
Rimrook14 years ago2009-10-04 12:00:37 UTC 49 comments
It's my birthday faggots.

I'm 23!

The wall of shame.
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Rimrook14 years ago2009-09-27 21:10:13 UTC 22 comments
Mom called.

She just wanted to say my website sucks. (Her words exactly)


EDIT: I guess I should say I graduated or something...
Rimrook14 years ago2009-09-22 10:54:03 UTC 12 comments
I've been trying to whip out a capture point map. For some reason Its a little more difficult (easier in some spots) to design around the points. I'm looking back at my old maps to see if some of them could be large enough to hold the capture points. Most of them are not. Perhaps Sancefar and maybe Poison Garden are good enough.

If you're reading this and think you have a map that's big enough, download the CP template and give it a shot. If the teamplay thing works well, I may buy a teamplay server.

Other than teamplay, I'm also trying to formulate a fun game mode for non-teamplay deathmatch.

So far I have a sort of King of the Hill setup in my mind. One where the king of the hill keep everyone off with an egon (only weapon he gets) and rest is equipped with standard loadout. Will have to give it a go at some point next week.

The remainder of this week comprises of me graduating my ass out of school. I'm not as excited as I thought I would be, but at least I don't have to go to school. My degree will be a Bachelors of Art in Media Arts and Animation. I almost second-majored in game art, but couldn't afford it.

With this degree, things might be really rough trying to make ends meet. I spoken with a very wise friend and I was inspired to travel to eastern Asia, like China, Korea, or Japan (probably Japan). That could happen soonish within 2 years. I'm really psyched over the whole idea. The best part is that I'm qualified to teach in a foreign country! That makes mad money, so when I come home, I have a nice "nest egg" waiting for me in the money department. With savings like that, I could start a small company, or get my life in the direction I've always wanted it to go in.

Also, I have good karma in east Asia anyway.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-08-14 13:19:35 UTC 15 comments
Windows 7 is nice. :D
Rimrook14 years ago2009-08-11 11:07:32 UTC 19 comments
was bored


EDIT2: MY DRIVE WAS FOUND TODAY! THE MODEL BELOW STILL EXISTS! Luck up the ass today! :happypanda:
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EDIT: Just finished doing that Windows 7 burn... I could have it soon. Now I need to find a way to backup all of my files.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-07-28 12:56:17 UTC 8 comments
The human resources person at my school threw an interesting curve at me today. I went to talk to her about getting hired at the school in the technology department. They seem to be hiring and the position isn't yet filled. When I went to talk to her, she told me she already put my application in for me. I thanked her but now I'm worried I won't get the job because it's not updated, but I don't know if she had put in a good word for me.

Well, here's to hope. Cheers.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-07-21 19:09:27 UTC 9 comments

It's not all there, I figured its better to actively update it.
Rimrook14 years ago2009-07-10 13:51:40 UTC 6 comments
Remaking Maprookie. (lol Maprookie2) I'm looking at the source behind TWHL.

These to be exact:

However, I still can't find out what keeps TWHL centered on the page. What's the div tag property and value that will do that?

...Well for now I could just use a table to set it.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-06-15 23:56:00 UTC 1 comment
Here's another follow up to that Mario thing. Check out mah video.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-06-13 00:00:17 UTC 5 comments
My roommate moved out to go back to his parents' place today. My pad already feels dreadfully empty and depressing. Luckily tommorrow I move out as well to another friend's place. He has great internet and it will help as I play TF2.

I'munna go play TF2 now. BONK!
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Rimrook15 years ago2009-05-27 00:16:22 UTC 6 comments
Have you seen the 9 trailer on youtube? If you haven't you're lame.

see it now

This is the short by Shane Acker that sparked the whole thing, a friend just showed it to me.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-05-25 03:48:30 UTC 13 comments
Don't lynch me for this but I'd like to quickly share something I've been working on sparingly for a few weeks. I mentioned in a previous jounral about and I though I should follow up on it.

Just this link to my progress thread.

Post comments here so you don't have to sign up there.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-05-18 19:42:30 UTC 12 comments
Who likes LEGOS?

I certainly did when I was a kid. It is what got me into the 3d arts. Well, I stumbled upon the Lego Digital Designer! A FREE virtual lego building environment with almost all the pieces that have ever existed at an unlimited ammount.

Its a real toy, I challenge you to make something! Maybe even contest this stuff... I dunno, I'm having fun with it. I would not recommend it if it sucks either.

EDIT: Ok, maybe not EVERY Piece, but a fuck ton of them. I found the Technic Lego parts that have motors and shit. I'll have to mess with this a bit more.

EDIT2: Ok, it updates while your in the program, I now just got the lego people parts as well as some window-like parts I didn't find before. This is awesomeness.

Here's a small ship I plopped together.
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The test chamber from Half Life.
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Its not shutting down.
Rimrook15 years ago2009-05-01 00:37:34 UTC 13 comments
Working on a little something, nothing too spectacular. Something to break the silence really. Its not HL mapping, but it has a lot of mapping involved.

I've been buzzing around the and decided to come up with a small something.

It is called "$1.99 Jedi Cruise Control" for now, it just might stick. I plan to release a youtube video preview of it once I figure out what my lead character is going to be.

Stay Tuned!

Edit: Title may change to "Fosodian Soil"
Rimrook15 years ago2009-04-21 18:19:56 UTC 13 comments
I have to move to Denver in 2 months. Over the last couple of months, I've been slowly building up my career and its been working for me like you wouldn't believe! When I get to Denver Colorado, I will be senior fuckin art director! WOOHOOT!

On the flipside, I have to break a crush a girl had on me for a long time. Long-distance relationships don't work anyway.

Also, my grandfather was killed in a car wreck with a drunk driver.

Also, I'm flat broke to the zero.

Also, I'm dropping out of college, loan capped off 1 class short of my degree. My employer will help me finish with some class online, and pay for it, as well as help with the debt.

Also, I busted my right wrist. I feel a tad useless. My weekend sucked.

There's more, but its more personal. Life sucks here too. :(