
Rimrook17 years ago2007-03-21 08:25:08 UTC 0 comments
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-20 19:48:01 UTC 0 comments
I am officially hired.

New badge and business card.
Orpheus17 years ago2007-03-19 18:30:25 UTC 0 comments
Baron Von Snickers and I had lunch in Austin a week ago. Had a blast talking about editing and gaming in general. :glad:
User posted image
Luke17 years ago2007-03-19 16:36:08 UTC 0 comments
User posted image
Habboi17 years ago2007-03-19 15:22:32 UTC 0 comments

I seem to have gotten some good feedback from my video :)
Azoth7217 years ago2007-03-19 15:03:08 UTC 0 comments
This is the first time I've ever gotten back and touched Source SDK. I mean, I actually opened Steam! The only time I have done that since the last time I wrote an entry was so I could play Garry's Mod (10). However, I did create Alyx Torture Chamber Version 2. It's pretty nice, Alyx died in some painful ways.
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-19 08:42:35 UTC 0 comments
My book, "The Everything Parent's Guide to Childhood Illnesses", is now available for pre-ordering at Amazon.

Click here to pre-order.
38_9817 years ago2007-03-18 13:43:42 UTC 0 comments
Quick update.

Birthday (What can i say? I didn't feel like having anything this year, except some money, and i haven't even used it).
Stuff (stuff stuff stuff, glorious stuff).
School (Nothing new, everyday is like clockwork).
Obsessive gaming of Oblivion (Tempted to download some expansions off xbox live).
Gears of war (Again obsessively. Mostly co-op and versus with friends).

If your lucky, you might find me on xbox live every now and then.

Gamertag: Teh Drama Llama*

*im pretty sure thats it, haven't used it in a while.

Anyway, bye. :)
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-17 18:13:58 UTC 0 comments
I just made dm_vertico and sp_vertico. This is probably the last map that I'll make for a while, since my son is going to arrive in July.

After the birth, my life will be consumed with diapers and bottles. I'll have to lay down my AR and crossbow for a while.
Elon Yariv17 years ago2007-03-15 10:18:44 UTC 0 comments
New map, it's my compo entery.
SpaG17 years ago2007-03-14 11:36:07 UTC 0 comments
Recovered after a HDD failure. Got a new HDD today (Took a while). Been busy installing shit :)
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-03-12 01:54:21 UTC 0 comments
Just submitted my trial application for the cs clan [SNAK], hopefully I'll get in. :) Aussie time: 8:54pm.
splatzone17 years ago2007-03-11 14:55:04 UTC 0 comments
Hmm... Dunno if this has been done before. I'm experimenting with the use of abandoned sounds/models left in by valve, and am currently working on a system for a mod (all entity based) to tell the time depending on how far you are through the levels, and if the power level drops to a certain level, will strip the player of his HEV 'til he finds a charger, and reactivates it. I've been doing it today in spirit, and it has gone quite well :D
Dave93293217 years ago2007-03-10 20:23:17 UTC 0 comments
Sadly, FresheD is right.
Strider17 years ago2007-03-09 03:32:05 UTC 0 comments
Woohoo, after a few minor problems i finally have my new computer up and running. Now there's just a few weeks of installing to do.