
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-18 19:24:56 UTC in journal: #6778 Comment #63147
Oh, but then the screen faded and I was forced to load the last save. The third time around, I crowbarred some bird posters and the fade-load-save thing happened again. That area took me forever to figure out.
Sorry about that, in the original uneditted maps, you were not allowed to shoot the pictures on the wall. If you did, the screen would fade to black, you hear an annoying sound and the game load the last autosave. Tetsu0 replaced the textured of those pictures, removed the sound, but left in the fadein effect. What was i thinking to put that in the maps in the first place?

I'll post this in the Castle Disposed map comments as well, so Tetsu0 can fix this in the next release.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-18 08:18:01 UTC in vault item: Castle Disposed Comment #18503
Tetsu0 provided the missing wad file, skals, it'll be wadincluded in the next update. With that wad in place, the mod runs fine.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-17 08:52:33 UTC in vault item: Castle Disposed Comment #18502
Yay its here!

Looking at the mod structure now, i can already tell you that there are a bunch of files that you don't need to play the mod, so remove the following files/directories:
  • In the cl_dll directory, GameUI.dll and paritcleman.dll are not essential for the mod to run. Remove them.
  • The gfx directory is empty. Remove it?
  • models\player directory contains a bmp of the zombie player model named remapped.bmp. Why?
  • SAVE directory. Don't submit a mod that still have old saved game files in them. This alone saves you 2 mb.
  • C:\THOR\Half-Life.fgd. What's that? Where did i get that? Take a look in the sound/psiwave directory. Remove that wc file.
  • sprites directory is empty. Remove it also?
  • config.cfg. Never include your own config file, i don't want to play using your keybindings, whatever they are, i got my own. :)
  • voice_ban.dt. Pointless file. Remove it.
Sorry for being so picky about it but why would you not want to exclude empty directories and pointless files from your mod? Exactly. :)

And here's something neat: if you want to give the mod an icon, follow these steps:
Open listlib.gam and add the following line:
icon "resource\cd"

Where cd is the filename without extension. Now create your icon. Make sure it's 16x16 and save it as a Targa tga file in the resource directory. In this case the filename should be cd.tga. Now the mod has it's own icon in the games library list.

I still have to play the mod, which is what ill do now. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-10 09:50:53 UTC in vault item: Combine Ether Comment #18472
This is good.

Those rocket exhausts, are those a custom particle effect?
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-09 11:43:06 UTC in journal: #6766 Comment #49121
Welcome back, im glad you made it though. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-07 18:54:30 UTC in journal: #6764 Comment #49099
Good luck man, at least you have something to look forward to when you're back home again: mapping! :D

Joe: how can you say that. :/
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-02 11:30:34 UTC in journal: #6754 Comment #49090
Now make an actually map that scrolls down, like Tyrian, then place ground targets like buildings, turrets, missile launchers and the like, create brushbased enemy fighters that attack in formation and have a massive boss enemy at the end of the level and you got yourself a vertical topdown shmup like Tyrian.

I'd totally play that!
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-01 14:24:48 UTC in news: How'd you get in there, Rick? Comment #99624
Commented 14 years ago2010-09-01 11:17:51 UTC in news: How'd you get in there, Rick? Comment #99620
Brendan, that was a different atom.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-29 09:32:30 UTC in news: How'd you get in there, Rick? Comment #99593
My third promotion. :)
How's that?

Thanks Penguin/Strider. ^^

Just noticed those spam accounts are still there. Why are'nt they deleted yet?
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-25 11:07:40 UTC in vault item: awp_desert_fight Comment #18377
Can't say that it looks good. The first thing you might want to change is the sky. You're using a HL sky and since this is a CS map, use a CS sky, like the one used in Dust, that one actually fits your theme.

Other than that, Meh.
Lower the sea level a couple of units.
And how about some kind of barrier or fencing around your map as well.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-10 13:29:16 UTC in journal: #6701 Comment #41492
Nice layouts, i might just go ahead and use one for a quick map.
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-04 11:22:54 UTC in vault item: Power Hour Timer Comment #18326
What the hell is this? Another weird creation of yours? :D
Commented 14 years ago2010-08-01 14:23:48 UTC in vault item: Aquatos: Aqua Labs Comment #18317
Rimrook layout ftw.

