
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-25 16:23:08 UTC in journal: #7643 Comment #50812
"Who cares? The place next door has FREE BEER TOMORROW!"

hahahah WIN
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-25 13:58:42 UTC in journal: #7638 Comment #62358
Happy birthday
User posted image
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 22:37:09 UTC in journal: #7634 Comment #57883
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 14:05:00 UTC in journal: #7634 Comment #57882
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-23 05:50:15 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Perfect Timing with Doors Comment #100985
Awesome! Really nice tutorial, 5 stars mate.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-22 22:47:15 UTC in journal: #7634 Comment #57881
I dont use deo at all, i just wash with soap when i get from somewhere and when going somewhere.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-21 21:08:07 UTC in journal: #7630 Comment #41999
I removed one tooth, didnt hurt, but they removed it for over 15 minutes. I have strong gums :>
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-20 13:57:07 UTC in journal: #7629 Comment #39630
You've just got older.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-19 11:37:11 UTC in journal: #7628 Comment #66197
You got what
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-15 10:08:47 UTC in journal: #7623 Comment #66831
User posted image
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-12 23:51:20 UTC in journal: #7616 Comment #66525
"Urby I have a friend who is alway's correcting people like that. Would you believe he's still a virgin? :P 04:32"

From the chat box.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-12 16:23:01 UTC in journal: #7617 Comment #48232
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-12 15:48:38 UTC in journal: #7616 Comment #66524
Its -15 in Serbia, snowing 3 days with out stopping. It hasn't snown like this in 10 years.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-09 22:26:50 UTC in journal: #7610 Comment #66823
Also, Blue Shift and Opposing forces really add to the story.
I find it so damn awesome how G-man [censured] Black Mesa!

HL1 story was so amazing, still is.

@Bruce - Didn't know that, too bad.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-09 08:36:59 UTC in journal: #7610 Comment #66822
Explosion of extreme quality scientific equipment, long big concrete tunnels/bunkers, inner tram system, EVERYTHING about Black Messa!

A huge scientific lab made to run various experiments, radiation, computers, machinery, hazmat suits, HEV 5, guns.

I mean really, it is still my most favorite game ever made. I simply love that kind of stuff.
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-05 20:35:10 UTC in journal: #7604 Comment #49353
Intel prices dropped by a huge number. Here are some of the prices where i live:

i7-3960X 3.3GHz 15MB -> 710 Euro
i7-3930K 3.2GHz 12MB -> 500 Euro

While AMD is:

Phenom II X4 955 Black Edition 3.2GHz 8MB -> 244 Euro
FX-8150 3.6GHz 8MB -> 220 Euro
Commented 12 years ago2012-02-01 14:49:23 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #19784
DL wont work for me.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-28 14:26:25 UTC in journal: #7593 Comment #57838
Ink detection could probably also be done by a conductivity test.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-25 21:23:05 UTC in journal: #7589 Comment #55320
Cool, for a first animation its pretty good. Stojke likes :>
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-25 08:43:08 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66187
When i said kid i meant <12 years.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 21:57:34 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66186
Hmm, hmm... Look at your avatar and ask your question again :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 19:27:54 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66185
They have internet speeds from 10Mb to 100Mb. As i heard, block server masters have 1Gb/s
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 17:36:50 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66184
Well, they do have access to all of what we can see, and we can access all of they can see, but 90% of it is not on google, and somethings are restricted to Russia only.
They have these Block Servers that are in every city on each city block, and from them they can get any file they want that the server is hosting, Anime, movies, programs, games, etc. Piracy is an every day thing, foreign software is pirated like crazy, even hosting companies, internet providers, give users a Torrent server, and an upload server.
QIP file sharing website has ton of EVERYTHING, from programs, to movies, to pictures, to all kinds of junk/stuff.

Basically, their internet has no restrictions, they are completely free to do what they want.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 15:48:31 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66183
No, not meth, normal crystals like salt crystals... Not drugs lol. Why would a kid want to make drugs?

I know what are you trying to say, but some things really arent for some people, and thats why im all da fuq is this shit with Anonymous organization.

I agree with scotch when it comes to internet, only use it with a parent, until the child learns how to behave online and what to do.

Its interesting how sophisticated Russian internet is. Their entire cities are rigged into a giant lan network where they can access anything from their block servers. They are completely cut off from the rest of us, they have their own Facebook (Vkontakte), their own chat programs that they use ( QIP, ICQ ), everything is only for them. A ton of forums/websites/everything.

They couldnt care less about SOPA.
I bet if SOPA passed, my country leaders would just suck up and do something about it here.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 14:25:25 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66182

I think i was perfectly clear there when i said it was made to deliberately injure some one.
What i see from your comment is you going rage because i said censorship is a good thing.

Of course humans learn from mistakes, how many times did i, but when something is made to KILL you, and made in a way so it looks perfectly safe, thats not right.
I have no interest into deep chemistry, nor does it interest me the slightest, but when you see a neatly made tutorial, with all the steps explained, with nice after effect pictures you think its all right. But what you don't know is that the gases made from it can be lethal.

