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Commented 5 years ago2019-05-27 21:44:48 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102020
He's not a prick. He's just got a no-bullsh** attitude. Some people don't like that, but whatever. :) (I'm basically the opposite, sugar-coating the hell out of everything)

Screamernail, he just wants to say a Mac isn't optimal for making that kinda content. If you hate PC, then learn to love it.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-27 18:40:51 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102015
I think you misunderstood me.
It is not about making a port of the mod. The mod itself will feature a part where you gotta homebrew some stuff. =3

And assets like textures, models and whatnot are pretty much universal, so a Mac will do as fine as anything else.
(the only problem is, I got no idea how to compile the HL SDK for Mac, so there's probably no easy way for you to play the mod xd)
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-27 16:09:39 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102013
I am working on a project I believe is gonna be one of the most ambitious HL mods ever.

So yeah, I'd like to see you in the team because of homebrewing consultation (does not involve porting the mod to a console, but rather h.b. within the mod), and making some assets if you'd like to.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-26 23:06:21 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102010
Ya know, I think I'll invite you to my mod team, Screamernail. :P
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-21 23:00:46 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102005
Uh oh, looks like we're wrong. D:
Fortunately wrong. :D

It's quite inspiring to see that such communities are still active.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-21 19:04:40 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #102003
"but why would you spend the time and effort developing for something that is arguably dead"
Maybe he's doing it just for himself.
Alternatively, maybe he's doing it because there's no competition if it's already dead. Kinda like I took over the GameBanana Far Cry section - a good chunk of the page was nothing but my submissions, rofl.

But yeah, Screamernail, he's saying that you are developing for a dead platform (the original Xbox). Nobody's gonna play that.
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-20 17:59:24 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #101999
I kinda realised that a while after I posted that. Oops!
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-18 20:57:19 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #101996
Hey, I only said there's one. I'm not letting anyone know where it is, in fact, I forgot where I even found it. UwU
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-17 19:11:57 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #101994
Yeah, there's a Source 2007 leak, it's just illegal as hell. :P
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-17 11:59:47 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #101992
I knew it. I so knew it. It was an obvious reference to homebrewing. But yeah, good luck on that. Hopefully if GoldSrc goes OpenSrc one day, a proper Xbox sourceport could be made. :D
Commented 5 years ago2019-05-16 20:17:06 UTC in journal: Resident Alcohol Comment #101989
Have some slivovitz while you're at it. :D
User posted image
JK don't, I hear it's even deadlier than generic rakia and vodka together. xd
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-30 20:05:07 UTC in journal: Try Again Comment #101971
Cool. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-25 20:38:59 UTC in vault item: Alternator Comment #101967
I like maps with multiple environments. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-04-24 12:44:29 UTC in journal: Mapping out the future Comment #101964
A senior TWHL member. Welcome back, sir!

Mapping is like riding a bicycle. You never forget it. :)
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Commented 5 years ago2019-04-05 19:32:49 UTC in journal: optional objectives Comment #101942
I like that concept. My mod will be more like "do whatever you want whenever you want", so it's all optional but still linear, sort of like GTA: San Andreas.
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-20 13:11:24 UTC in journal: Another Brain Surgery? Comment #101922
Oh dear. I hope everything goes in the best order and ends well. But I'm sure it'll go fine. :)
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Commented 5 years ago2019-03-19 22:40:28 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101915
Thanks SSB. I'm sure I'll find my special person one day. :) (unless she finds me, lol)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-16 12:29:58 UTC in journal: #1 Comment #101906
look like
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 20:32:00 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101901
"dude your 10 years old and youre bi? come on. tl;dr"
"He's 16, [...]"
17, friend. :D
10 in the mind, 17 in age, 24 in the looks (according to some).
Also, I include a TL;DR with some journals. I simply didn't write one for this one. It happens. :P
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-13 17:40:03 UTC in journal: Last nail in the old coffin Comment #101898
In my experience, being afraid of disappointing people just causes so much more disappointment for everyone. Best to ignore that fear.
See, I was the one who kinda got disappointed each time... :s
It's always important to save some love for yourself.
Oh well. Gotta love myself first, so then I can love others. :3
You're acting like a smarter version of me. It happens that the younger ones are better then the 24 old me.
Age should not mean too much in this regard, IMO. What do you mean by that statement?
Just to cheer you up. You're a great guy.
Thanks, and likewise. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-09 14:45:55 UTC in journal: Me as me. Comment #101876
I see. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-03-02 23:08:53 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101856
Thank you! :3
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-27 12:19:28 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101847
Thank you. :D
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-25 19:56:45 UTC in journal: Prime number Comment #101840
Happy birthday!

