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Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 14:30:14 UTC in journal: #7048 Comment #55216
I tend to have more bus-crazies than train-crazies, but I've had similar experiences. Don't feel bad for not getting involved - you could have been hurt.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-16 04:07:01 UTC in journal: #7046 Comment #52611
Happy birthday, sir.

Let's see... 1833? That makes you 178 years old? Congrats!
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Commented 13 years ago2011-02-09 22:23:40 UTC in vault item: de_dust2_3v3 Comment #18808
Well, obviously. You missed my point.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-02-08 22:10:43 UTC in vault item: de_dust2_3v3 Comment #18803
"it's 100% identical to dust2.
But slightly different"

I've run the numbers. He's right.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-07 18:46:38 UTC in journal: #7028 Comment #57298
I love seeing other people's WIP maps in Hammer. Looks really promising - you've obviously spent loads of time on the lift especially.

I'll be tuning in next time.
Commented 13 years ago2011-02-07 07:07:10 UTC in journal: #7026 Comment #53634
Heh, I was going to mention Need for Speed but you beat me to it.
Hot Pursuit is such a broken, consoletarded game I genuinely regret buying it - and I very, very rarely regret buying games.
I've ranted and raged on the official forums, as well as sending official support tickets about utterly game-destroying bugs, crashes and basic problems and they never reply with anything useful or even show that they've taken the information on board. For example, the recent patch absolutely wrecked compatability with a large number of logitech steering wheels resulting in them not differentiating between turning left and turning right. Hundreds upon hundreds of people have been complaining for the past week because they can't play the game (It's not worth playing with a keyboard) and there hasn't been a single official acknowledgement of the problem.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-02-01 09:42:36 UTC in journal: #7016 Comment #62141
Women are great, just avoid the bipolar psycho variety unless you find yourself stuck with one. In that case, stick a cock in their mouth - if they can't speak, they can't cause problems.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-01-21 19:32:02 UTC in journal: #6996 Comment #57273
Yeah, it really does look pretty exceptionally terrible. And yet I'm probably still going to buy it, as are several million other gamers. Brand power is an amazing thing.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-19 16:57:33 UTC in journal: #6993 Comment #44666
I love this
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-18 18:10:23 UTC in journal: #6991 Comment #57259
Haha, it's pretty obviously a prank, but it's a good one. :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-17 20:27:46 UTC in journal: #6986 Comment #57235
that's just my voice.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-17 16:40:58 UTC in journal: #6988 Comment #48060
Which GTA are you talking about, Stu? That never happens to me in GTAIV
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-17 12:08:02 UTC in journal: #6986 Comment #57234
No, no, no, Dimbark. You're doing it all wrong.
Here's how it's done:

TWHL Podcast Beta
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-17 06:35:06 UTC in journal: #6988 Comment #48059
Tom Francis, I think it was, of UK's PC Gamer magazine wrote a feature on doing this. It was incredibly funny. I'll try to dig it up and post it here.

Also, you're not the only one. Mafia 2 devs noticed people doing this in GTA, and added a limiter button to all vehicles which will constantly change to match the speed limit of the road you're driving on. Of course they then added police who give chase if you go 1mph over the limit which sounds cool and realistic in theory, but in practice just means that driving becomes a chore .
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-16 13:23:08 UTC in journal: #6986 Comment #57233
Archie's 2 cents:

A pre-recorded vlog from several hosts is, in my opinion, far more challenging logistically to produce for the following reasons.
First and foremost - it means one person is stuck with editing several people's footage and awkward, pre-recorded audio. Not only is this a pain in the ass to edit, but also the seemingly simple task of getting this media to the editor will be a challenge due to predictably high file-sizes.
A further problem is that Americans will be recording with NTSC 29.9fps while most of the rest of the world uses the PAL 25fps system. Frame dimensions also differ between the two, resulting in more grief during the post production process.

Also, on Steam you were saying you just want pre-recorded screen-captured footage with voice-over? This will be dead boring with dead robotic sounding audio. See any of the early TWHL motm reviews for an example of how boring it can be.

Your original idea, I think, is much more interesting and probably much more entertaining. Several hosts being recorded live (audio at least, although I think it would benefit from some webcam face-time) with footage of the map/mod in question being cut into it at relevant moments will result in far more humorous dialogue and far more relevant information being conveyed during the reviewing portion, as there would be a live point;counter-point scenario (one person makes a point, another can say why they disagree/agree.)
This makes reviews much more balanced and relevant.