I am implying that some things are not for some people and that those things should not be available to some people. I am also implying that too many kids are viewing twisted things on the internet, who knows how will that affect them latter in life.

Next time read posts with understanding.


Also. about the thing of "The whole internet is against SOPA" is 100% wrong. Have you seen any Chinese, Russian, etc complain about it? No? Think about it a little.
It will only affect America and some websites in other regions. Which will be restored latter probably.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 10:37:15 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66181
Even a slightly threat needs to be blocked. Imagine your kid discovering something like that, for an example - Making crystals with bleach.
Instant poisoning/death.

And what do you consider censorship? They will not censure something like facebook or wikipedia. Your point of view is either nothing or total.
I did say i dont agree with SOPA and American try at controlling everything.

I said i want these things to be blocked and removed.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 10:01:43 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66180
Ive seen people posting tutorials on how to do things that are made to look interesting and safe, but are intended to seriously wound or kill a person.
I am sickened of these things when i see them, when i see some one masking a death plan into a technical document, lying about things that can injure one.
How many times i saw an electronics project that has noted to touch the part where the main voltage is...

If it takes total censorship of Internet to stop these sick people i am for it. Not to mention what kind of things ive seen when i heard about 4chan /b/.
Internet is not for those who will abuse it. Nothing is.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 09:47:35 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66179
My Internet time is usually from 2 to 4 hours a day, max. Well, some times more when im researching something.

Dont get me wrong, i am not for SOPA, but i do agree that some things need to be deleted/removed/blocked.
People cant just blindly follow one thing with out thinking.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 09:13:56 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66178
Torrenting is something you do on your own risk, and you do it because you know the risks. If you get busted, you're busted.

Too many people doing what they shouldn't, no wonder SOPA is considered seriously. They feel vulnerable, and when a powerful person feels vulnerable, it does anything to stop you.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 08:47:29 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66177
Wow, it takes a really big brain to DDOS a server, wow.

If those little kiddies even knew how to do anything serious they wouldnt be risking it doing crap like this.

Mega upload knew damn well they had pirated software onto it, and they knew that is getting them rich. Now other people that want to get rich are in war with host companies. Nothing new.
Not my thing to get involved, plus i dont give a damn if they shut down all web hosts that have piracy. I still have hosts that host non-piracy and torrents :trollface:
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-23 07:25:21 UTC in journal: #7588 Comment #66176
Bunch of little whiny kids.

Having no idea what they are doing. I look at anonymous as a retard squad of emo kids.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-17 09:42:34 UTC in journal: #7580 Comment #45501
Wow, awesome
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-15 20:28:48 UTC in journal: #7576 Comment #63875
Photoshop is just for coloring if you dont have a tablet, you will hardly draw good with a mouse.
But you can try. And you do need to know how to draw.

But for photo manipulation, you can use just your mouse, but dont expect anything too perfect.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-12 21:36:19 UTC in journal: #7568 Comment #66793
There is a difference between real gay people and those who like to violate them selfs.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-12 08:50:33 UTC in journal: #7569 Comment #41989
3D lol.

If i ever get a tattoo its gonna be something in good old green-black color.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-12 08:49:23 UTC in journal: #7568 Comment #66792
There are gay people, and there are faggots that have no right to be called gay people.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-08 15:54:24 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Random entity triggering Comment #101041
They all need to have a same name.

The central info target has one name (starting entity)
The outer info targets need to have the same name (ending entity)

So, you have 2 entity names, start and end, where all ends are named the same. Thats how the program choses randomly.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-07 20:32:49 UTC in journal: #7562 Comment #66519
An UNIX based operating system. Very stable and secure.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-06 20:08:58 UTC in journal: #7562 Comment #66518
I use linux some times, but ive set it up for use as if it is a primary OS.

I use linux when i have online work to do and for experimenting.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-06 18:44:25 UTC in journal: #7562 Comment #66517
The game works perfectly too :)
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-06 12:56:55 UTC in vault item: Secret Santa 2011 - Stojke Comment #10112
So it was Jeffmod! Damn, i was wrong :(

I really liked this map, it was awesome! :o
The final area was so cool, i liked the look trough the terrace, all thou the screen image made me think it was some one else.
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-06 09:20:23 UTC in journal: #7561 Comment #41976
I think he made THE game, that is animated it. If he did, wow O_o
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-05 22:45:09 UTC in journal: #7560 Comment #43314
How about... Awesome?!

TWHL is the best mapping community i saw, and ive been to many, chat bear thing, russian forums, some lame balkan forums, and em even making my own Serbian mapping forum because TWHL inspired me.

What else can a person say, except being totally impressed and amazed by TWHL? You should be feeling happy and glad :o
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-01 23:08:13 UTC in journal: #7553 Comment #66756
I was gonna write poetry, but
Than i got high
Than i got high
Than i got high
Commented 12 years ago2012-01-01 17:52:23 UTC in journal: #7551 Comment #41972
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-31 19:09:39 UTC in news: Happy New Year! Comment #99958
Wow amazing! Really cool effects and high quality video.

TWHL is the S :D
Commented 12 years ago2011-12-31 13:09:56 UTC in journal: #7547 Comment #51415
You too, and same.