
Quakis17 years ago2006-12-23 16:31:14 UTC 0 comments
Bit of up to date news about my projects and plans. Currently coding some things I will eventually use for my Mansion project for Duke3D such as a custom inventory selection to the right. However I dont have any screenshot of that but I do have one of a new key system and health display;

Other small codes I have for fun which I might possibly use in, "The System" which is another project of mine for Duke3D is the Health and Armor chargers (like the ones in HL) Keys and +1 Health Bonus pickups.

Also have a mod idea for Duke3D to make use of 32bit features which is quite similar theme to some post-apocalyspe Final Fantasy settings but at the same time quite different.

Lastly, hopefully I will start practising to use Source a bit more (and that goes for modelling and conversion) and try to make some short, yet somewhat enjoyable SP maps.

Ofcourse I'd also love to make some maps for Zdoom, HL1 and Doom3 Engine based games sometime but I want to finish my current Duke3D projects first.
Gunter17 years ago2006-12-23 13:43:37 UTC 0 comments
New avatar, merry christmas.
Kurosaki Ichigo17 years ago2006-12-22 19:01:28 UTC 0 comments
Hi again.... :aghast: Merry Christmas to all!!! :D
Azoth7217 years ago2006-12-22 17:17:43 UTC 0 comments
About time, it's finally break and my list of things that I do has changed. I got XSI Mod Tool 4.2 working on my computer downstairs and have already gotten started learning to correctly model for Half-Life 2. Also, I'm recovering from my mapping drainage from school and my skills (if I have any) have returned.
pepper17 years ago2006-12-22 11:04:49 UTC 0 comments
Got myself a new guitar today, it was a real bargain, only 658 euro's, and that is including a guitar belt with real bullets(no powder i geuss). Plays like a dream and is best with rock and bleus.

Here are a few web piccies about it, havent had time myself to shoot some deu to work and school.
ultragamer17 years ago2006-12-22 10:28:53 UTC 0 comments
Hello ultragamer! This is your 100th login. Nice!

Sweet! :biggrin:.
Daubster17 years ago2006-12-22 03:25:57 UTC 0 comments
Christmas holidays.. Finally. :glad:
Ceriux17 years ago2006-12-21 20:59:34 UTC 0 comments
Hey... i guess this is my first entry... well to start off. iv started mapping for a mod new to me which is prolly pretty old Science and Industry...
its a cool mod " im not part of the dev team " but im having trouble with something lets just say im not an expert mapper but im pretty good.
so u will prolly see me posting about it on the forums.
RotatorSplint17 years ago2006-12-21 18:20:33 UTC 0 comments
liek zOMG:
User posted image

Oh, and I ordered my new computer 5 minutes ago :P . It'll be here after Christmas tho... Damn you Jesus!
hlife_hotdog17 years ago2006-12-21 17:31:04 UTC 0 comments
Here it is! Santa's Revenge is FINISHED! I was pushing to make it by christmas but I managed it. Here's the short story:

Have you got a grudge against Santa?
Let me guess he didn't give you what you wanted for Christmas? Get your own back in Santa's Revenge!

Santa has gone insane!

That's right, He's no longer putting lumps of coal in all the children's stockings. He is taking vengeance on all the naughty, ungrateful children by capturing and killing them. Without the kindness of their leader to pacify them, his elves are killing on
sight! Grab your Xmas Treebar and your Gattlin' Cannon and get out there to save the children and STOP that Santa.

This Single Player mod contains five maps, new weapons, textures and models. There is no Multiplayer,
but using Spirit of Half-Life, there are surprises around every corner. In your quest to stop Santa, you will
face his small army of elves, dwarves and magical snowmen as you progress through Santa's workshop.

This download is 20 mb and contains an install program that will install Santa's Revenge to your computer.
Please read the information and license agreements before installing Santa's Revenge. If you need help or
any useful tips for when you get stuck then email me at - I'll send you the tip sheet.

Check the map vault for a direct download or go here:
Azoth7217 years ago2006-12-21 15:40:44 UTC 0 comments
I got a new avatar! LOOK AT IT!
BJ17 years ago2006-12-21 13:57:11 UTC 0 comments
I uploaded a set of example maps to the example map vault demonstrating HL trigger_changelevel and info_landmark entities.

Also uploaded an example map for a dropship moving in, dropping a soldier and flying off; uploaded an example map for demonstrating aggressive behavior for an apache that seems to continually seek a better firing angle on the player as the player moves down a hallway.
Tetsu017 years ago2006-12-21 11:50:31 UTC 0 comments
I have my first REAL show tomorrow night at the webster theater in Hartford Connecticut.

It's pretty cool to see how far my band has come in only 2 years. We went from playing coffee houses for free, to playing at hooters restaurants for cash, and now we have a real venue to jam out at.

All we have to do is sell 6 more tickets and we're golden!!

Oh i cant wait its gonna be sick.

ANd..... im workin on a new hldm map. Modeled after some abandoned processing plant thing. Looks pretty good so far but im only about 30% done with it and i have NO CLUE where im gonna put any spawns or weapons.
Oh well. that'll come in due time i suppose
EDEdDNEdDYFaN17 years ago2006-12-20 20:20:10 UTC 0 comments
Hello EDEdDNEdDYFaN! This is your 800th login. A true TWHLer!
Saribous17 years ago2006-12-20 14:31:19 UTC 0 comments
So.. What's new?

Well, I'm working 7 days a week until the 30th, yes that includes christmas eve. Hey, I don't celebrate it so I might as well make some money. After the 30th, I should have around 5000Sek, which translates into ~700 us dollars if my math isn't completely screwed. Might be, it's late.. Anyways, I'm going to start the year with a massiva shopping spree. I want a new mp3 player and a new guitar.

Other "news"; I bought Twilight Princess (the GC version, can't afford a Wii yet) and I absolutely love it. It is definitely the best Zelda game. It even pwns my old favorite, Ocarina of Time. There's no excuse for not getting this game, period.

And finally, I got a hold of a beta key to "The Burning Crusade", the expansion to WoW. Just need to download 2.13gb worth of files then I'm set to go!