You'll need to move the glowing illusionaries closer to the source, they stick stick out too much. Make the illusionaries 1 unit thick and place them next to the source.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-28 08:36:12 UTC in journal: #6673 Comment #38416
Jesus what. Im off the front page already?
That's unacceptable!

But thanks guys.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-23 09:52:40 UTC in journal: #6665 Comment #63674
It's not that CoD part, its that above it. That does'nt make any sense.

Not that i care though.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-22 17:42:17 UTC in journal: #6665 Comment #63673
That's one messed up journal.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-21 08:33:14 UTC in vault item: phlt_copy_brush example Comment #10086
Did you even downloaded the latest tools?
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-17 07:09:06 UTC in journal: #6651 Comment #50074
No way. How the fuck did you programmed that!

It's so unfair.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-16 18:15:24 UTC in journal: #6650 Comment #44544
You simple can't ignore a free Valve game.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-14 10:05:44 UTC in journal: #6648 Comment #38410
I prefer rad files rather then info_textlight entities.
Also, i prefer to use the base values (the designers standard).
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 11:16:53 UTC in journal: #6645 Comment #40033
Crollo, you fail.

But that's some killer system right there. Enjoy it. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-10 08:48:06 UTC in vault item: TWHL Cubicles Comment #16546
Im personally against having HEV suits and weapons in the rooms. It obstructs the player's view and its useless in other cubicles where's there's no combat. You're just exploring without having anything to shoot at.

And if you insist on having a HEV suit plus weapon(s) in your cube, make it clear and have the weapon automatically removed from the player in the next cubicle.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-08 16:25:16 UTC in vault item: Satellite Comment #18233
The point is: dark area's just don't work in multiplayer maps so everything should be lit. For singleplayer maps its perfectly normal to have dark area's, for example, air vents.

But since this is a multiplayer map, you want to light everything up because there's nothing more frustating than having an opponent chasing your ass and the only way out is going through a vent but you can't see when you're supposed to go left or right because its pitchblack dark in there.

So i hate to say it, but skals has a point. Pitchblack dark area's: A no go.
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-08 11:59:46 UTC in vault item: DN3D Tribute - Hollywood Comment #17206
+ Well made
+ Good use of height

± Weapons
± Ambiance

- Too open
- Vertex manip'ed terrain makes it hard to navigate plus its too high for my taste. Its like im constantly climbing mountains. Smooth out walkable parts of the map and use CLIP brushes to cordon off area's where players should'nt go
Commented 14 years ago2010-07-04 14:00:09 UTC in vault item: func_tracktrain Comment #18207
Yup, a basic HL map works in pretty much any mod, unless the mod changed the rules of course like modifed entities.

Unless CS has modified func_tracktrain code, you're better off making this example map for CS.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-25 10:58:06 UTC in news: New Competition Comment #99578

Count me out.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-16 16:10:07 UTC in vault item: Dissolution Comment #18193
Pretty darn good.

+ Well designed puzzles
+ Good use of making the player visit and revisit previously visited area's of the map
+ Nice texturing

+- I did'nt like the massive pipes in the starting room, add some end caps to where the pipes meet the ground and maybe make them less "sharp"
+- I noticed a decrease in performance when looking around in the main area (where you have these flows of liquid)
+- I did'nt like the closed doors, the ones that never open. Add doorframes for them and don't make the frames the same width as the wall. The same goes for the doors. This way you'll add depth.

I think thats all. Good job. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-14 16:45:41 UTC in journal: #6600 Comment #56965
Pretty impressive.
That was probably an actual lightning strike judging by the fact that the whole area lit up.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-11 10:11:09 UTC in vault item: Alpha Half-Life Recreation Comment #18189
One thing that's clearly different from the original screenshot, are the textures on the pillars. Use the texture application tool to shift the texture down until the two white lines match the same height on the original. You know what im talking about.
Commented 14 years ago2010-06-09 17:29:23 UTC in journal: #6595 Comment #56954
I knew JeffMOD was going to be the first to reply because he has to reply to everything.

