
Commented 6 years ago2018-04-26 12:48:51 UTC in journal: #8930 Comment #48488
Likely some copyrighted element in the background, or perhaps they acted as advisers on certain aspects? I've not seen it but it is apparently dripping with references to existing franchises.
Commented 6 years ago2018-04-15 11:28:34 UTC in journal: #8927 Comment #58572
Ah, of course
Commented 6 years ago2018-04-15 10:05:47 UTC in journal: #8927 Comment #58571
...Happy Birthday?
Commented 6 years ago2018-04-06 13:11:36 UTC in journal: #8925 Comment #42474
That's awesome. Enjoy! :D
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-18 07:25:20 UTC in journal: #8923 Comment #49787
In my experience, St Paddy's day never gets a lot of fuss here. Maybe in the cities, but certainly not out here in the country.
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-15 23:01:20 UTC in journal: #8922 Comment #63000
I literally have zero problems with Windows 10. It lets me map, browse the web and play videogames.

I rarely do anything else, so I can't say what issues you might encounter doing more than that. Honestly, the backlash baffles me...
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-09 15:15:26 UTC in journal: #8920 Comment #38830
Jeez. Sorry to hear that. Man, you've had a real rough 12 months. :(

Commented 6 years ago2018-03-07 10:39:35 UTC in journal: #8918 Comment #67936
I'm real sorry to hear that, man.

On the subject of your feelings, being at the absolute peak of an emotion, even a negative one, can often provide a severe jolt to the creative process. I've often found a need to do something when losing a loved one, just to keep busy, to keep going.

I've churned out maps, short stories and even a video or two. I'm not saying don't grieve, but don't squander the creative benefits. <3
Commented 6 years ago2018-03-06 23:32:08 UTC in vault item: Night Things Comment #21303
My playthrough! Linky!

I am thoroughly looking forward to the sequel, Morning Stuff
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Commented 6 years ago2018-02-26 14:23:03 UTC in journal: #8915 Comment #62980
Floopy Boots-toot!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-20 01:33:03 UTC in vault item: Cs_Canbunk Comment #21276
More like CS_CannotBunk, amirite? GUFFAW!
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 21:42:59 UTC in journal: #8909 Comment #48485
Pretty sure they were bots. Players usually have more creative names than just the hero they were playing. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-02-07 14:20:12 UTC in journal: #8909 Comment #48484
Bots though.

Still, pretty awesome. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-21 20:14:34 UTC in journal: #8905 Comment #44144
Thanks guys! ^_^

Also, yeah... This is definitely going to delay The Core a little more unfortunately, at least for the first few months. :P
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-20 18:55:28 UTC in journal: #8904 Comment #48481
I enjoy a round of Overwatch, but none of my friends like it. :(
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 6 years ago2018-01-09 09:40:29 UTC in journal: #8898 Comment #53034
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-04 23:01:33 UTC in vault item: Operation Overlord Comment #21083
Fixed after God knows how long. Thank Jessie for streaming. :)
Commented 6 years ago2017-12-01 14:03:16 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53017
"Who knows what we'll find?"

Broken links! :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-11-30 20:01:06 UTC in journal: #8891 Comment #53016
Either 8am or 1pm work for me on a saturday to be honest, but I'm in favour of any time that isn't PUBG time...

I realise now that neither 8am or 1pm are PUBG time, so ignore me.
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Commented 6 years ago2017-11-10 14:20:57 UTC in journal: #8889 Comment #54668
But he's so happy.
Commented 6 years ago2017-11-09 22:58:14 UTC in journal: #8889 Comment #54667
User posted image
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-26 11:31:16 UTC in journal: #8883 Comment #61292
Happy 23rd you young whippersnapper.
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-20 21:43:31 UTC in journal: #8881 Comment #48472
That is a very, very nice car.
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-16 17:29:17 UTC in journal: #8877 Comment #68440
@Snehk: I'd say one or the other. Investing in a powerful laptop is a huge mistake in my opinion. I have often considering getting a laptop, but I wouldn't dream of getting one for gaming. Artwork and writing maybe, perhaps have a few older titles on there, but a modern day "gaming" laptop is just a massive waste of money.
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-14 23:48:39 UTC in journal: #8877 Comment #68439
Might be time to get a new one... :P

I've never had a laptop that lasted more than three years, so I tend to avoid them.
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-04 12:17:42 UTC in journal: #8875 Comment #42457
Happy 31st. (I used "find on page") :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-10-01 11:20:32 UTC in journal: #8872 Comment #44128
Don't get me wrong, this has had absolutely zero effect on me. I've had comments to this nature on other older channels that I usually ignore. Since, turning 30 last year, I really couldn't care less what other people thing of me.

