
pepper15 years ago2009-09-15 11:39:29 UTC 17 comments
I've been working on a T-34-85 tank, a WWII tank that was feared by the germans for its initial power over the then mbt from the germans.

Im creating it for a Battlefield 2 mod called United Front. Which consists of developers from serval Forgotten Hope 2 tournaments.
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Just shy of 8000 polygons.
pepper15 years ago2009-06-23 13:12:30 UTC 14 comments
Even more modelling!

Still working on the train animation, which got a little messy after being required to down scale, when render times went through the roof and already having downscaled to a lower quality...

So, i decided i could use something fun and usefull. Therefore a 3D model for a game would be nice, i had just seen the Generals at War documentary at NGC, and really like the T-34 tank.

So, here's a start:
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I'm aiming for a BF 1942/HL2 model quality. Suggestions and critics welcome!
pepper15 years ago2009-06-20 09:12:17 UTC 10 comments
Fortress Forever, Team Fortress Classic for Source. As a old school TFC player i love it. There is usually a decent server around. And i managed to already have a few good matches. Engineer and spy classes are done very well(my 2 fav classes) with invisibilty, and hacking of enemy sentry's.

Anyway, go play now:
pepper15 years ago2009-06-12 05:43:30 UTC 6 comments
Remember the TRAXX 160 locomotive i have been working on? I still am! Progress is slow, which is unfortunate since the animation im planning on wont be as good as i hoped it would. Mainly due to time and render constraints. Oh well, here's the current front end of the locomotive, the self-illuminating lights are temporary, im working on making them a bit more fancy with a map from the diffusing shade, and a volumetric light will be placed in front of it with a shadow map so it nicely projects itself on the environment. To many little details? yes, obsessive? yes..
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Test animation, pan around the loc, 250 frames. Took about 4 Hours to render with 250 rays, 1.5 hours with 25 rays.


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pepper15 years ago2009-06-05 13:18:41 UTC 7 comments
Got Far Cry 2 today, based purely on mixed reviews and the cool looks off it. So, some screenshots for you lovely people!

Dawn in Africa. Rather peaceful.
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A desolate miserable town, better not stop here.
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Hmm.. Fire..
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Glad i followed that 2 hour course gardening for pyrotechnics!
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pepper15 years ago2009-05-26 11:15:23 UTC 15 comments
So, my 8800GTS has died on me.. 2 years now since that day we met.

Fortunately the shop i bought it from gives a 3 year warranty, so they gave me a videocard with the same price as the 8800 was new.

I present to you this:
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Yes its actually alive!
pepper15 years ago2009-05-15 17:44:08 UTC 15 comments
More 3D time!

A new project, a tunnel animation, google it, there usually rather boring but the loop thingy is a interesting concept.

So, i made a a short story and based the animation around that. So far i got the locomotive from the beginning, it will be a TRAXX 140. Here is what i got so far:
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pepper15 years ago2009-04-09 04:26:39 UTC 6 comments
I have been working on a 3d environment, in 3dstudiomax. For a school assignment, we have to design a gameconcept and make a animation/trailer about it.

Here are a few tree's i made:
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I think these could look pretty good in goldsrc.
pepper16 years ago2009-01-16 08:28:43 UTC 8 comments
Give this funny little game a go:

Its a 3d shooter/battlefield/mechwarror/battlezone combination, its really fun to play!
pepper16 years ago2008-10-05 04:06:46 UTC 5 comments
I ran across this Flash game a few days ago, i think they did a great job on it! Its a RTS game, but not in the classic C&C style.

Use [ url ] [ /url ] to make a link clickable.
pepper16 years ago2008-10-01 15:54:04 UTC 14 comments
Adobe CS4 is deu in for November 08, certainly interesting for me. Would i mind having a legal version so i could actually sell my work? Yes. What is the price i would pay for that? Well, take a look at this stuff:

Now, if we put this into google:

adobe CS4 pricing


Something is seriously fucked up, and someone should smack those people at Adobe in the face. Offcourse you can apply this to many products like 3D studiomax, which even though is a really good product but also terribly overpriced. Somehow, i think this isnt going to change anytime soon, and it really isnt wise to startup a business with illegal software.
pepper16 years ago2008-09-10 16:27:28 UTC 8 comments
Well, I've been hooked with the Unreal 3 Engine nowadays, we got licenses at school to use it, so that really puts on some pressure to learn it.

First off, they streamlined the layout of the editor and tools with 3dstudiomax and a little Maya, you can easily import new content and export maps. The placement and lightning of models and props is also really easy. And the interface is nice to work with.

But, there's one thing. And that is that it runs fine on the school computers, but the editor just doesn't seems to want to work on my own computer, which is rather annoying since I will need to do a large portion of the work at home, mainly because I only got 8 weeks to learn all the bits n bobbles of the engine, make a decent playing map that will be judged by others then the teacher. And make sure the rest of my team gets the idea, since they never have made maps for games before.

I suppose, that in reality it doesn't differ a lot from any real-life job situation with tight deadlines. Funny thing is, i actually enjoy this kind of pressure, it really allows people to push themselves to the edge and go beyond.

Oh, they also upgrade to max 2009, which seems to lack something called stability on the older school computers....
pepper16 years ago2008-06-19 17:11:05 UTC 11 comments
I went a career fair today, with basicly all the big players in the dutch gamedesign industry, talked a lot, saw a few interesting projects, got a few offers for a stage(working in a company in the 3rd year in school). And a possible freelance job, making accurate 3D models for a rescue simulator that is used by local and european governement services. Also worked on one of my flash games this evening:
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Created a base for the tree, i know the leaf's are still highly oversized, but the style is what i want.
pepper16 years ago2008-03-09 11:21:40 UTC 2 comments
Ive been working for the past weekend on a Flash game called Tiger Assault, im required too finish this within 4 weeks for school, so everything still looks messy but this is mostly to test the functionality of all controls.
pepper17 years ago2007-05-23 06:04:57 UTC 0 comments
A test shot from my upcoming mini-mod called Half-Life : Guitar Hero, Freeman strikes back
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