
Daubster17 years ago2007-03-30 08:50:46 UTC 0 comments
Easter holidays.. Finally. :heart:
Habboi17 years ago2007-03-30 04:57:17 UTC 0 comments
Well I gave up on playing Stalker on this PC...With the current bugs and my low spec PC I can't enjoy it...So I'm thinking of getting a new PC such as this:

My current PC specs are:

Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 3.20GHz
1023.0 MB RAM

It doesn't even support 3.0 Shaders now...The first push was when I wanted to play Splinter Cell 5...

It's Easter Holidays now and I have quite a bit of work to do...In terms of mapping I haven't done any in a long time due to lack of motivation when I have free time and the fact I get tired after working...

I decided that I would enjoy my Summer Holidays because this is my last term at Secondary school...I'm planning on joining a 'Sword' teaching club, going to the Reading Festival (No not reeding (pronounced) but red-ing (pronounced)) (Google it) and finally use that valuable time to map my ass off :)

So how many maps have I got to finish or give up on?

Well my school map, Dedication 2, Horror map, architectural map and a mod map I was planning to do.

Anyway have a good week.
hlife_hotdog17 years ago2007-03-30 00:09:32 UTC 0 comments
Yay!!! :biggrin:

I got first in my first comp!!! The suspense for waiting for the results was beginning to kill me!! I liked Section 23, that should have also gotten first place.
srry17 years ago2007-03-29 20:55:46 UTC 0 comments
Well, I'm using the wireless hotel internets right now...
User posted image
I'm in San Diego, visiting some relatives, and having a boring old time. Yay.
satchmo17 years ago2007-03-29 12:01:37 UTC 0 comments
My book comes out in all major bookstores tomorrow.
Dr. Mapper17 years ago2007-03-29 08:03:10 UTC 0 comments
Long time no see :lol:
Wrangler24917 years ago2007-03-29 04:47:28 UTC 0 comments
Delete my offensive pic eh mods??? EH???!!!

I don't blame you to be honest. Not even doom music could save him anyway, it's no secret to anybody.

Anyway, I bought S.T.A.L.K.E.R a couple of days ago and it's just like Oblivion but with Ak47s to replace the swords. Time to stab with bullets! I bought my friend a copy too, but he broke his wrist so it was more a form of torture than anything because he can't play it properly!

Ps: Whatever happened to freedom of speech anyway?
Penguinboy17 years ago2007-03-29 03:18:53 UTC 0 comments
ultragamer17 years ago2007-03-28 15:57:32 UTC 0 comments
Yay! I followed the steps in the valve developer wiki and successfully compiled a working hl2 mod! I Currently have to add some chapters to the new game menu. I'm trying to figure out where the code for the sprint drain rate is. You can help me out here.
pepper17 years ago2007-03-28 01:23:27 UTC 0 comments
Fun times for those interested in economics, looks like the american housing market is going to blow!
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BrattyLord17 years ago2007-03-27 17:13:33 UTC 0 comments
It's not that I can't code for Source, its that I don't want to...
ToiletRoll17 years ago2007-03-27 16:26:09 UTC 0 comments
Carentan Diary

Yawn... it's like 1.21am right now and I have frigging college tomorrow but my Carentan map is too addictive to leave for tonight/morning - so I'm going to stay up a bit longer and fiddle around with a building structure.... so yeah, the map is coming along well now with the Axis spawn point and surrounding area complete. Next is to finish off the linking garden from a hotel to one of the main roads in Carentan, should be interesting... anywho, I'm dead now

Peace out
spinakerjones17 years ago2007-03-27 13:09:55 UTC 0 comments
makin a new map! i need a good name for it, fy_platform is just boring...anyways im working on a web site thing if you can even call it that its like google pages or something but its going to have screen shots of my map dustwarz and platform and also links to download both (it will soon been full of awsome maps!) onec im done with it.
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2007-03-26 22:44:21 UTC 0 comments
Can't wait til Sven Co-op 3.5 comes out coz it looks really REALLY better than 3.0! Some things they put into 3.5 (that obviously wasn't in 3.0) are:

-Ai now shoot and break crates. (Youtube it!)
-monsters don't stop and attack (a zombie for an example)
-new particle effect things.
-Gargs can now eat people!! And also throw people.
-New weapons and models.
-I think body guards have been added.
-Alien controllers (the flying guys with energy balls) now summon reinforcements through teleports.
-A new Tor. (If you don't know him/it, google it or play sven co-op)

Theres plenty more things so go to YouTube and watch em and also visit SvenCoop's main site for more updates!
ToiletRoll17 years ago2007-03-26 10:55:50 UTC 0 comments
I'm new here but see that a lot of people have atleast one entry in their journal... so I want one too :cool:
At the moment I'm mapping one of my own plans for DoD: Source. The map is a segment of Carentan where the 506th managed to defeat some Germans and secure St-Come-du-Mont.
I've basically completed the German spawn area and now I'm working on the surrounding alleys and gardens that join up the main routes.... I'll show some screenshots once I've placed some lighting effects in the map!
Thanks :D