I'll be honest though, this time I saw an opportunity to turn the last comment to my advantage and I took it. And yeah... I'm just a little pleased with myself. :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-09-17 10:42:15 UTC in journal: #8862 Comment #42448
Hope everything is going OK for you, sir. Also, I feel the most important question is yet to be answered and I think I speak for everyone when I ask: Did you get tacos?
Commented 6 years ago2017-09-07 16:42:59 UTC in journal: #8860 Comment #53004
Considering the examples are The Sims and modern X-COM games, I believe we're talking about games that allow you to manage multiple, fully customisable (from scratch) characters at once.

XCOM and The Sims are all I can think of though...

Pillars of Eternity allows you to hire up to five custom party members which you make in the character creator. Not sure if Tyranny offers the same thing, but I've not seen any such option and I'm 16 hours into the story... so probably no.
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-21 12:12:20 UTC in journal: #8852 Comment #67919
Interesting ideas. Unfortunately not my preferred genres. :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-08-11 20:30:09 UTC in journal: #8851 Comment #62948
Awfully sorry to hear that, but glad that she is at peace.

All the best to you and your family. brohug
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-31 12:22:54 UTC in journal: #8847 Comment #38817
...Thought I commented on this.

Real sorry to hear about this, mate. Can't imagine what you're going through right now, but we're all here.
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Commented 6 years ago2017-07-28 12:02:38 UTC in journal: #8843 Comment #38806
Happy day of cake!
User posted image
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-25 14:04:38 UTC in journal: #8838 Comment #51110
Ok, yeah. In reverse order the binary makes sense. :P

Happy 22nd.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-23 22:00:19 UTC in journal: #8838 Comment #51109
Well... I thought I was looking at binary, but that would make you 15... and I don't think you're fifteen.

I'm guessing it's not binary because of the "Rightmost number is 0*2^(0)" thing...

Commented 6 years ago2017-07-19 12:24:13 UTC in journal: #8831 Comment #61549
9 years in to The Core's development... so I'll let you know when it happens.

It seems mental blocks are pretty consistent with mod developers or really any form of creative activity.

One think I can say is that it gets a lot harder to get back on the horse the longer you've been working on a project.

When I started working on The Core, I would take maybe a day or two off but I'd be itching to get back to it. These days, I can sometimes go month's before I get inspired to carry on.

I'm afraid I don't have the answer to your question just yet. :(
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-17 12:58:18 UTC in journal: #8829 Comment #68385
Your opinions will change as you mature and instinct will eventually kick in.

I was terribly awkward around girls in high school. I'd get my FRIENDS to tell girls that I liked them. (You can imagine how that went)

Around year 10 (14/15 years old), I actually just started talking to girls casually. It was literally like somebody flipped a switch. Before I knew it, I had a girlfriend. After that short relationship went belly-up, her best friend asked me out a week later and we were together for four years, through the end of high school and through college. Kind of a shame because in college that shit cranked up to 11, but regardless of the female interest, I stayed faithful. We broke up shortly after college... damn.

But when I was 12/13, I had basically convinced myself that I was going to be single forever. I certainly didn't imagine I'd be married with kids one day.


Regardless of all this. Just enjoy yourself. If that means you don't necessarily want a relationship now or in the near future, so be it.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-17 12:47:01 UTC in news: Compo 34 Results Comment #100303
Yeah, I'm aware of the brief. I'm just saying that I'd like a singleplayer focused compo next time. do a singleplayer mapping challenge almost every month, but that's source only. I'd like to see more love for Goldsource SP.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-16 17:33:55 UTC in news: Compo 34 Results Comment #100299

Single player competition next please? :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-16 00:38:58 UTC in journal: #8829 Comment #68384
My comment wasn't intended to shock or offend at all. I like to think I'm pretty level headed and very open minded. Just trying to prevent you from feeling like you're being attacked on other sites is all.

However, thanks for clarifying. I admit I hadn't really kept up to speed regarding Jody and your mod's lore...
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-15 18:20:55 UTC in journal: #8829 Comment #68383
Just an idea, but if you're a furry enthusiast, maybe join a community focused on that when you feel the need to write large elaborate stories about it.

Bottom line, not everyone is accepting of the whole furry scene and, especially when interacting online, people don't tend to filter what they say. That guy on the quake forum was only stating that nobody cared. The thread seemed to be focused on Quake Rule34 and how ridiculous it was. (Probably not the smartest place to then open up about your anthropomorphic fox girlfriend)

A guy I work with is a full on furry. He has a fursuit, attends conventions, has a 'mate,' the whole deal. He doesn't talk openly about it outside of the circles he is in regarding that particular part of his personal life.

Just think about where you post about this stuff if you want to avoid ridicule. :D
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-15 09:11:29 UTC in journal: #8828 Comment #46219
I'm going to just believe that Black Mesa is on that bus route.
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-13 12:15:23 UTC in journal: #8828 Comment #46218
I'm not big on crowds, but I'd be lying if I said it didn't look like a good time. :P
Commented 6 years ago2017-07-13 04:38:24 UTC in journal: #8827 Comment #67984
My wife, my daughter, my circle of friends and The Core. :)