
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-03-10 16:19:16 UTC 2 comments
Just played The Specialists for the first time, and my god, i was blown away...

I played with bots for about about an hour in random map (the map with the huge hall with the mirrored floor, and all the glass doors/windows you break to continue from area to area) and my god i had a blast familiarizing myself with the controls and all the powerups. I LOVE all the weapons... SUCH an improvement from the original HL weapons.... (on that note, i think A LOT more people would play HLDM if the weapons look/feel/behaviour were upgraded a little bit.. i HATE the original HL weapons..)

Then, i went to a server and got my ass handed to me as one would expect, but still had a great time playing the "the lobby", perfectly recreated from the The Matrix.

kinda sad to only see a few active servers left for such a great game, but at least there still are some... I'm so sad i didn't start playing this game sooner...


hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-03-09 08:08:36 UTC 2 comments
So, I'm back from holidays, and I picked myself up a much needed harddrive for my laptop that is currently choking on the amount of data on it. So I have gracefully given my laptop a Western Digital 1 Terrabyte External Drive for $148 AUD.

Also, blog update:
Kurosaki Ichigo14 years ago2010-03-07 07:32:16 UTC 1 comment
'Fixed' my computer today. Problem > not 100% sure but it may have been from overclocking. The only thing that I saw that was weird was that it had been running fine for well over 2 weeks. Just happened today where the comp would sort of boot up and then try to boot from ExpressGate (yet I disabled it some long time ago).

The fix was resetting the BIOS values (taking out the battery and putting it back in). Sigh
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-03-06 00:15:49 UTC 4 comments
If you liek StarCraft, read on.. =)

I found a thing called chaos launcher that lets me play StarCraft in a window:
User posted image
I guess this has been around for a while, but i never knew about it.
Get Chaos Launcher here!

Also found a working portable version of SC that works flawlessly in my vista 64-bit, that is about 138MB in size. PM me for the source if u interested!

I'm so mf happy!!


Jessie14 years ago2010-03-05 03:08:48 UTC 2 comments
I've been re-playing Red Alert and a few other somewhat aged games recently.
Replaying older games makes you remember the simplicity most of them had back then. Whether that's a good thing or not differs between games, but sometimes it's good just to play something that you don't need to think about as much.
satchmo14 years ago2010-03-05 02:33:30 UTC 8 comments
Another car rear-ended me this morning.

It was entirely the other driver's fault, and he was driving without a license or insurance.

Of course I called the police on that bastard.
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-03-04 23:43:57 UTC 4 comments
I'm writing this from the Internet Cafe' I have gone to for many years now. And in doing so, I can download everything I want. So I am now downloading:

Battlefield 2
Serious Sam HD
Stalker: Shadow of Chernobyl
Rimrook14 years ago2010-03-04 21:31:56 UTC 3 comments
LOLWUT? I opened up Max and made a little something and tried to export it to a Halflife SMD file, only the option wasn't there. I made sure the plugins were installed and even installed them again. No luck. Even worse, I can't import SMD files either. What gives? I can't model for HL anymore?
Notewell14 years ago2010-03-04 18:02:36 UTC 3 comments
I would like to take a moment to write about a certain type of person that really bothers me.
A type of person that I, for lack of a better term that doesn't involve copious amounts of swearing, call idiots.
History has been plauged by these people; Hitler, the KKK, a suprisingly large amount of people in my school. They, suprisingly, have a thought process. It goes like this:
This person is different > I don't like this person > Since I don't like them, they're inferior > Since they're inferior, I can do whatever I want to them.
Frankly, I'm tired of dealing with them, tired of hearing about things they've done, and it has to stop.
In the event of alien contact, how will we be able to deal with it, when we can't even get along with others in our race? If someone with a different nationality, skin colour, customs, or way of thinking can't be treated with an equal amount of respect, how could we possibly do that with an entirely different species from another planet/dimension?

Yes, it's more of a sore spot for me, because I'm one of the "different people", being a computer nerd in a school populated by computer illiterate people. But it's a valid problem, and one humanity had better sort out soon, or nothing will improve for us.

Thanks for your time.
Striker14 years ago2010-03-04 13:58:55 UTC 5 comments
Inspired by the cool last journal post, I just couldn't help myself to use that piece of JavaScript.

Before you see the image: I apologize for any inconvenient modifications, the image should be treated as a joke.

Click to enlarge
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I used ScreenGrab, a Firefox addon, to make a site screenshot.
saw183314 years ago2010-03-01 19:49:15 UTC 12 comments
So neat bit of javascript code here.
Enter this in the toolbar, and the whole site you're on becomes "editable" to a point. It's client-side, so don't expect to change anything and save it.

"JavaScript:document.body.contentEditable='true'; document.designMode='on'; void 0"

Sorry ahead of time Rimmy.
User posted image
ashephard14 years ago2010-03-01 12:22:13 UTC 11 comments

I had my first day of Uni today. I'm studying Civil Engineering, and am already starting to stress.

My maths subject sounds impossibly difficult, and the many assignments for my other subjects will take alot of time and higher order thinking - things not required in high school.

Oral presentations are going to be prevalent - one of my weak points is public speaking, so now I'm stressing even more.

People keep mentioning MatLab, SolidWorks and PebblePad, is anyone familiar with those particular programs?

I found myself falling asleep in my 2 hour long Engineering Materials lecture, as the chemistry he was explaining turned into crazy theorems and concepts which completely lost me.

My subjects include: Mathematical Methods for Engineers 1, Sustainable Engineering Practice, Engineering Materials and Computer Techniques.

Tomorrow I'm off to get my textbooks, configure my laptop to work with the university's wireless network, and spend 3 straight hours in maths lectures and practicals. Oh joy.

Well there you have it, folks! What do you guys have to say. Anyone else completed/completing/wanting to complete an Engineering Degree? Anyone in the same or similar situation as me, or have been? Anyone got any advice?
hlife_hotdog14 years ago2010-02-28 19:57:15 UTC 4 comments
I'm on holiday for the next week. I'll still have my laptop and the internet (thankyou wireless broadband) but I'll be with my fiance' so not only will she want to use it, but if she's not using it then she'll want my attention. I can't win.

But whatever, i'll be logging onto the net at my favorite Internet Cafe who upgraded to the fastest broadband he could get his hands on, 8mb/s. So I'll get to download all the games i bought on Steam but couldn't download their huge size without wasting my monthly limit.

So cheers, and don't forget my blog, I'm actually enjoying it...

Notewell14 years ago2010-02-28 12:36:01 UTC 4 comments
I went hunting with my pal Mike today. We had a pretty good time.
First, we gathered up all the equipment we needed. It wasn't much, but we almost ran out of ammo by the time the day was done.
User posted image
We found a nice spot to wait for something to come along, and Mike decided he wanted his picture taken with everything.
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We got a few small things, but eventually managed to bag this bad boy:
User posted image
Bugger took almost all the ammo we had to bring down, but it was worth it.
It was good day.
Captain Terror14 years ago2010-02-28 03:48:36 UTC 15 comments
Let's look at some of the challenges you'll face, as a test participant:

... yeah, what? :/