Further benefits would be that if one person is recording everyone, we don't have the issue of varying video formats, and if the person recording is the person editing, we also don't have to worry about transferring massive files.

It could still be presented as a 'TWHL Weekly' - there's no need to use a livestream or anything, but the format of a live show is far more engaging to viewers - even if they're only watching a recording of it - than any simple scripted voice-over would be.

edit: I think I gave you 5 cents too many.


Think of it like Top Gear. The show is awesome because of the banter between the hosts. It has some recorded voice-over over footage of the cars being reviewed, of course, but if it was just that, nobody would watch it.
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Commented 13 years ago2011-01-10 04:10:23 UTC in journal: #6976 Comment #38441
Updated and sent bug report successfully. The bug report seemed to be hanging, but it was just taking quite a long time.

Win7 64
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-03 13:30:31 UTC in journal: #6968 Comment #57208
I'd be worried, except you linked to The Daily Mail. If you're not from the UK, you won't understand why that puts me at ease, but it does.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-01 10:26:39 UTC in journal: #6963 Comment #45162
define "oldster"
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Commented 13 years ago2010-12-24 20:12:07 UTC in journal: #6949 Comment #43012
Urby is so similar to Ben "Yahtzee" Crawshaw that he's actually outright plagiarised him in the past. However, Urby maintains that he brought Trilbies back before Yahtzee did.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-24 16:48:13 UTC in journal: #6949 Comment #43011
Fuck sake Urby stop spamming TWHL with your scotch and coffee shite nobody cares
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-23 20:14:46 UTC in journal: #6948 Comment #57160
Noire is the feminine of noir.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-22 12:00:34 UTC in journal: #6945 Comment #66286
...But why would you want Orange Box for console anyway? :S
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 22:21:01 UTC in journal: #6945 Comment #66285
I have a 360, but it's just a less powerful PC. Practically everything on 360 is also on PC, or has a better alternative on PC. I honestly haven't used it in about a year. Literally. There's nothing wrong with it except for the fact it's pointless.

For that reason I'd consider a PS3. There's quite a lot on it which isn't available for PC.
Still probably not going to buy it, and I want to sell my 360 (although I'll probably be lucky to get even ?30 now that the new slim 360 is out.)

So basically if you're primarily a PC gamer, get a PS3 because the xbox can't do anything your PC can't.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 22:16:43 UTC in journal: #6946 Comment #42995
"This journal was the size of a small book"
Your definition of a small book is distressingly minimalistic.

"the actual contents (Minecraft) made it worse."
Minecraft was voted PC Gamer's Game of the Year up against giants such as Bad Company 2, Black Ops, Starcraft 2. If you don't like it, you haven't experienced it properly.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 08:03:26 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48036
Mine's neater and doesn't look like tacky plastic shit, Ant. Oh, and mine probably cost half of what yours did, while still being just as powerful, if not more-so. Ouch, Ant. Ouch.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-20 16:32:51 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48035
Nah, that's a midi case.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-20 12:23:57 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48034
Wait, what? I have a GTX 480 and it's about twice the length of that.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-20 00:23:06 UTC in journal: #6941 Comment #42983
It alarms and frightens me that there is more than one smug looking ginger cat on the planet.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-19 18:03:03 UTC in journal: #6941 Comment #42982
"i meant HL:HS"

so did Urby, but you've given the game away now.

Anyway, my lips are sealed. What is HL:HS? Never heard of it. Who are you? Get out of my house.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-19 17:00:45 UTC in journal: #6941 Comment #42981
I'm finishing The Core, that's all.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-19 16:27:51 UTC in journal: #6941 Comment #42980
Actually, that's a good point muzzeh. Now that we're both GoldSource mapping again, we should really do some more in-devs.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-19 01:45:48 UTC in journal: #6938 Comment #46767
I'm going to get it if it's on sale any time soon.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-14 14:29:36 UTC in journal: #6932 Comment #41676
Piss, you're right. I forgot because it's a VOX taunt in AOE2, AOM and AOE3.

type 11 or 14 in the chat, if memory serves.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-13 22:16:02 UTC in journal: #6932 Comment #41675
"Wololo" - Age of Empires 2
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-10 23:19:49 UTC in journal: #6929 Comment #36074
The artwork deserves it!
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-02 20:08:24 UTC in journal: #6911 Comment #63186
Kasperg and a reviewer having a row? Unheard of.