
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-19 19:52:49 UTC in journal: #6993 Comment #44658
Hate you.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-17 15:22:13 UTC in vault item: Riverpool Comment #18742
Link updated, my bad.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-14 14:59:42 UTC in journal: #6982 Comment #41708
You can't mod real life.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-13 19:51:47 UTC in journal: #6942 Comment #62075
The grass is made of scattered flat sprites. pfff.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-13 19:47:56 UTC in journal: #6983 Comment #62096
I knew a easily 3 or 4 girls I could have eventually dated... if I never moved away from my hometown. :<
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-13 05:08:25 UTC in journal: #6982 Comment #41707
I already have another job. I didn't get fired.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-11 15:29:16 UTC in vault item: Beach Party Comment #18729
omg this took me sooooo long to defeat without cheats.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-11 14:25:08 UTC in vault item: Roman Bath Comment #18727
Nice little map.

Here's the Goods, Indifferents, and Bads.

+ Good layout of map and items, well balanced.
+ Nicely made archetecture
+ Good lighting
+ Nice surrounding elements, every believable that building is a historical structure in a city.

/ Fog color and settings
/ Bots never picked up any items or weapons. A Nav area must be on the tables for bots to pick up weapons. Navigation was pretty good through the map, I didn't have too many problems with any of it. With other players this isn't an issue.
/ Some of the new materials had dynamic lighting problems, not really an issue, may be my personal settings.

- I fell over the railing and hung there while the bots couldn't pick me up, found out that there are dodgey nav areas along the upper level's railing.
- No rescue, or I could never wait long enough for one. I thought a helicopter was going to swoop in over the pool and pick up the survivors.

Overall I enjoyed playing it. Makes me want to map even more for L4D2 :D
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-10 14:33:45 UTC in news: Happy New Year! Also, Compo Results Comment #99792
About damn time we added more games. L4D stuff is getting popular because its just so damn fun. Thanks adminininator.
Commented 13 years ago2011-01-03 00:21:27 UTC in news: Happy New Year! Also, Compo Results Comment #99778
admin team? pfffff sure.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-21 05:24:24 UTC in journal: #6943 Comment #48033
Hey its a Macintrash :D
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-16 15:11:09 UTC in journal: #6937 Comment #41689
The light is the scanner reflecting off of a screw. Recovery is tough, but she's ok because I ordered the engagement ring already. :3
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-14 03:13:25 UTC in journal: #6932 Comment #41673
yes i caught a salesman yelling that over the phone at a customer.
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-13 16:26:41 UTC in journal: #6932 Comment #41672
Quality control. I listen to salesman sell stuff and if they do something wrong, I kill the sale and they don't get there commission bonus. :3
Commented 13 years ago2010-12-01 23:17:18 UTC in journal: #6904 Comment #41662

A-Where did you all get the idea that I had money LOL! I can cook like crazy and other nifty life skills, but I lack the fundage. Though my Family (mother and step-farther) actually currently and previously work in the Loan industry and this WHOLE thing smacks of Fraud. He is most likely not going to have to pay anything because his mom committed fraud, as well as possibly the loan company.

B- as far as talking to his mother EVER again..not gonna happen. We have ALL the e-mails and voice mail messages where she threatened to do JUST this. Which is again fraud. Not to mention the horrible things she said to Rimrook and myself. I haven't herd such violence and filth form another human being EVER in my life. SO she dug her own grave and burned her own bridge. Seriously she ended her phone message with "don't get married, don't breed, and fuck off"

We BOTH spent a Hell of a lot of time trying to reason with this woman, and until she gets some psychiatric help so that she is lucid and coherent enough to carry on a conversation with another person...them's the breaks.

Also the only reason he hasn't responded to this himself was lack of time I think. Dunno, but he mentioned he was going to and then had to go, so I just decided to set it straight.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-28 22:14:24 UTC in journal: #6899 Comment #41656
Yeah I was very glad to be informed about it going down. That was a fun day of downloading...
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-24 15:27:19 UTC in journal: #6888 Comment #42953
Urby, you #2 explanation is invalid. The wording says "On the tail of each, is 1 cat." Not "For each tail there is one cat." If else, Soup Miner's logic is the correct answer regardless of the err of interpretation. But since infinite is not an acceptable answer unless you're doing calculus or something, then the answer must be 4. Unless the room is equally infinite in size to support the shit-ton of cats, but if it was infinite in size, there would be no corners. But the question says there are corners, so we know the room isn't infinitely huge.

