improve a bit more this map dotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdotdot.
Commented 16 years ago2008-01-05 02:07:12 UTC in vault item: De_Dome Comment #16203
Good architeture.
Excessive use of "halflife.wad".
No use of func_walls on complex brush, ugly shadow errors.
The dome is horrible, use another way to make a dome.
Ct base = Win.
Terror Base = Fail.
Big map = Win.
CS = Fail.

Commented 16 years ago2007-12-27 21:24:18 UTC in vault item: dm_industrial Comment #16174
Wow. This one is the better of your maps. Like your other map I just looked to the screenshot and downloaded. Well I would say that this one isn't a large open area like your other and this isn't looking like HL1 engine in some parts. I liked how you used the Source textures wich seens to be edited, because a instantly-ported VTF looks very blurry in HL and this one seens very good. Well, the 3d Sky model is awsome too, but you could worked more on it, added more buildings or some furniture on it. Well, the architeture is good to but a bit blocky. Thats all.
I'm looking forward for your next release.
4 Stars.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-26 23:23:52 UTC in vault item: Ruinrock Comment #16168
This is farly good map, I liked the way how you make ruins as you made on your previous map, well this one is a "Chateau" texturized ruin of something, there's some kind of temple on the center. I liked the way you did the mountains and ruins, also the gameplay would be good on this one because it has a large area wich not limit so much the player moviments, Your brushwork is not bad in some areas and very good in another, I didn't liked so much inside the temple, seens a bit blocky, but the breaked bridge is awsome, also the montains aren't bad too, my complaints is about that brushbased no-leaf tree, wich helps the map to get high r_speeds, as a multiplayer map, you should be worried about those... Thats all.

3.5 stars up to 4.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-26 23:17:36 UTC in vault item: Psychodelia Comment #16167
Lol... I downloaded this one immediatly looking from that uber energy ball... As for the map, this is a quite icredible piece of good work and effort, also a great effort and good idea, really I never tought to make an arena-ish with some kind of ruined spacestation or something like that, your brushwork is good but you could worked more on some walls and make that a bit "coverable" map, in this one you can have a vision of your enemy whatever he are, so the gameplay is lacking a bit, but that gaves no reason to say that this map is a worth try, decent texturing and cool effect on these "uber energy balls", other thing that I would like to say is that your map is filled with func_walls or something wich make the weapons and models over the surface of this one appearing black, thats not good, feels urealistic and so. The last tip is to change the description, wich is very no-sense, try to say what your map has and no more... Thats all.

3 Stars.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-25 05:26:00 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16160
Thanks Mamus. The map is on the second update wich uses an orange skybox and changed the water to a huge model with adittive textures to fade along with the skybox.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-24 22:09:33 UTC in vault item: Santa's Revenge 2 (SP Mod) Comment #16159
Yes my HL exits after the first level. I installed this one on the Steam HL now.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-24 15:39:57 UTC in vault item: de_jihad Comment #16156
Oh another friend. This is another of the great MiB contest maps. This map is very good for a de_ map, altough its too big for a fy_ map wich you used on the contest. Nice textures, nice atmosphere, nice r_speeds, nice everything... 4.5 stars -> 5 stars.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-24 13:49:36 UTC in vault item: Santa's Revenge 2 (SP Mod) Comment #16154
"Couldn't load libary"
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-24 13:05:08 UTC in vault item: awp_ferreiro Comment #16153
Nice friend, Really liked this one, Altough I think that the "2Fort" style are getting a bit sick. The atmosphere is cool too, good work on the details like falling water, bridges and some buildings (Well there's one I didn't liked wich are using some textures wich I used in my map too). The rest is good... and the 3d Sky box looks like Source, that was a good technique to use a huge model for it... Really good. Keep the work!!!, 5 stars.