Commented 14 years ago2010-05-15 10:07:59 UTC in journal: #6566 Comment #53573
Indeed, $40. Not really cheap.

I think im going to buy the Witch or the Tank or both. I already have the headcrab and the parking ticket for Black Mesa and Aperture Labs. I also want the Weighted Companion Cube as i like Portal a lot. :)
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-10 18:55:36 UTC in journal: #6557 Comment #41416
Pills here!
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-10 09:51:44 UTC in journal: #6555 Comment #47832
That's exactly why we're mappers now!
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-09 09:01:47 UTC in journal: #6553 Comment #52662
Completed Serious Sam: The Secound Encounter on serious difficulty yesterday. I've recorded the final battle with Fraps and ill upload it to my YouTube channel shortly.
Commented 14 years ago2010-05-07 15:45:31 UTC in journal: #6549 Comment #55431
I, as a C&C fan, totally agree: they've fucked up C&C4 by removing tiberium harvesting and basebuilding, two key features that made the series good.

Commented 14 years ago2010-04-26 08:24:13 UTC in vault item: Spring Break Map-Pack Comment #18131
Missing: coil.wad, coil2.wad
Missing: coil2.wad
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-21 11:06:05 UTC in vault item: TMA's Cubicle Comment #18118
There's no malfunction. Everything works as i intended to, so i've no idea what you're saying. Note that there's no interactivity with the entities.
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-05 09:06:15 UTC in vault item: TMA's Cubicle Comment #18006
What do you mean, align the laz0rs?
Commented 14 years ago2010-04-04 12:57:11 UTC in vault item: TMA's Cubicle Comment #18063
Hmmm, good point. I guess trigger_relays are easier to set up (select them all, change all keyvalue). With multimanagers you have to iterate through each keyvalue and change it.

I think there was another reason why i prefered relays instead of managers, but i don't remember. I've created those laser contraption over a year ago in another map and decided to recycle them, albeit slightly modified.

Maybe i should experiment and see which one is better: relays or managers. Know that relays have additional properties such as toggle, toggle on, toggle off as well as kill target.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-23 13:03:44 UTC in vault item: Disco Stu's cubicles project entry Comment #18016
No wonder they get stuck, you've placed the grunts inside the skybox!
Ill fix that.
I also turned the window frame into illusionaries to make sure the grunts don't get stuck on that. It's a pretty tight space there.

Here you go:
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-18 20:38:45 UTC in journal: #6450 Comment #38405
I know how to use the camera, but my other mate doesn't! I guess he forgot to stop the recording.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-18 12:13:51 UTC in journal: #6450 Comment #38404
They did, but i only brought my video camera.

As turns out, i fucked up, i accidentally left my camera running, and wasted tape. Also, when it was my friends turn to meet Kane, i pushed the record button at which point the recording stopped, since it was already recording, so i didn't get that.

Oh well.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-15 15:57:48 UTC in journal: #6447 Comment #61890
That's why i prefer cats. It's better for your ears too.
Commented 14 years ago2010-03-04 20:13:10 UTC in journal: #6426 Comment #56834
Striker, this is awesome! Thanks for making me laugh out loud while rolling on the floor. Good job! :D

//Downloads picture to harddisk...
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-28 15:51:03 UTC in journal: #6419 Comment #55672
NullReferenceException: Challenge is null.

In other words: Captain Terror not making any sense.
Commented 14 years ago2010-02-19 14:35:33 UTC in journal: #6406 Comment #49024
Does the Compilator run on those machines?
I assume you're using it...
Commented 15 years ago2010-02-17 15:07:19 UTC in vault item: Institute Test Comment #4163
Yeah, i heard they've fixed that 3D selection issue.

As for your map, you're saying you can't compile it, but the screenshot looks like a perfectly compiled map to me. Whats happening?

Check out the Compilator, its an easy to use front end that will make it easier for you to compile maps.