
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-18 10:40:31 UTC in news: Time 4 Left 4 Dead 4 Everyone 4 Ever! Comment #98834
Huntey was incapacitated by Hunter

I need someone to play with. All my usual mates are at college today D: D: D:

Just finished No Mercy. :D that whole section just before the rooftop, pushing zombies off the side of the hospital. awesome.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-16 14:03:55 UTC in journal: #5462 Comment #59889
you call the guy a troll, then proceed to counter his points as if they were real? Look up the definition of internet trolling.

Also, cats are far, far more awesome than dogs. I would never take one off the street, though. You know nothing about it.
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Commented 15 years ago2008-11-13 22:58:35 UTC in journal: Building a computer Comment #58934
Random access memory memory? :3
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-13 19:30:47 UTC in journal: #5457 Comment #40777
Chlamydia is the STI, Cstriker.

i dont know if that's what Rimrook means or not.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-11 17:44:59 UTC in journal: #5455 Comment #50264
absolutely, unquestionably fantastic.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-07 21:08:03 UTC in news: Left 4 Dead Demo Released Comment #98813
thank me later

bind "f1" "give pipe_bomb"
bind "f2" "give health"
bind "f3" "give rifle"
bind "f4" "kill"
bind "f5" "z_spawn boomer"
bind "f6" "z_spawn hunter"
bind "f7" "z_spawn smoker"
bind "f8" "z_spawn tank"
bind "f9" "z_spawn witch"
bind "f10" "director_force_panic_event 1"

also, play as a zombie in the demo!
ent_fire !self setteam 3
followed by
director_force_versus_start 1

I love experimenting with console commands.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-07 12:56:14 UTC in news: Left 4 Dead Demo Released Comment #98812
i get a poor framerate in EP2 on max settings, but L4D runs smoothe as a baby's bum on max.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-05 22:20:51 UTC in journal: #5450 Comment #39899
I would have been fine with either had McCain not hired Palin as his running partner. Seriously. She's the biggest fucking idiot i've ever seen.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-05 20:01:08 UTC in journal: #5450 Comment #39898
and us non-americans are rejoicing that palin gets nowhere near the presidential chair.
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-05 17:58:01 UTC in news: Compo is DONE Comment #98800
skals just threw his chances of winning away ;3
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-03 10:30:47 UTC in journal: #5447 Comment #40115
he forgot about the part where a "black person" repeatedly shoots a little white girl. He's clearly a terrorist.
Either that or he's a time-traveler and is getting his own back for the appauling "christmas" comment.



you can't give me a warning for that. Satire protects me! SATIRE PROTECTS ME!

censored instead :/ -mod
Commented 15 years ago2008-11-02 19:01:07 UTC in journal: #5443 Comment #39882
I'm enjoying the atmosphere greatly and I expect that I too, would have completed it by now had i not just been in the middle of fucking nowhere for 5 days.
Currently I'm around 39% through, and I've yet to figure out how to use buses, :3
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-23 15:30:54 UTC in journal: #5428 Comment #47079
TJB could do with learning how to read too ;D
"At fifteen months of age, he already knows half a dozen letters and their individual sounds."
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-23 14:12:59 UTC in journal: #5428 Comment #47078
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-23 11:10:50 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17021
"Oh boy , I must install Steam somehow"

yeah, because it's really tricky :/
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-22 00:55:56 UTC in journal: #5426 Comment #45021
thanks. I made the CSS and TF2 ones & Daubeh did the pwnful HLDM one.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-21 23:19:59 UTC in journal: #5426 Comment #45020
We didn't put one on a Friday or Saturday because most people will be out drinking/partying/clubbing.

that's getting a bit late for the +1s, Luke, and they make up the majority of our players.
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-21 05:41:56 UTC in journal: #5423 Comment #39454
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-20 10:51:09 UTC in journal: #5421 Comment #59880
OF = great expansion.
The british are immensely fun to play
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-20 10:50:07 UTC in journal: #5423 Comment #39453
your mapping skills sicken me D:

it looks fantastic
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-19 11:21:10 UTC in vault item: Dm_Combo Comment #17044
I actually really like this!
It's got a lot of charm considering how simple the design is. Very nice.
It is of course not without its flaws, though.