Also I think we're breaking a tradition on TWHL that is the auto-reject of Awp, Fy, and other another custom CS gameplay maps wich didn't require much knowledge of the mapper, well, the "popular" gameplay choices.
Well, I must admit that I don't like they too... But your map is really out of the "Shape" and are the best AWP map out there... Good Job again!.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-22 21:00:09 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16144
Well... After 5 hours the screenshot was changed. Cool!.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-22 18:57:17 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16143
Hm... I know the clipping isn't good, Is so much hard to make a cool beach on HL... Its better to have a horribly clipped map instead of players wich will be able to see bugs everywhere, Thanks for the 5 stars, that was my first on a completed map.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-20 04:23:08 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16136
Not that much.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-19 17:51:00 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16134
MiB - Brazilian Level Design forum.
Commented 16 years ago2007-12-19 11:46:06 UTC in vault item: Fy_Vertstadt Comment #16131
Thanks man... I have to explain that I did the clip because the player would be able to see bugs In the fake water effect... About the sprites, I can't do much better on Cs wich I don't know about the existence of a particle entity... Anyways thanks again...
Commented 17 years ago2007-09-23 13:45:28 UTC in vault item: Xen Crystal (HL1 SP Mod) Comment #15662
The second map is very bugged for me. First, the weapons stop working, I can't select between any weapon, Second, all the buttons in the map doesn't work, Third, all the monsters start dead, I couldn't pass trought this level, I reloaded on the first map and everytime I get on the second level it has the same bug, I jumped to the third map wich I liked a bit, not the mapping and level of detail (wich is very very bad, the rocks look like shit), I liked the Uplink style puzzle, I didn't finished it because it has some bad very bad bugs wich don't let me pass trough or I'm doing something wrong. Whatever, I think this one is fun to play when not bugged... Good job!.
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-11 13:47:17 UTC in vault item: Fathom 2.4 Comment #15549
Good. The brushwork isn't bad also my only complaint is about the skybox you used, It looks really horrible and don't give the endless water look. Whatever this is a very good and fun to play, good storyline and stuff. I recomend it.
Commented 17 years ago2007-08-11 13:44:35 UTC in vault item: de_mon Comment #15548
The map don't lag here. Also MaMuS are you brazilian?.
Commented 17 years ago2007-05-01 16:51:13 UTC in vault item: Alpestrine Comment #14774
Nice map. But the Trees splits white blood.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-30 23:36:39 UTC in vault item: green_mesa Comment #14769
It isn't grass on the walls. It is Radioactive water textures.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-30 23:27:40 UTC in vault item: green_mesa Comment #14768
He decompiled the fucking intro map and used water textures on walls. I don't believe you guys didn't saw this. This guy is a fucking n00b. Trust me. He always steal other peoples work just see he's Ben-10 mod and you'll see what I'm talking about.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-25 23:02:12 UTC in vault item: Day 15 Comment #14737
Oh shit. This is fuckin' awsome. I really like this series and I played all Day 13 14 and 15. But tell me will this series finish like that?. You will be a prisioner forever of that re-education facility?. Please make a Day 16 mod and make Gordon to escape from the facility. You have my 6 stars.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-25 07:06:06 UTC in vault item: Invasion 105 2.0 Comment #14730
Thanks for re-uploading it.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:38:54 UTC in vault item: Epic Hallway Comment #14720
ROFLMAO. "He was obviously trying to be funny. He failed." That isn't true. I Lol'd here a lot I don't know but I tought its very funny. This minicompo is really boring. It don't have sense. Only a hallway?.

Have a nice day.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-23 22:36:02 UTC in vault item: aim_a2_prisonyard Comment #14719
Yes. The recent ones is good. But that don't give him right to say shits like he did on the first post.

Have a nice day. sir.
Commented 17 years ago2007-04-23 14:26:06 UTC in vault item: aim_a2_prisonyard Comment #14711
Ignore that. That guy only spam shits like "Your map sucks" "Remove from the vault". He already did that with one of my maps. He should see he's shitty blocky maps before spam another user made maps. However I tought the map very good and full of details and good textures that fit the theme you're using. But Aim maps isn't my style of game play. It would be good if you make the map with more areas and another game play like De or Cs. Thats all. 3 stars.
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-09 18:28:28 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13955
No... never mind it...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-08 20:29:30 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13946
Can you compress with a valid zip or rar archive and reupload it???...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-06 19:32:37 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13921
Nope... I'm still getting file corrupted errors with xp's compressor...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-06 19:28:14 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13920
Thx.. I downloaded it 3 times and it say its corrupted... I will try to use xp's compressor to extract...
Commented 17 years ago2007-01-06 12:34:06 UTC in vault item: dm_hothworld beta Comment #13917
The file are corrupted with WinRar
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-29 19:44:10 UTC in vault item: Split-Second 2.0 Comment #13856
Same prob with me...
Maybe you're using with steam... ??
Only copy the dlls from your valve/cl_dlls to the split/cl_dlls folder... and you can play...
Hey kc8kjp download steam splash creator, create a background for steam users, delete the client dlls, and release a new version for Steam users... OK??.
Commented 17 years ago2006-12-27 05:29:29 UTC in vault item: Split-Second 2.0 Comment #13832
Thanks!!... this fixed my barney problem. Whatever I liked it (very much). Except the ending and the incompatiblity with Steam Users...
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-31 23:06:39 UTC in vault item: SweetHomeCity Comment #13396
Yes... I Know...
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-30 00:17:21 UTC in vault item: SweetHomeCity Comment #13382
OK... That's my opinion...
This map will never have the same fun, architeture, originality than your sc_challenge...
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-28 17:40:26 UTC in vault item: SweetHomeCity Comment #13361
+ Good city theme.
+ Cool puzzles.
+ A big playtime.
- Stupid, excessive and unnecessary monstermakers.
- You get your as_intruder and put monsters on it.
- The breakable things are too stronger.
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 15:04:14 UTC in vault item: Half-Life: Uplink Extended 1.1 Comment #13289
Its map this full of silly errors? I host a file showing the images of the errors? for you see what to make, you should put clips and to increase the height of the walls? by the way? I liked the end of the map? I hope that you fix these errors? here is the download link: >>

Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 01:34:27 UTC in vault item: Two Comment #13264
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-22 01:24:21 UTC in vault item: sc_officees Comment #13263
ERRRR... "-NO SUIT. You NEED a flashlight for this map, yet you didn't give the player a suit. Huh?" SUIT???? I thought this is for Sven-Coop... and i'm think the deathmatch "1" cvar set the player with suit at the start of the map!!!... IT'S NOT FOR HL1 GOOFBALL!!!
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-11 02:28:25 UTC in vault item: dod_spires_v1 Comment #13149
The map well is made and detailed? but it well it is not very compatible with environment of WWII of the DoD: S? Maps as this had to be made for CS: S?
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-10 23:12:59 UTC in vault item: Apocta Comment #13148
Brazilians are invading TWHL :)...
Commented 17 years ago2006-10-07 23:59:24 UTC in vault item: Apocta Comment #13112
Man... This is an one of the best hldm map that i've played... that sea thing is neat!!!...