Soup Miner wins.

From my experience with cats, 4 cats is still too many cats.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-23 15:29:43 UTC in journal: #6888 Comment #42952


Each cat has the other three cats in the other 3 corners in front of him. Each is also sitting on their tail.

I'm taking this one to work, we do riddles all the time :D
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-23 03:35:09 UTC in journal: #6885 Comment #46955
Oh so thats where i left those textures, i've been looking for them, thanks. yanks textures away
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 23:20:19 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99704
Huntey, Yeah. You. Are. A.Bit.Late.Bro.

@Ant: She's happy with just a white piece of yarn. Its a placeholder that means so much to the both of us.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-21 11:58:23 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99701
When or if you get to this point in your life, you'll understand. Love is just one of those things, and she just had brain surgery ya know.
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-19 17:46:19 UTC in news: Congratulations! Comment #99697
Trying like Hell to get a proper ring. :/
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-18 17:41:23 UTC in journal: #6875 Comment #41627
Sometimes I underestimate you guys but you all have been awesome with the brain surgery thing and now this engagement. I'm beginning to like you people. :3
Commented 13 years ago2010-11-16 13:38:21 UTC in journal: #6875 Comment #41626
Dawww thanks guys <3 and the next chess piece up from the Rook is the Bishop.

Rimrook has evolved into Rimbishop.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-20 15:16:05 UTC in journal: #6832 Comment #50087
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-18 12:10:48 UTC in journal: #6830 Comment #42927
Pink Cat, now a tid bit more faded.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-12 01:19:59 UTC in vault item: Dust_pro_us Comment #18097
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-07 11:54:20 UTC in journal: #6815 Comment #45133
I'll leave a comment later.
Commented 13 years ago2010-10-07 11:49:33 UTC in journal: #6816 Comment #41555
yeah there is a ton of calories in it.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-29 07:41:36 UTC in journal: #6794 Comment #63156
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Commented 13 years ago2010-09-25 18:26:43 UTC in journal: #6787 Comment #41531
QC gets paid less because there is no sales bonus, but considering what they do, its fine for my budget.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-24 21:50:24 UTC in journal: #6787 Comment #41530
The majority of the employees are fresh out of high school and have no idea what respect is or work ethic or employment rights. The managers are these same people who have been there so long the company has had no choice but to put them in management. The system is dreadfully flawed.

Also, no I don't have contacts, I just didn't have my glasses at the time of the photo.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-24 09:04:16 UTC in journal: #6787 Comment #41529
Grats are fine, I actually did win this whole ordeal. Let me add that this all took event over a period of 2 hours even though its kinda hard to convey the severity in a journal post. I really was disturbed by what was said given the amount of pressure and the extremely high expectations. It was a numbers game and if the numbers are not simply high enough, you get fired.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-17 00:37:27 UTC in vault item: Castle Disposed Comment #18498
"Couldn't open tetsu0wad.wad"
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-16 16:17:40 UTC in journal: #6775 Comment #40222
Posting short pointless journals have been outlawed and site rules and regulations have been revised since early this year. This offence will be overlooked since you don't come around that often, but don't do it again.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-12 10:08:10 UTC in journal: #1672 Comment #50195
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-10 17:34:22 UTC in journal: #6766 Comment #49123
My GF was just in the hospital going through something that poked her full of holes. Though I've never been there, I can relate.

(this is Rimrook's GF) I just had the Exact same thing done, same machine and everything. Mine was an angiogram and went to the brain, but same holes in the same places, I have 2 more procedures to go through, one in the same way, the other, well yeah. Glad it went well for you, and that you are doing better :)
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-08 12:04:42 UTC in journal: #6765 Comment #42896
Free shipping :P
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This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
This comment was made on an article that has been deleted.
Commented 13 years ago2010-09-01 17:05:37 UTC in journal: #6751 Comment #41517
We got the first bit of good news today saying that there's a lot lesser chance she will go blind.
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-31 23:51:17 UTC in news: We're back! Mostly... Comment #99611
You're fired.
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-26 15:12:57 UTC in vault item: fy_steppes Comment #18383
Is this your first map? :o
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-22 23:37:15 UTC in journal: #6732 Comment #62005
Dude, I want one. But for the price I could get a moped that'd be better. :/
Commented 13 years ago2010-08-22 13:43:26 UTC in journal: #6731 Comment #45121
Hey its the head I made of you! I was wondering when that was going to pop up again :D

Awesome work so far :D