First and foremost - health and batteries. I never saw any during my admitedly short test. Very important in deathmatch.

Second, there is a real lack of cover. Maybe make the tops of the platforms more defendable around the sides and throw the crossbow in to get some fun sniping battles.

Next, your wise decision to put the more powerful guns at the rarer sites is made null by the fact that there are spawn points on those platforms. I don't really see a way of solving this.

Also, you could really make the teleporters a more impressive endeavour since they add so much to the gameplay mechanics. Get some loud teleporting noises, and maybe a laser show at the recieving end so that a player can see where his nemesis has teleported to in a 1v1 situation.

The worst aspect of the map was texturing. I mean it was awful.
The good lighting did well to make up for it, but it's just not enough. Get some variation in there and make each platform a clearly seperate location.

Lastly, i agree with the idea to make the fall considerably larger. There's no chance for Gauss-jumpers to save themselves if they fall off the side at the moment since they die almost instantly.

Definately on the right track. I won't rate until you finish your new version =]
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-18 11:48:20 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58772
"Your last work is from 2006, and is Goldsource."
um. TWHL3?

"why can't I say it when everybody is bothering me?"
Because there's no need to be an ass when you've been put in your place.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-17 19:49:40 UTC in journal: #5419 Comment #58771
youtube. i want to see it move.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-17 15:09:09 UTC in journal: #5418 Comment #50529
that screenshot is one of the most ridiculous things i've ever seen.

the little dudes are hillariously awesome
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-17 15:04:51 UTC in news: It's a bird!.. It's a plane!.. Comment #98780
the voice acting and attempts at humour almost made me give up.

worst i've ever seen in a mod, and i've played Xen Assault
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-17 11:19:59 UTC in journal: #5416 Comment #39859
that was fantastic xD
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-16 11:03:34 UTC in vault item: de_splinter2 Comment #16836
look at de_dust and de_dust2.

very different maps.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-16 03:39:47 UTC in journal: #5411 Comment #39421
Happy 51st
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-16 03:16:51 UTC in vault item: Rubble Comment #16861
...did raver just suck his own cock to a ridiculous extent?
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-14 05:18:08 UTC in vault item: tp_xeria (for Flat-Life) Comment #17005
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-14 05:01:57 UTC in vault item: de_splinter2 Comment #17004
although I really was going for a very sharp difference between light and dark in the outside area, it's a lot more emphasised in that screenshot because i fiddled with the levels before uploading to the bright TWHL surroundings. Probably not a good idea.
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-13 08:42:32 UTC in journal: #5411 Comment #39420
whenever I see "WA" anywhere near strider, i have vietnam-style flashbacks to Worms Armageddon
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-13 05:09:07 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Radar locations in Counter-Strike: Source Comment #100905
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-12 17:21:26 UTC in news: It's a bird!.. It's a plane!.. Comment #98774
i've got to test 16 so far without cheats, but it's getting annoying
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-12 09:33:19 UTC in journal: #5411 Comment #39419
may i be the first to say happy birthday?
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-10 08:27:54 UTC in news: It's a bird!.. It's a plane!.. Comment #98766
i was several hours earlier, m'fraid, hotdog but the mods just didn't think i was important enough.

nobody has noticed the joke in the console pic yet
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-09 13:26:42 UTC in wiki page: Tutorial: Soundscapes Comment #100764
Yeah. I think it would have been a lot simpler if Valve had just improved on the ambient_generic principal.

Still, nice tutorial.

Oh, and Sillu, that'll be because aim_ isn't an official map prefix.
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-08 22:04:03 UTC in vault item: dm_lakeside Comment #16961
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Commented 15 years ago2008-10-08 12:23:22 UTC in journal: #5406 Comment #44307
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-08 09:32:51 UTC in journal: #5404 Comment #52396
What a coincidence, yesterday my girlfriend came out of class to find a huge Buick in her scratch. I PAID FOR THIS.

Commented 15 years ago2008-10-07 09:27:50 UTC in journal: #5401 Comment #39386

Also, fucking aussies! give us our Stig back!
Commented 15 years ago2008-10-06 13:11:06 UTC in journal: #5402 Comment #54957
the G5 looks nice, but i can't decide if i want it or not. i love my G3