But yeah, 31 is a good-looking number IMO. :)
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-25 19:51:35 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101839
Thank you! ^^
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-25 02:37:17 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101835
Thank you. ^^
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-24 19:25:06 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101833
Thank you all! :D
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-24 11:09:41 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101828
Thank you. :3
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-23 19:35:09 UTC in journal: 0x0011 Comment #101826
Thank you! ^^
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-14 23:59:46 UTC in journal: I make books. Comment #101819
It was more of a "THIS" aimed at Bruce's post, lol.

But, what I forgot to say is that the books look cool! ^^
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-13 23:06:13 UTC in journal: When high school rocks Comment #101815
I will. I'm currently thinking whether I should pursue electrical engineering and have programming as a hobby, or pursue programming and have EE as a hobby. I believe the former will be a bit harder and leave me with less free time than the latter, but still, it's pretty fun. :3
"Learn, read, play and experiment as much as you can while you're young - it gives you lots of doors you can choose from."
This is very true and I'm already seeing it.
I've toyed around with video editing since the age of 8, then there's level design/mapping, audio editing, music production, programming, texturing and I've got at least several months of experience in each of those, but mostly mapping (5 years), video editing (6 years basic, 1 year advanced + compositing - but never done very serious projects) and programming (3 years if we count QB in 7th grade, otherwise 2).

I've never thought I'd reach this far, especially to the point of being interested in electronics and tinkering with them. It's that feeling of combining science and calculations with practical stuff, the result of which will actually do something, and it'll feel rewarding.

It all definitely opens a bunch of doors, but the real question is which door to open, where to specialise... :/
I'll likely pick programming. I just love programming, and I have a passion for creating/developing things. It seems like a nice type of job, even in my country.
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-13 21:07:31 UTC in journal: I make books. Comment #101813
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-12 20:52:30 UTC in journal: Small Video from Unity Comment #101810
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-08 23:47:36 UTC in journal: When high school rocks Comment #101809
Oh, and did you know that I'm right at the 10000-character limit for journals? :nuts:
Commented 5 years ago2019-02-03 16:51:22 UTC in journal: I'm not dead! Comment #101802
Oh dear, a fire. :(
Stay safe, JeffMOD.
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-31 17:13:53 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101800
That's the spirit! :D
*hugs you*
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-30 19:50:00 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101798
You never have time for anything, man.
Seriously, when will we do something? I'm up for it, but you always cancel it. Why?
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-30 17:48:15 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101796
I'd participate. But, let's arrange it in a convenient way because I can't check the forum posts and PMs every 5 minutes. :/
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-27 15:27:58 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101788
It's 16:27 here, and I'll be available from 17:00 to 21:00. We could chat on Steam, so that we don't have to do this slowly via the forums.
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-26 22:03:34 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101784
I'd join the server, but it's bedtime here. :/
Join the TWHL Discord and maybe we can arrange something soon enough.

The mod is HappyFaces from the vault, right?
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-23 11:28:38 UTC in journal: Minor Sadness (Just saying) Comment #101780
Do it instead. Nolens volens, willy-nilly, make yourself do it, really. Don't just try. And whatever you decide to do, good luck. :)

Also, keep doing one project, and no matter how bad it may come out, just finish it. Getting stuff done is one of the best life skills you can have, and develop. Make a draft with placeholders there and there. Then improve it later, maybe. Start out with a plan, too. The big picture. Write down exactly what you'll do, and do that, no more, no less.
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-19 19:35:14 UTC in journal: Yay Comment #101773

WOAH, that sounds good. Actually, that made me realise, I completed Half-Life twice without ever listening to its soundtrack. D:
Commented 5 years ago2019-01-16 22:12:14 UTC in journal: Yay Comment #101764
Lol, I play Half-Life on a PS/2 keyboard. :P

But yeah, games tend to feel a bit better on the PS2 than they do on the PC, like GTA: San Andreas.
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