I've got my website fully set up now, with subdomains and all. I haven't touched hammer or my maps in at least 1 month or so but now im motivated to get my de_office map finished.
So what can I say? Nothing much has happened really (a bit sad when you think about it). I have had two assignments to do for the holidays (one of them being quite big). I've been working on a couple of little Half-Life projects as well. I've just been too damn lazy!
Now I need a job. Half-Life 2 has no chance on my GeForce 4 so I'm looking at a Radeon 9800 Pro. Pity it cost something around the mark of $500 AUD. Oh well.
I have a site at http://www.ant292.cjb.net . Its got nothing to do with Half-Life yet, but take a look, you may like the colours. There's nothing much on there yet. Generate some interest, use the forums, submit your own stuff and who knows where it'll go?
If you're happy and you know it, pop some brains... If you're happy and you know it, slice some veins... If you're happy and you know it, bouncing heads will clearly show it, if you're happy and you know it make a map.
Wurd! Back from hols and ready to get mapping again. Bought Condition Zero and s'all good. Got another map in the pipe-line and I am debating with myself on wether or not to put it into the Unfinished section or just wait until I get it finished and then just put it into the Finished section.
Well, I found this site on the Internet and I thought that it would be nice if I joined. So, here I am. I'm making a lot of maps, but there are always errors . So, you can find me mostly here, every day .
For anyone actually reading this, If you play stacraft as well as half life, definitely check out my site. I already have two starcraft mods out on it, and i'll have a half life mod out in a year at most, as i just started and it's still moving along very quickly